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Thirty Nine Nov 2024
So much can happen in 14 minutes
He can grab the rope from his closet
And search up how to tie a noose
Then he’ll go to the kitchen
And drag his mothers chair
To his room
And all he’ll write
Is “I’m sorry”
He’ll be gone before you know it
Thirty Nine Jan 3
I tell my friends I didn't study
Because I knew I wouldn't get in either way
I lied to them
I studied like never before
Notebooks filled with practice questions
I didn't make the cut
I wasn't good enough
Thirty Nine Jan 9
More Flowers Than I've Ever Seen
Presented Before Me
As If They Were Apologies
For Ignoring Me
I Think I Would've Liked Them When I Was Alive Though
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
My father said
Short poems like these aren't poems at all
But rather a sentence
A box too small to hold metaphors, similes and emotion
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
Do I consider myself a poet?
(No, you're horrible, a wannabe, and an imposter)
Do my words captivate those around me?
(No, they leave people indifferent)
Do my eyes capture things others can't?
(No, you see the world like everyone else)
Do I play with my words and sentences?
(No, they're dull and bland like vanilla)
Do my words convey emotions and experiences?
(No they convey the boringness of a white wall)
Do my words piece together like a puzzle?
(No they're water and oil)
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
She kept swallowing her anger
Every single time
Until it choked her
Thirty Nine Feb 3
Certain death
Never came
So I left Them a message to call me back
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
Live in fear
Of an Artist making masterpieces
Based on the pain you've inflicted onto them
Thirty Nine Feb 12
Don’t bother speaking
For we are just kids
So we don’t matter
                                But if that’s so. Then                               what will be of our future?
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
I don't want to mend my relationship with you
I want to let it bleed
So that everyone can see what you did to me
Thirty Nine Jan 9
And I told you about my darkest secrets
Things I had never told anyone
I told you about my sorrow and darkness
That's in my heart

And yet
You still look at me as if I was the Sun
Thirty Nine Feb 6
No more snowy days
Let’s blame climate change
Snowmen melting
Only we are to blame
Thirty Nine Jan 13
Scream and hit the Children
And watch their hopes and dreams burn
What will be of our Children?
What will be of our future?
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
your compliments are overwhelming
never have I felt so much love, so validated
it feels like a ticking time bomb, too good to be true
I'm not used to this feeling, and I don't know if i'll ever be
strangers across the screen who may be miles away
nicer and kinder than the people I call family and friends
why do you take the time out of your day to compliment my words and sentences?
why do you say such nice words although you don't know me?
Lumim, CJ Sutherland, Liana, Sora, friends and supporters I've made here
And so many more
Thank you
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
And he cries
Because she wouldn’t open her eyes
To face the truth
(Posted on thanksgiving so…happy thanksgiving ya’ll. Make sure to eat tons)
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
You asked me for a hundred dollars
And like a dog I ran to get it for you
Counting the few bills and coins I had
I would do anything to keep you happy
I’d rip my heart out of my chest if another man broke your heart
But now you don’t even consider me family
Vent? Idk I’m just talking
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
Are the words that come out of my mouth really mine?
Am I just a brainwashed child?
Are the thoughts I type really mine?
Am I just filled with false lies?
Are the letters and constants I repeat in my head really mine?
Am I believing verses that aren't even true?
Are the actions I do really mine?
Am I eating up your words like you want me to?
Are the looks and trends I follow my own free will?
Am I following morals that are really mine?
Are your words even true?
Or are your words filled with tricks and lies?
questions questions questions that only god knows if they will be answered
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
My ears deceive me
Because the words that came out of your mouth
Are so insulting
But you would never actually say that to me

My sense of touch deceives me
Because the way you touched me
Was so *****
But you would never touch me like that

My nose deceives me
Because the way your heart smells
It is so rotten
But you are the purest person I know

My eyes deceive me
Because the person in front of me
Is so controlling
But you would never use me in that way

My tongue deceives me
Because the way your mouth tastes
Is so bitter
But you are the sweetest person I know
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
I embellish my mind with music
The expressive silence and the blend of rich voices
Rhythmic expressions and artistic use of words
                                                           ­          My mind is adorned with emotions
                     The tides of emotions crash over me and the whispers of intuition
                                                     Screams of fear and varying colors of mood
I decorate my mind with thoughts
The stream of ideas and whispers of consciousness
Small streams of reflection and flashes of insight
                                                         ­         My mind is furnished with memories
                                             The fragments of memories and echoes of the past
                  Brushstrokes of details in each memory and the maze of perception
I decorate my mind with poems
The quilt block of words and dance of language
Mosaic of themes and rhymic heartbeats
This took so long-
Hope you enjoy it!
Thirty Nine Jan 6
They said she was as delicate as glass
When in reality she was as delicate as a bomb
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
You denied their pain
And could never take the blame
Gaslighted and lied your way out of the truth
Is this really your way of life?
You narcissistic fool
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
That he’s gone
He’s gone
Yet the world keeps spinning
Without a care in the world
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
I think I just threw up lunch
I can still feel the saltiness in my mouth
I was not too fond of lunch
I am not looking forward to Dinner
I am not looking forward to Dessert
I think I'll starve for now
I don't feel my appetite coming back any time soon
I think I'll just set up the plates
So that when I'm ready for Dinner
Or ready to skip to Dessert
I will be ready
(Inspired by the song 'Dinner is not Over' By Jack Staurber)
Thirty Nine Feb 19
Even if your lies are served
On a silver platter
With gold flakes
It won’t change
How ******* disgusting it tastes
Thirty Nine Jan 27
I wish I had something
To justify my pain
I had many scars
But they tend to fade away
Thirty Nine Jan 21
Powdered Dreams
And Pill-Shape hope
A Needle’s Kiss
A false escape

