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Litha May 2016
you are always ticking inside of me & I dream of you more often than I don't.
I want you to know you secretly inspire me like the stars do to a dreamer & the moon does to the sea.
You're my morning stretch , my evening calm. My profane rhyme , my secret psalm , my definition of felicity - the part of me , apart from me....
you make me happy.

I want so badly to protect you from the world because I know all too well how bad it can be.

I wanna be the reason you continue to breathe , the reason you try smile , the reason you try be positive and as much as we both going through our own fuxked up mess , I wanna be your mess and maybe you can be mine.

You're the epitome of love - the greatest definition.

I love you - don't think I say it out of habit , I've learnt all too well that love is not just a word or phrase used.

It's an abstract object that combines two souls that groove together , & that other soul is yours.

I don't know a perfect person , however I know a flawed person worth loving.  

I call you love as if it's your first name , because to my eyes you are the essence of it.
  Nov 2015 Litha
Imagine a pitch black room.
You're surrounded by darkness,
And it's seeping under your skin.
Whispering false truths in your ears,
Making your fears come alive.
Feeding your insecurities,
And knocking you down
Every time you dare to stand up.

The things it says,
Breaks you.
And leaves you whimpering in a corner.
Tears running down your face, and
Afraid to face the world.
"Why am I this way?!!"

Every time you start to feel proud,
That voice starts up again.
"You're ugly!"
"It's your fault! All of it!"
"You're fat!"
"You're disgusting!"
"You make me sick!"
"How can you live with yourself?!!"
And before you realize it,
You're believing and

Dear Friend,
You are not alone.
As cliché as it sounds,
There is light after the storm.
I'm not going to lie and say
"It gets easier."
Because it won't,
Unless you want it to.
And even then,
Its not as easy as it seems.

Just know this:
I am not here to whisper
Pretty lies into your ears.
And I am not going to stand here, and
Watch you sink.
I am here for you.
To be that hand that pulls
You out of your sea of pity.
I am here to remind,
That you are perfect
Just the way you are.
And most importantly,
I am here to tell you to fight.
Fight the Self-Pity.
Fight the Negativity.
Fight the Darkness.
Just Fight,
And you'll make it.

**I Promise.
This is for my friend. You know who you are! I hope this helps!
Litha Nov 2015
Here I am crying - having thoughts about how you could have just been an alcoholic & I was just yet another bottle .
How I know you're ******* me over yet I stay & love you unconditionally .
I just guess I'm in denial of the fact that you've hurt me once & still know you could be hurting me - cheating & lying.
Everyday you tell me 'you love me' but never is there a day you'll show your love & affection by doing the sweetest and simplest things such as calling me on the phone or even telling the world I'm yours . I guess I’m just a question that would hurt for you to answer.
I deserve your apologies for a lifetime but you don't definitely don't deserve me , my forgiveness nor  my love .  My heart made an excuse for why I should stay .
I can't keep crying for a love I deserve. I promised I'd never let somebody break me like you did but ironically I've been breaking myself by staying throughout this journey .
Here I know I can write you love letters you don't deserve because I'm no longer addicted to the possibilty of us 'forever' At least I got some heart-wrenching stories out of it.
You formed yourself into my habit, like daily tea cups , your absence made my heart grow its own flowering garden.  

But one thing I always remember ; Your heart isn’t meant to beat for anyone but yourself.
Litha Oct 2015
I want to know how many scars

you have and memorize the shape

of your tongue.

I want to climb the curve of your

lower back

   And count your vertebrae

                      Your ribs

                      Your fingers

                      Your goosebumps.

I want to chart the topography of your anatomy and be fluent in your body language.
Litha Aug 2015
Like do you ever just look at me & say well I'm **** lucky to have you ? Probably not I'm too weird , anyway well I do that with you all the time. I just lay thinking about you every night. I could talk to you all day. We wouldn't even have to say anything to each other really. I crave your touch to the point that my body tenses up for a few seconds. I crave you in general. I don't know what I'd be like without you or where I'd be. You make me so angry when you don't reply after 10 seconds.  You make me feel all I need in my life is you (which isn't really true for anyone in reality) but however you're a big part of me, who I am , & who I wanna become. You mold me. You've shaped me into a person who has things to be proud of. You bring so much happiness into my life I quite often ask myself what did I do to deserve it. I'll never get tired of you. Your flaws are what make you perfect. Everything you do is so unflawed to me. I respect you & your hustle.  I'll be there for you through rags & riches. They're always like "be somebody's Sunday not Saturday Night". You my angel, are my 7 days a week , 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You're just always there. You love me & all my broken pieces even if at times they cut you , you love that scar it gives you too.   Loving you will never get old. But even if it does I'll  find a way to start loving you all over again .... ♡.
  Aug 2015 Litha
I've Made
A House
For You
In My
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