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Fearless Apr 2020
Hugs are strange for people like me
I'm a little bit awkward so I can't see
a way to show you how much I care
without physical touch, 'cause I don't dare
I want to be close and cuddle up tight
but I want everything to be just perfectly right
I'm constantly fighting that idealistic
but don't even see I'm being unrealistic
so I need you to hug me 'cause I don't know
what I should do, or where I should go
My ADHD causes oddness in me
It's something I think everybody can see
when I don't know what to do, I run away
but all I really wanted was a reason to stay
Fearless Apr 2020
I sat on a fence for a while
I did it with quite a big smile
but then in the end
left without a friend
I suddenly felt I'm on trial

I stood at a fork in the trail
so terrified I might fail
and choose the wrong way
then I'd have to pay
left alone with no one to post bail

I wavered between two decisions
thoughts hitting my brain like collisions
didn't know what to do
so I thought I'd ask You
and sat down to wait for some visions

Life is just full of hard choices
listening to so many voices
but you have to pick
because time will tick
and you'll want to be one who rejoices

Jesus is coming again
yes, we're drawing near to the end
so get off the wall
and stop your long stall
and accept Him as your loving friend
Fearless Mar 2020
the world is topsy turvy like a wobbly spinning top
which is just what they do, when they're about to stop
when fertility is low, and the world is overcrowded
it's not a big mystery that's dark and somehow shrouded

the oceans filled with plastic and earthquakes everywhere
but still we all just carry on, like we have not a care
pestilence in Africa is just one of many signs
that maybe this is taking place because of great designs

the love of humans has grown cold
no respect for those grown old
divorce and hate are commonplace
for this careless, selfish human race

some fighting just to save the world like it's a living soul
disregarding the purpose of our existence very goal
the fight for love, to prove it's real, that's what we're all here for
that's it, there's no big mystery, just love, there isn't more

but love is complicated, you can see that all around
hate and fear are easier, that's why they both abound
now the devil's having fun as he forces isolation
he knows his time is ending, it's our only consolation

everyone's now suspicious
the toll on the world is vicious
for some no food is on the table
there is nothing left that's stable

Wars and rumors of wars, will come from far and close
really pay attention to the things that matter most
watch out for the false prophets, who will come and tell us lies
the sun and moon will darken, stars falling from the skies

If you think the world will bounce back and it will just be fine
then you need to open up your eyes and see this grand design
the world was never meant to last just look at the decay
though we try to save the earth, it WILL have it's last day
Fearless Mar 2020
A dog jumps in the lake and splashes all around
my heart it thrills a bit at the joyous little sound
not a care he has as he runs about with ease
he's not a bit afraid of this rampant new disease
a bird calls up above, calling to it's mate
not a bit of fear, regret, or holding on to hate
a child laughs with glee at the butterflies around
she has no regulator on the loudness of her sound
the bright and golden sun dips down in a low bow
the bugs all buzz around, they know what happens now
the wind sounds through the pines a calming melody
all these things go on as normal, in perfect harmony
they don't fear tomorrow, what it brings or if it comes
they go about their business with their little nature hums
the Creator has a plan and they trust Him with their care
they never complain or whine, that life is so unfair
they're job in this world, their purpose is His glory
and that is why they know, that they never have to worry
Fearless Mar 2020
my heart keeps coming back to you
I do not know just what to do
I pushed away to find another
trying to listen to my mother
so many voices telling me to date
a thing I loathe and truly hate
I'd rather stand and give a speech
then put my heart in someone's reach
there must be something wrong with me
relationships have always been scary
when I love someone I'm just all in
but they treat it like a game to win
my heart is not a ball to kick
I'm not standing in a row to pick
when out of options claim my heart
after you already tore it apart
what the hell is wrong with you?
what on earth did I do?
now hurt and bitter, full of fear
I see it when looking in the mirror
I just wanted sweet romance
and someone who'd ask me to dance
who'd lay in the grass and stare at the sky
but now I'm left to wonder why
you just really didn't care
when we could have made a great pair
will I ever get any closure
or am I left to fake my composure?
Fearless Mar 2020
Today is going to be a great day
even if all that they have to say
is complaining and griping all day long
I know that with Jesus I will stay strong
I will not gossip with ladies at work
I won't roll my eyes or curse or smirk
Negative banter is just not for me
it just goes in circles continuously
dwelling on problems they just cant fix
creates all sorts of nervous ticks
at work all day but on their phone
wondering why they feel so alone
arguments between young and old
nobody doing what they are told
nope, I just sit there and work quietly
accomplishing more most diligently
and when I've decided to take my leave
with no tricks or selfishness up my sleeve
they might notice and they might just see
that it was Jesus who was working through me
Fearless Mar 2020
I sat a while and thought of you
it doesn't hurt me so
I'm writing this little poem
'cause I thought that you should know
the pain is gone the racing thoughts
that overwhelmed my brain
I had felt so much despair
would I be normal ever again?
now it's gone and when you chance
to cross over my mind
I find that it's ok now
and the hurt is left behind
I don't yearn, and I don't cry
over things that could have been
or throw a little tantrum
'cause this time I didn't win
I don't try to kid myself
that you're a dream come true
because now I know that's silly
and just not fair to you
you're just a boy with a life
living it the best you can
someday I hope you remember me
when you've become a man
so my advice to all those girls
who fall for a beautiful boy
if he's not ready to grow up
don't let him treat you like a toy
turn your back and walk away
you can't change him though you try
he'll come back around someday
if he is the right guy
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