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378 · Feb 2022
Mule Deer
Whit Howland Feb 2022
There's a whistle blast
on the wings
of a guitar string


by a mountain of mirth
joy and a little dirt
under our nails

as we ride the rails
you and I with an occasional dance
to distract us

from the cup of joe and fact
that we are flying
by the seat of our pants
Absurdism and homage to a fantastic comedian and singer.
378 · Mar 2022
Spring Snow
Whit Howland Mar 2022
Like a giant hand
shaking a box of soap flakes
all over the place


wiping dry


the last gasp
or a new beginning
A word painting.
369 · Aug 2021
Flotsam and Jetsam
Whit Howland Aug 2021
The damage is done
my love

and I understand that your forgiveness
won't be forthcoming

and all I can say to explain
is this

what I did I did under

and it may be hard to comprehend
that I only meant to protect you

it is a concept I fear will be forever
lost at sea

whit howland © 2021
365 · Jan 2021
book buying
Whit Howland Jan 2021
did he
or did he not

write his great American novel
on a roll of toilet paper

so many questions so
many conversations

so little well

is what you make
of it

you and i had time
and then we didn't

whit howland © 2021
An abstract word painting. An original.
364 · May 2021
Evening sky in Summer
Whit Howland May 2021
a faded pair
of blue jeans

that served us well
as shadows set in
and pretty soon

there'll be nothing to see
and not much to tell
other than what we can glean

by the cold light
of a glinting sharp
silvery moon

whit howland © 2021
a word painting
361 · Jul 2019
Whit Howland Jul 2019
In heated moments
I now to speak to my dad
with calm aplomb and authority

and he now sees I'm no longer
his boy with needs not met

but who am I

a question I'll scrawl
to myself on a postcard
with a half dead
felt tip pen

now in sepia tones
fading and fainter
with each passing day

this weekend I thought
my wife and I were
un moored from our marriage

almost as if it happened
on an overnight flight

(the felt tip pen now dead)

but she sailed back to me
when I suggested we shop
for postcards

if they still exist

and send them
to each other even
though we are here
and not there

I'll also try to find
and buy a new felt tip pen

I like the way
the wet sloppy ink
kisses the card stock
357 · Sep 2023
Silver Bucket
Whit Howland Sep 2023
It's not about the mark

or the song

it's those other things
on the list

buy some pears
carrots and milk

do the windows
get the car fixed

vacuum the floors
dust out the corners

and the cobwebs
off the eves

it's all about leaving

cupboards well stocked
and the place

than you found it
351 · Mar 2021
Eye Witness
Whit Howland Mar 2021
To God
only known
we are

to everyone else

you are seeing
what  no one else
can view


you now know
what he can only


whit howland © 2021
An abstract word painting.
349 · Sep 2019
City Desk
Whit Howland Sep 2019
like meat
with a butcher's knot

a bundle of papers
sits on the side walk

the rain

the front page

the news

a steady stream of ink

feeding into the storm drain

© Whit Howland 2019
Straight up imagery with a touch of surrealism.
344 · Sep 2019
Old Truck
Whit Howland Sep 2019
Still life
like silver apples

pop art in
a front yard
rust now rolling

up on once apple
green paint

© Whit Howland 2019
A poem based on words and images with textures.
341 · Jul 2019
Whit Howland Jul 2019
of bull to cow

slamming facts
obstructing with opinion

sworn testimony

tainted evidence


misplaced translation

whit howland © 2019
Work with the hand you are dealt.
340 · Dec 2019
Whit Howland Dec 2019
I woke up

this morning and saw you
brushing your hair in the mirror

I asked you if it’s Sunday
you said yes

I feel we’ve been here before
and like a revolving door

we have the same conversation
at different times
and in different places

the words and music
so familiar to my ear

as we continue
to turn

and reset the earth like a clock

Whit Howland © 2019
338 · Jul 2019
Whit Howland Jul 2019

don't write about it

paint a scream

a pen not a brush
only corrupts the scene

turn paper to canvas

let colors cry
flow tears and bleed

whit howland © 2019
Ourselves stripped bare to our syntax
337 · Jul 2023
Magic 8 Ball
Whit Howland Jul 2023
It's too big
for the corner pocket