But soon it fades
The pain returns
The truth unfolds

Left alone
With sweaty hands
Chasing deceitful comfort
That slips like sand

Renewal is wanted
A path to heal,
To break these chains
And to once again feel.
A project I had for health class, I took the opportunity to post it here too
Thirty Nine Jan 26
Vote red
And fill the children with dread
As they fear they may never see their parents again
Vote red
And put your sexuality in his hands
And never express yourself again
Vote red
And let their choices be erased
A world where every voice is disgraced.
Vote red
And live in fear
That your voice may disappear
Vote red
And put yourself to wonder
Is this the world we wanted to create?
Or the one we were too scared to stop before it was too late?
I hope this doesn't get me canceled.
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
your views are all i care about.
look at me please.
acknowledge my words.
remember my words and dont let them slip your mind
Edit: ha ha I guess ppl did end up viewing it. I wonder what’s different from those poems that get popular and others that don’t
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
you didnt notice i was crying
even though i was right in front of you
that or you didnt care
either way its safe to say
you failed as a mother
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
Like Fire and Oxygen
We stuck together
I helped your flames grow
While you burned me
But I think my personality overdid it
And you burst into flames
and only left smoke
Thirty Nine Jan 12
Love warrior
Here we are
Drawn together
Like a beggar falling
Thirty Nine Jan 9
His chains were broken
So glad he was free
He tried to flee
This wretched place

Not knowing he was still in a cage
Thirty Nine Jan 6
So I looked at you with confusion
The theater curtains were down
The lights were off
No one is in the audience
Empty Seats
So why do you keep acting?
Thirty Nine Jan 19
“This is happiness”
You said with such pride
And if that’s true
I rather be sad my whole life
Than feeling your ***** touch on my body again.
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
How can you hate
Something you made?
How can you hate
Something you raised?
Why do you hate me so much?
I just want your love
No, not even
I just want you to see me
Acknowledge me
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
I have the heart of an artist
A poetic heart some might say
And able to feel it all
But with a mind like this
And with thoughts like these
What I really need
Is a heart of a fighter
Decorated with razors
That scream “Don’t touch me”
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
He was so scared of being hurt
He hurt others before they got to close
And hurt himself more than anyone else ever would
Thirty Nine Jan 3
She drowned in her thought, her sadness and missed dreams
So she sat in the rain
And hoped that would drown her instead
I dont want to be your voice
I rather be your microphone
I want to allow your voice to be heard
Not speak for you
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
Insomnia is a thief that steals my sleep
The hours and minutes tick by, an agonizing reminder that sleep won't come
Like the ouroboros, my quest for sleep consumes me
Insomnia traps my mind in a restless cage
The moon never sets in my mind, an eternal sunny day mocking me
Like the ouroboros, my struggle for sleep loops back on itself
Insomnia places me in a dark maze without escape
The hours I spend awake feel like an eternal road with no start or end
Like the ouroboros, we both devour ourselves endlessly in our despair
Insomnia keeps my mind turning over and over, and I never settle into sleep
I haven't been diagnosed with insomnia, but with my sleepless nights I've started to think I might have it
Thirty Nine Jan 9
The sky was weeping
And so am I
The leaves were falling apart
And so am I

The sunset was gone
And so were You
The flowers were rotting
And so were you
Inspired by my previous poem "White Roses"
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
We hold hands
And bow our heads
In hopes He'll hear our cries
Lord Almighty
Heavenly Father
Have our cries not been loud enough for you to hear?
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
"Im going to **** myself"
You mumbled under your breath
And everyone laughed
Because you were so ******* funny
It wasn't a joke though was it?
Thirty Nine Nov 2024
And they believe her
They all believe her
Every word that comes out of her mouth
myths passed as reality
pure lies that they eat like a gourmet meal
illusions treated as facts
pure lies that they believe like religion
fantasy treated like nonfiction
pure lies that they buy like gold
deceptions marketed as valuable facts
They all believe
So why won't you believe me?
Thirty Nine Feb 3
The cameras rolling!
Smiles on people!
Nobody wants to see you frown!
Thirty Nine Jan 6
Lonely but not alone
Alone but not Lonely
Alone means being by yourself, without other people around.
Lonely means feeling sad or empty because you're by yourself, even if others are nearby. (According to ChatGPT that is)
Thirty Nine Feb 19
I don’t respect you
I fear you
Thirty Nine Dec 2024
Maybe my cries weren't loud enough
Or my prayers were lost on their way to The Lord
Either way
Can you hear me now Lord?
Can you hear me cry?
Can you hear me scream your name?
Will you answer my pleas?
Thirty Nine Jan 5
"He's so honest!"
Everyone exclaimed with joy
And while honesty is a good thing at times
Sometimes You wanted to be lied to
To be comforted
And to be hidden from the ugly disgusting world

"He's so honest!"
Your mom said at the dinner table
Sure he's honest
But why do You feel like You want to be lied to?

"I'm an honest man so im going to tell you what i really feel"
He said before insulting You in ways you couldn't imagine a dad could
Insulting the way You talk
And behaved
and yelling at you as you cried

Hes so honest
But sometimes You want to be lied to
You want your dad to say a pretty lie
To make you feel better
Thirty Nine Feb 9
Crayons are quite strong for their size
Hell they can even be put on fire and not burn immediately
But put to much pressure on them
And they crack
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