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That intimacy,
it shuts out the world,
in a word?
The weight of a body,
against my own.
The sensation?
I miss.
Your *******?
That, I do not miss.
I want you to love me
the same way you’d love a shelter dog,
who flinches when you try to pet her
because she isn’t sure if you’ll offer a stroke
or if you’ll hit her.
Giggles escape my lips as light as champagne
an enraptured audience
leaning on the edge of their seats
hanging on each word, each laugh
as though my voice is their essence of life.

Then; peaceful, quiet solitude.
I went, performed, enthralled.
I have earned my rest.

Tomorrow, I perform again.

You don't have to have the answer right now

take a breath
a moment to think

(It's a free gift to yourself)
Just a reminder :)
Six months ago; we parted as friends
there was no anger
there was some pain.
We were different people who wanted different things.
Hearing you tell me you didn't see a future with me three times was enough.
The end of a relationship is always sad, it's a mourning of your future. A forever what if.
But I could still feel my heart beating in my chest.
It felt like the right decision.

Three days ago;  We parted, and you still want to be friends.
there is confusion
there is pain.  
You no longer want the same things.
Hearing you tell me you didn't see a future with me four times was too many.
The end of a relationship is always sad, but this one was devastating. I could see it, you showed it to me.
I can't feel my heart beating in my chest anymore.
It felt like the wrong decision.
abbreviation from a longer piece
Quiet your mind and you may find
peace in such stillness.
Your life feels like chaos when
the music drowns out any possibility of
silence inside.
How can you even think with lyrics of
mesmerizing dandelions
clanging through your consciousness?
From the left and right
distractions dissect your attention.
Why is it so hard
to turn off the music?
Silence is scary—
a frightening thing to befriend.
Some fear the dark, yet
you fear the quiet.
I wrote this with music at full blast
Carry only a backpack into the future’s embrace,
Leave behind the luggage of yesterday’s trace.
It costs dearly to drag what’s past,
Travel light, for freedom holds fast.
Why do we insist to bring those heavy bags everywhere we go? Do we really need all that stuff where we’re heading?
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