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13/F/NJ/silently screaming    I'm just a 13 yo girl who wants to share some of her thoughts with a world of like-minded people. I have a skin-picking disorder, …
17/Transgender Female    I write
Ferdinand Sabidor Panerio
38/M/Pob.Maragusan Philippines    "If it can't be penned, then it can't be understand." -F. Panerio ALL POEMS WRITTEN IS MY PERSONAL VIEWS, THOUGHTS, AND IDEAS. WRITTEN TO INSPIRED …
Mister J
29/M/Philippines    When we struggle, we write. Life is a blank parchment to be filled with words.
Rabiu Ameen
38/M/Nigeria    Rabiu Ameen is an inspiring "poet-hobbyist" that has written numerous poems covering themes like; love, romance, nature, people, culture and sometimes dark magic fantasy. He …
Infamous one
Hello friend! My name is infamous1! I've been writing for years, its my voice. I'm being more creative no longer self destructive. I started writing …
T R Wingfield
41/M/Deep in the Heart'o'Dixie    Please excuse spelling and punctuation errors. I use this as a mobile sketchpad. Most poems are stream-of-consciousness and almost certainly a rough draft. All works …
63/U.S    William Shakespeare quote Life is as tedious as a TWICE -TOLD TALE Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man
Abbott J Hardison
14/M/Rochester NY    "True love is not just a feeling; it's an unwavering commitment to understanding, supporting, and cherishing each other."
F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
Peter Gerstenmaier
31/M/Mariupol/Pluto    Be back soon...
23/M/North Korea   
I'm a songwriter that likes to express myself through lyrics and music.
Clay Micallef
Geof Spavins
67/M/United Kingdom    I started writing after my lover, my life, my wife, my all died. Words are powerful and in that strength we must care.

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