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Oscar Valdez Aug 2019
I wake filled with thoughts of you. Your portrait is my morning sun.
I want to say a thousand, lovely, kind, and heartfelt things to you but I am not master of words.
I would tell you that you are the greatest marvel of all ages, and I should only be speaking the truth.
You have been privileged to receive every gift of beauty from nature. As beauties cease to be so when near you.
My imagination carries me to you,
I grasp you, I kiss you, I caress you. A thousand of the most amorous caresses take possession of me.
I see you as I did yesterday, beautiful, astonishingly beautiful.
But I envy every word I write for they accompany your eyes and are closer to you than I.
How should I ever prove what my heart is to you?
How will you ever see it as I feel it?
Oscar Valdez Aug 2019
Everything of me hoist its sails to you. My heart and soul sail towards that land of yours that waits for me.
I wish to set anchor and swim towards your continent and lay my head on your mountains, run my fingers through your rivers, inhale the sweetness of your life.
As i journey through the roads of your body from your lips to your feet.
My boat called heart anchored to your world.
Oscar Valdez Aug 2019
Someone asked me the other day, What is poetry to you? I turned and looked and thought of the one person my heart admires and my eyes spoke for me. Some times poetry requires no words, for as eyes read the lines of a verse they also see her.

— The End —