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Blaire Blues
20/F/peony hill    lost
15/F/my own world    just a girl who likes to handle her feelings through kinda bad poetry
M/Under The Water    Drowning in today's absurd society
Marc Morais
55/M/Canada    I write to leave any kind impression on the world—a boulder for those who need a place to lean. My poetry drifts between solitude and …
Nancy Maine
F/Oregon    I am the fleeting, I am the free. Bound to nothing, yet all of me. A breath, a ripple, a song untamed. A force unseen, …
35/the milkyway   
Ami  Mathur
Liú'Jiāwén   -  刘嘉文
58/跟随你的心    Just an old soul. Emotionally exhausted, lost; perhaps broken. Just trying to find balance and peace in an unforgiving world. 跟随你的心
"It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live." -Alexandre Dumas
Vianne Lior
16/F    Stuck between reality and reverie
17/F/rainy forest    On the days I feel the most emotion, I write the most.
Sarita Aditya Verma
49/F/Pune, India    Happy in my space :)
Clay Micallef
29/M/Tehran    A repentant of the original sin
F/Ireland-happily everafter
Monté Carlœ
26/M/Lake Jackson, TX    I've been gone from this for a while again, reinvented myself numerous times and I'm STILL a huge construction site, here are a few processes.
54/F/Wild Horse Mountain Qld    I don't mean to write poetry, a word or sentence, a thought begins in front of my eyes. Moments later it's there, the parts of …
34/F    Passionate about writing pouring my thoughts unto paper or presented artistically is my favor. Inspiration comes from anything just listening to the voice within.
Todd Sommerville
60/M/United States    Hi all I really need your help growing my you tube channel. You can search Todd summers poetry on you tube. I really like being …
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