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victoria Aug 2018
My outside doesn’t reflect my in
I’m sitting here in the wrong skin
My heart it aches
Though I project a grin
I’m sitting here in the wrong skin

Can you imagine how it feels
Could you even try to begin
The pain when the mirror
reflects the wrong skin

I want to feel free
I want to feel it deep within
That I’m finally here
In front of you all
beaming from the right skin
victoria Jul 2018

I want to live in nature
I want to travel the world
I want to live in a forest and hold hands with Mother Earth

But I have arachnophobia
My phobia is so strong that I’ve turned down jobs, trips to beautiful places even dinner parties at known spider houses!!
victoria Jul 2018

Go gently to your resting place
Go knowing that you were loved
Go with the Heavenly Father
Go watch over us from above

I know this is a better place for you
I know your body will be free
From the pain and frustration you had on earth
Where finally you can just be

Be able to walk, run and jump
Be able to speak at will
Be free from all restrictions
Be free from all the pills

God will have a beautiful garden
For you to tend and help thrive
I know this was your strength on Earth
It’s what helped you stay alive

Go gently to your resting place
Go knowing that you were loved
Go with the Heavenly Father
Go watch over us from above
Dad wanted to go to dignitas in Switzerland but sadly the paper work wasn’t finalised before the motor neurones took over his ability to go... he’s very very sick now after 2 strokes so I’ve been asked to write a poem for his funeral... it’s still in draft form so I may change it, especially the gardening bit... his garden is what kept him going
victoria Jul 2018
Broad bean

I wish I was a broad bean
All cozy warm and safe
Wrapped up in soft fluffy white
A place to hide my face

I wish I was a broad bean
Growing bigger beneath the sun
Chatting with the other beans
Relaxing having fun

I wish I was a broad bean
My only purpose in life
To be as tasty as I can be
Then eaten with a fork and knife
Just messing around
victoria Jun 2018
Sometimes if your dreams come true
You should make sure they always remain true....
Happy ever after doesn’t exist
Find your dream
Immortalise it
In that space in time
Then get rid of anything
That can feed it progression
Conserve it as newly born
Development will **** it
find it
Remember it
**** it
victoria Jun 2018
A smile?
Not an option
A broken heart?
A definite
victoria Jun 2018
I saw a white horse and a wood pigeon today so quickly wrote a poem about them, the horse was under the tree that the wood pigeon was resting on.

The white horse and the wood pigeon....

I saw a white horse and a wood pigeon
Talking like old friends beneath the trees
The pigeon with feathers of autumnal grace
The white horses mane blowing in the breeze

The pigeon asked the white horse, if he had wings, to where in the world would he fly?
The horse replied “To heaven of course”
“I’m just waiting for time to pass by”

The horse asked the pigeon if he could gallop, what would his destination be?
The pigeon replied he’d gallop the world, then lay down to die by the sea

A toad near by was listening, and asked “Why do you both dream of death”?
“I don’t wish to fly or to gallop, I’m just thankful of each tiny breath”

The toad loved his life in the pond, and spent each day feeling blessed
Of the beauty and the life he’d been given
Never thinking of eternal rest.

True the horse and the pigeon had great beauty, and felt it right they could gallop and fly
But the toad had beauty running under his skin
Filled with love and happiness inside.

The horse and pigeon finally made it to heaven,
but were sent away to learn more of life
The toad was accepted with open arms
Reunited with his beautiful wife
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