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 Nov 2015 Litha
 Nov 2015 Litha
Maybe You're A Little
Sad Because No One
What You Want Them
To Understand
And We're All Just
Lost In The Precession
Of Trying To Understand
What We Can't.

And So We Look
Up To You Just So
We Can Find Understanding.

The Understanding Of
Nothingness, I Guess.

Life, Is Nothingness.
Life, Is Sad.
Inspired By A.
 Aug 2015 Litha
I Want To Write Poems,
All Over Your Body,
And Pray That,
Whenever I Turn You On,
It Melts All Over
This Angelic Carpet.
 Aug 2015 Litha
Amanda Ray
 Aug 2015 Litha
Amanda Ray
Four ambiguous  letters form a dangerous verb
Restrained from my lips, they're silently heard
It's irrefutable gravity when our eyes collide
An alliance more persuasive than the moon to the tide
Well pronounced passion reclaiming my smile
  A comatose heart now deemed agile
His eloquent tongue
awakening my senses
His precocious soul breaching all my defenses
Fear bellows from my core, trying to wreak havoc
With deafening force, he's slaying my dragons
Silence may be imminent, once this prudence breaks
My skepticism tolerates no room for mistakes
A tantalizing humility, in preservation of it's claim
Silently implied, or fantasized, I love him just the same
 Aug 2015 Litha
I've Made
A House
For You
In My

— The End —