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 Sep 2019 TSaltact
An innocent connection,
              A trap set to entrap.
A twisted tale of desperation,
               A bond left inept.

An angel....
       With a smile of the devil,
Got a heart full of warmth. ..          
        With the mind of an evil.

Desired to reach inside...
       Within the vaults you tried to hide.
A crack left it open....
         The door stretched wide.

The hand reached out to help...
       The hand snatched it away.
A single question asked...
        Stand the ground and just stay.

A step closer to the glory....
        A step closer to the doom.
There's no time to flourish...
         There's no time to bloom.

The beginning was the end. ..
       The end was the beginning.
The round and round and round. ..
        It's about time to let it stand still.
 Sep 2019 TSaltact
Dr Peter Lim
not tomorrow
no sorrow.

another show
let go
let life be so.
 Sep 2019 TSaltact
 Sep 2019 TSaltact
all the sugar in the world
couldn't make you sweeter

— The End —