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326 · Jun 2020
The straw
Wendy Nipas Jun 2020
The straw that broke the camel’s back
A straw quite ordinary
Its weight did not mean very much
Not challenging to carry

But even though this measly straw
Was worthless on its own
It had a value and a strength
That was only timely shown

The straw itself, pretentious not
Had knowledge of its role
Quite useless was it by itself
This it could not control

But when it was allowed to be
A part of bale or heap
Its value all at once appeared
To be no longer cheap

And so one day to its surprise
It really didn’t know
It was the one who did the trick
Before anyone could say ’**!’

Wendy Nipas
201 · Jul 2020
Wendy Nipas Jul 2020
I hate it with a passion
Authentic speaking, thoughts and deeds
Are almost out of fashion
It is as if a curse has come
Upon the human mind
To keep us empty from within
To keep us dumb and blind
The thinker is now ridiculed
His thought process is ’queer’
His presence has become a pest
They wished he’d disappear
Just keep it light, don’t think too much
And don’t try to be real
Don’t tell the truth, it will upset
Who knows how one might feel?
Don’t stir up things, don’t question none
Don’t teach, do not inform
We like it shallow, it’s more fun
And that should be the norm
We’ll talk about the trivial things
Like fashion, the weather, and food
But not the troubles in the world
It won’t do any good.
Let’s focus on our pretty selves
We’ll stay well fed and groomed
Let no one try to scare you off
By saying we’ll be doomed.

Wendy Nipas
132 · Jun 2020
Mind trick
Wendy Nipas Jun 2020
As I enter I am conscious
Of the dangers and effects
Even though it is alluring
I’ll regret in retrospect
But my mind just keeps persisting
This time too it’ll have its way
Even though I’m well acquainted
With the things it will display
And it’s just like at the movies
I am ready and all set
Soon my mind will start projecting
All the things I must forget
And I sit there while reliving
Awful things that made me sad
All the while infatuated
By the impact they once had
Though petrified I keep on viewing
Now and then I make a sound
I now see to my confusion
That these visuals still haunt
But the courage still eludes me
To get up and leave this space
And the horrors I’m enduring
Can be seen upon my face
As I slowly am regaining
The awareness that I lost
I agree my mind has tricked me
To forget what it would cost
So again I start the struggle
To escape the void I’m in
With a temporary promise
Not to enter here again.
Wendy Nipas

— The End —