and that's no longer
a call I can make

my life now
reduced to shaking

a ******* ball

with an eight

and peering
into the deep blue

for  a suitable
dimestore prophecy
335 · Jul 2019
Las Vegas
Whit Howland Jul 2019
Today sunny
loomed on the horizon

but the storm never happened

wind warm
touch of chill
blew gently

but the storm never happened

all day I waited
behind the eyes
a slot machine
spinning wheels
one round in the chamber

but the storm never happened

whit howland © 2019
331 · May 2022
Glorious Morning
Whit Howland May 2022
This morning your eyes sparkled
as you talked

to the birds that chirped
through the screen

then you shimmied up
your scratching post

I wish I could take back what happened
to you three weeks ago

and found you before it was
too late

my cross to bear but
bear it I will
329 · Jul 2022
The Funny Bone
Whit Howland Jul 2022
There's nothing funny
and it doesn't tickle
nor is there any gold to be spun

the sensation's rough
filled with pain tears
and very little mirth

but that is best understood
coming from your mouth
directly into a silver microphone
Doing stand-up these days.
327 · Apr 2022
Bar Magic
Whit Howland Apr 2022
It's the small acts of magic
like the floating bar napkin

the dime for every quarter
or the clean separation

of two straws
tangled as lovers

somewhere south of heaven

these little sleights of hand
turning heads everyday

and changing minds
326 · Aug 2017
Postcard From Paris
Whit Howland Aug 2017
I've walked across a bridge with locks
ate quiche in a bistro on the Left Bank

I've seen the Eiffel Tower
lit up like a sparkler at night
and maybe it was somewhere
on the Champs Elysees

I realized how far I've pushed you away

I'm ready to come home to you
and don't worry about the broken vase

nothing we can't fix
or replace

Whit Howland © 2017
323 · Jan 2022
Shredded Wheat
Whit Howland Jan 2022
in a bowl of milk

to be lashed
into a raft

to sail down
a river
literary or otherwise


a litany
of possibilities of where
this vessel

could go
An abstract word painting.
320 · Apr 2021
Whit Howland Apr 2021
gray and beady-eyed
running along the base board
a morsel of cheese in it's mouth


is it a  plastic creature attached
to a cord
guiding you along a pixeled floor

which is it and why do we care


they mean things
significant things

whit howland © 2021
317 · Jun 2019
Whit Howland Jun 2019
A deep red silo
a ruddy  
split rail fence

bales of hay
framing a  modest
full patch
of healthy buttery  corn

a candy apple and
white American
muscular tractor

and a hot warm
breeze the perfect

conveyance for
the distance growl
of a mower and

the wafting aroma
of manure and fertilizer
313 · Oct 2021
Alarm Clock
Whit Howland Oct 2021
Fire engine
candy apple


two little bells
perched atop
with shaky hands

tick tock
tick tock


the time is here
the dye
has been cast

my wife

your husband
a long
and happy life

whit howland © 2021
An impressionistic word painting. An original.
313 · Nov 2019
Flowers in the wind
Whit Howland Nov 2019
expressed in
radiant beauty

a meadow
with clusters of

some pink
others white
with a blushing core

they sway to and fro
not chaotic
but martial with the wind

and they fight their battles
not with swords
and shields

but with rhythm
and dance

© Whit Howland 2019
A word painting with a straight forward message.
308 · Oct 2023
Whit Howland Oct 2023
The air brakes
and rumble of a bus

pulling out
of town

and the buzzing

of what would've been
if we had just stayed put

and is there progress
or  forward motion

there's lament
An abstract word painting
306 · Sep 2019
Birds on a wire
Whit Howland Sep 2019
This is really
about the wire

a lightly
penciled line
in the air

the birds like
or arrows

it's what's

almost erased
or slightly out of reach

© Whit Howland 2019
The arrows will always point to what you need to see or know.
305 · Jul 2021
Super Hero
Whit Howland Jul 2021

