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Fearless Apr 2020
Diving off the high dive into the dark unknown
sometimes in life, we think we're all alone
the silence of the water as it closes o'er our head
giving us the peace that we'll feel when we are dead
worried about what others think, we walk along a beam
feeling so frustrated, that we just want to scream
I just don't want to care, what they think of me
I just want to finally be opened up and free
joy sparks up inside, flipping through the air
finally, things going right, I'm free without a care
until the gun shot rings and I'm running for my life
jumping over hurdles of pain and fear and strife
gliding over ice in a sparkling white dress
but one fall from grace, will put me in distress
overanalyzing all the twists and turns of fate
is the one thing about me, that I really seem to hate
I wish I didn't think sometimes, wish I didn't want to know
I'd be so much happier if I could just go with the flow
Fearless Apr 2020
Where does it all start, I don't see the beginning
but when there are 5, it's a symbol you are winning
round and round they go, seamless but entwined
and if you are like me, they're invading your whole mind
these circles in my head, they spin out of control
it makes it difficult, to focus on just one goal
they all seem interlocked, connected to each other
so which should pick first? Is it this one or another?
one is for relationships, it constantly seems to spin
it's in the center of the others, and we always want to win
to win the guy or girl, have the perfect combination
most of the time, this leads to nothing but frustration
'cause people aren't a prize, that you can conquer and move on
once you win their heart, they don't like it when you're gone
another ring's career, and this one can be tough
especially when your identity is wrapped up in this stuff
what if you choose wrong and it doesn't seem to fit
what if it's too stressful and you just can't handle it
what if you get bored and want something that is new
or you waste too much time, on trying out a few
then there are your hobbies, another choice to choose
trying to pick out something, you know that you won't lose
you want to be good at stuff but you don't know what to do
'cause you like too many things, but none of it is "you"
your friends are an important circle that you want to trust
and you will cut them out, if they hurt you, 'cause you must
push them away or pull them close depending what they do
they have to be the ones who are always there for you
the last of these great circles that wind around your head
is the identity you're trying to find before the day you're dead
who are you, what do you want, when will you feel ok
each day you wake up feeling that this is not the day
there's one more hoop to jump through before you will be there
and then you'll finally walk through this life without a care
it's hard to navigate this life through these olympic rings
circling through your brain, they pack a punch that stings
they sing a little song telling you you're not enough
that if you figure all this out, then you will have the stuff
then you will be miss confident, or mr. got it right
then you'll know you won, you're the victor in this fight
but the circles will keep spinning till you realize this ain't true
you've always been enough, you just need to see that too
Fearless Apr 2020
Someday I'll look back and see
this time spent between you and me
watching movies every night
wondering if this could be right

a friendship blooms between us two
and I don't know what I should do
'cause love is blooming in my heart
but I don't know if this will start

the future's not where I should focus
there is no magic hocus pocus
that will make this into something more
and I've done this times before

So I just want to take each day
thankful for the passing way
we giggle, eat tacos, and talk each night
and take each moment with delight

so you're my friend and I will stay
through good and bad, come what may
whatever God has planned for us
I know in Him, I put my trust

whether there's a first kiss coming soon
or holding hands beneath the moon
or if you're just a trustworthy friend
that I can count on till the end

'cause I'm not leaving, never will
until you make me, had your fill
then I'll go, if go I must
but in me you can always trust.
Fearless Apr 2020
A cheerful little bike ride
along a sunny road
doing chores around the house
am I reaping what I sowed?

I have peace and hopefulness
when all is going crazy
people losing jobs
and I'm chillin out here lazy

dinners with a group of friends
watching movies with my roomy
I feel so bad for all those out there
feeling oh so gloomy

I had a rough and stressful time
over the last 3 years
and now I'm happy and content
I'm crying no more tears

baby iguana crossed my path
I saw a butterfly
these hard times will pass for you too
but it's ok for you to cry

the sun comes out tomorrow
just like it did today
and God is always with us
in all times come what may

I always sabotage myself
whenever I am happy
I make myself feel miserable
but now I'm being sappy

because I fell in love again
nearly impossible to believe
but you just never know
what God has up His sleeve

penance you try to earn
but closure you can find
there's just one thing you must do
stop trying to rewind

the past never makes sense
nor will it ever change
it's best to just move forward
till it is out of range

Then giggles and rainbows
and butterflies and birds
will cheer your every thought
and you won't be angry with my words!
Fearless Apr 2020
There was a perfect man
who lived a perfect life
this was not an easy thing
but filled with temptation and strife

He had a group of friends
and they traveled all the land
healing lame and blind
or with a crippled hand

He was kind and he was funny
His friends loved Him so much
because He cared for all
with a gentle, healing touch

He turned water into wine
and He ate and drank with sinners
He was criticized and attacked
for having prostitutes at dinners

He was ridiculed and laughed at
they didn't like that he was right
it was bruising to their egos
and made them want to fight

they didn't like his teaching
His perfection made them look bad
they couldn't see it was for them
and this made Him very sad

so when He stood accused
and they threw things in His face
He just sat there quiet
and extended loving grace

when He died some would turn
and realize what He'd done
that He really was the Son of God
and Heaven had just won.
Fearless Apr 2020
6 days He worked and the seventh He rested
Throughout all His life, and even when tested
one church will tell you that this isn't so
that we worship on Sunday 'cause that's when He rose
But even in death, He rested on seven
His work here was done, on earth and in Heaven
A horrible death, He died for our sin
He did it so LOVE would always win
when we make excuses for all that we do
we think love lets you do whate're you want to
love sets boundaries on behavior that's bad
because those sins will just make you sad
wake up with a hangover and you don't feel good
or sleep with that person just because you could
there's no consequences for a minute of fun
but what happens next, when this is all done?
He paid the price for every sin that you make
and all you can do is take, take, and take
it's never enough, you always want more
you don't even know what you're searching for
freedom, escape, from this hole that's inside
try to fill it with stuff, or numb it, or hide
accept His sacrifice, His love fills your soul
this is what's missing, this is your goal
we don't understand it, 'cause it's not a thing
like money, career, or a big diamond ring
but it fills you with confidence, freedom, and love
because it's a blessing, a gift from above
when you think of the empty things in your life
bleak bank account, no husband or wife
seek above all, the kingdom of God
and He gives even more, it's really quite odd
Think of His life, His death, and His love
and let it protect you like a well-fitting glove
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