water babbling
over rocks


clear blue
aqua or turqouise

white sand



and pure

whit howland © 2021
An impressionist word painting.
301 · Jul 2021
City Skyline
Whit Howland Jul 2021

cubes squares

light refracted

I've studied it
from many angles

and my mind
always winds back

to the same truth
301 · Mar 2021
Whit Howland Mar 2021
Still water runs deep
sitting here on top
of this hill

what are you

not really thinking
as much as crying
over spilled milk

whit howland © 2021
An abstract word painting. An original.
293 · Jul 2019
City Lights
Whit Howland Jul 2019
Years ago at a college

       an old friend

said she didn't remember me

and to this day

   I still unpack and

           repack that memory

   of she

who took

all those seconds minutes

    hours  days


and scrubbed them from

every shelf cubby alcove
and wiped them off

                                 the front door
the counter
                               the cash register

     the stairs

swept them from

the basement

and dusted them from the  attic

   I try not to take

it personally

                              but there is no

other computer out


on the market        

                                            that needs

these types of memories stored

                                                         ­                           in a mouse maze

                                               of how to dance

and how to smile and how to love

                                   and how to laugh

in order to function
                                                        ­                and drive the

vessel it is

and as tempted as I have been

                                                           ­         I have fought



internal                               external

to simplify and reorganze

                                        the trivia facts

figures                                bar and parlor tricks

                                    pool shots anachronistic cheese

                                                                ­                           ***** humor
****** stories

that  are crammed into shelves

                                    and stacked floor to ceiling

there will be no hall of records

                                              and when they come

which they will surely do

                                          you have my word

I will not slip away quietly

into the night

   Whit Howland © 2019
291 · Mar 24
A fence in the dunes
Whit Howland Mar 24
planted in the sand

lashed together
with rusty wire

while scraggly reeds peak in out
And up around them

I am there and yet

I never was
More Imagism
288 · Nov 2022
Carton of Milk
Whit Howland Nov 2022
a cold sweat
trickles down
the waxed sides of the carton

when it's pulled
from the refrigerator
and with one inconclusive whiff

I wonder
why I'm here
and whether or not

I am still suitable
for mass consumption
or way past

my expiration date
288 · May 2021
Toby Jug
Whit Howland May 2021
or moreover

a sardonic smile
or eye

and it's not his

but your's
that's the joke

he merely
flicked the switch

and the glare
of the light made you run

and hide

like a roach
heading for a dusty corner

where it's dark

whit howland © 2021
285 · Jul 2019
Sad Music
Whit Howland Jul 2019
Pelting drops
of rain always

the soundtrack
of our stormy Mondays

but Mondays sad songs
turn to Tuesdays
water color moments

which beget
Wednesdays workmen like
prose and philosophy

whit howland © 2019
283 · Jul 2023
Silver Can
Whit Howland Jul 2023
a beautiful gleaming thing

with wheels
that rides out of town

under gray skies

sometimes thunderous
with a hard rain falling
282 · Sep 9
Red and Gold
Whit Howland Sep 9
But not yet still

the leaves are that
of Summer

we wish and we must
be careful

what we wish for
and look beyond

what is strikingly

and at the time

here to stay
An abstract word painting about Fall
Whit Howland Oct 2019
you lean back
like you always did
and blow

wearing your bell bottom slacks
like you always were

I hear you now
maybe I always have
I just didn't know

it's all I ever wanted  to do
paint a picture
lean back
and hear the music

so please understand
I'm not trying to be you

I'm just trying

© Whit Howland 2019
Word Painting.
281 · Mar 2022
Whit Howland Mar 2022
I am sandwiched
like a slice of ham

two pieces of Wonder bread

and judgment

you measure my intellect
by my words

they are simple

you judge me
by my clothes

they are threadbare

but please don't judge me
any further

or measure

until you try me
with mustard and Mayonaise
279 · Sep 2019
Saturday Morning Cartoons
Whit Howland Sep 2019
sun-blushed dawn
I blinked
you were gone

the world
newsprint gray

we don't just
see the funnel cloud
we are up in it

no way
to tunnel out

© Whit Howland 2019
A poem based solely on word and image associations.
279 · Mar 21
Burlesque Theatre
Whit Howland Mar 21
Warbling pigeons
in the park crazy

from the heat

a dizzying spin
on a paint-chipped

merry-go round

a greased slide down
hot metal

into a gravel pit

a burning sunset
but don't rub your eyes
Impressionistic absurdism
277 · Aug 2017
The Lizard
Whit Howland Aug 2017
I've found one
my own lizard

but it doesn't run
among the rocks
of the Roman Colosseum

it slithers in between
my own  magical
worn and weathered stones
of the Greek and Roman Theater
Taormina Sicily

so you can have yours back
your reptile that is

it served me well

but mine will now guide me through
the cobbled streets

haunted by ancient history
and yet blessed
by holy unions and new beginnings

Whit Howland © 2017
274 · Nov 2023
Comedy from the Couch
Whit Howland Nov 2023
Head to toe
wall to wall

Jazz, blues
rock and roll

up and down

on weak springs on
a saggy couch

15 minutes of fame
I'm lucky at ten or seven

and that's
with the squirting flower
An abstract word painting.
Whit Howland Jul 2019
Dear Sister

Although right now
you're not too keen on memories

there was a time when it used to be

stories and memories
were our musical symphonies

masterpieces serving only
to pass the time and get us past

the dreadful weekends of our
chores and other drudgery

so let us take one more trip
down the red brick road
and reminisce
about the robot we tried to build

the end result being
nothing we planned
but more than we ever could have dreamed

for the eyes the arms
the hands and metal feet
of our doomed creature
that should've have worked

failed miserably

but what was successful
was our monochromatic journey
through lands
of pewter steel silver and
shiny chrome

and at the end the road
was this marvelous monolithic
impotent monster that I still see
in the wee small hours of the night
when I close my eyes

and let that be the coda
for this fantastic voyage


your fellow maestro of absurdity
and your brother

Whit Howland © 2019
Disclaimer: Narrator and subject  fictitious. This poem was inspired by the paintings of James McNeil Whistler, namely "Whistler's Mother".
273 · Oct 2023
Half Past Midnight
Whit Howland Oct 2023
The moon is full
but your lips
were much fuller

as your reflection
in the amber

it's half past midnight
and all I can do
is stare at an empty glass

and ask
what the hell was  I
270 · Jan 2021
Whit Howland Jan 2021
but not for Sal
you or

even me

these droopy white flowers
with dark

blackened blue
tasty berries in the middle

whit howland © 2021
A nod to WCW. An original.
269 · Aug 2022
Whit Howland Aug 2022
About a guitar
maybe a man with one?

or better yet
a metallic pigment?

it was

the cut of your jib the tone
of your voice

you wonder why
I did

what I did

I wonder why
you left me no choice
An impressionistic word painting.
268 · Jan 2022
Whit Howland Jan 2022
Mutant darts
if you prefer


the board
was your lawn
green in summer

but seriously

what were we thinking
as we launched
these big metal missiles

with plastic
on the other ends

and that's the thing

back then
we just did
and that's what made  

all the difference
267 · Feb 2022
Whit Howland Feb 2022
On top of the world
I am

well If not the world
at least the roof

right now it's sunny
but there's a storm coming

the clouds are gray
and the wind's picking up

stirring the ground
and blowing me

every which way
261 · Jul 2019
Whit Howland Jul 2019
A place I've been to before
and one I must go again

the Fairfield Connecticut
of my youth in dreams

the scene

plate glass window
Blinn's Toystore

framed in red
Christmas time

a model train
traveling through tunnels
toward Christmas lights
up hills and down again

to the station
pick up cargo and off it goes


cheerful and tireless
in its work

naive simplistic
a dreamer

maybe all

but all I've got

I will survive

Whit Howland© 2019
Inspired by the paintings of Norman Rockwell
261 · Apr 2022
Stand Up
Whit Howland Apr 2022
Take my wife


as in also
you  stand up





and also


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