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 Sep 2013 thinklef
g clair
 Sep 2013 thinklef
g clair
Words are a gift or a weapon, and it would seem that wars could be avoided if we knew how to speak the right be more diplomatic.
 Sep 2013 thinklef
I'm Cold
 Sep 2013 thinklef
But how can I let this blackness consume my tortured soul
I feel it slipping away one precious strand at a time.  
I am almost numb to the point where
*Even your warm gaze and tender lips
Couldn't thaw even the surface
Of my frozen heart
 Sep 2013 thinklef
 Sep 2013 thinklef
The* love of my *life
Calls me his wife
Despite my days
Of being a mess

He buys me diamonds
Says I'm his favorite one
Because I shine bright
Like the sun.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
So this is what its come to, a barm cake and a bun or two, a poor man who can't afford the 'flu and sits in heavy coat and sweater to get a little heat,it gets better,
A candle burns under my bed,the blanket's on but the electrics gone and its getting ****** cold,the candle light takes hold and flames appear,which is the only flaming light in here and the gas is going too,no porridge tomorrow unless I can borrow a couple of quid.

If only I could rid myself of poverty and be like those other folks I see who live in financial security,
and what's the use it'll never happen to me.
I'll be poor of that I'm sure until the day I die and then I'll be poor a little more when they put me six foot underfloor
but at least I'll be warm with all my friends who congregate where this life ends and have a jar or two,sod the cold and sod the 'flu and sod the ****** rich folk too.
I will pull through to the other side
I will find a star and hitch a ride or climb up the ladder and slide down a snake,either way the choices that I make are mine and mine alone and if I have no home,no candle light or mobile phone,you'll find me in the park,in the dark
talking to myself.
The night mixes sluggishly with the morning light and produces a slight kind of greyness,
an Autumnal dayness, a colour which fights with my eyes.
In the process everything blue eventually dies and we become one with the seasons.
Faith is when
you believe in
you or yourself.
Faith is what you
choose in your life.
Faith is with all
people in the world.
Faith is when you
have to hold on.
Don't worry we all
have faith in hope.
Faith is when you
work hard in school.
Faith is when you
applie yourself to work.
Faith is when you find
your one true love.
We do not
know what faith
will bring us.
Only you will know.
I love you so much
that I want to
say, I'll be with
you forever and ever.
But, my heart is
saying, NO be
silent. let her
find out for herself
what your feeling are
trying to say to her.
BUT, I say to myself,
although my love for
you is everlasting
love in the galaxy
my love is not
enough to make you
happy. BUT,I also say
to myself, although I
may love forever.
you deserve
a better man.
just speaking my feelings and love is playing with my heart :(
 Sep 2013 thinklef
Lover of Words
Dear fall,
Be better to me then your sister summer,
She whipped and scorned me with her heat,
She made me so busy I had no time for myself,
My disappointment of her misuse of the weather made it inexplicably sad,
Oh fall be better, with your wisdom and your slow grace,
Like a woman growing old,
Do it slowly,
With your warm cider,
Your gold pumpkins and your soft cool evenings.
At first summer was my first love,
But I'm a little mad at summer,
So I'll talk to my second love fall.
Give me time to myself to think, and paint and draw,
Don't hassle me all the time as summer did and make me worry.
Treat me with love and show me more family.
For I miss them so.
 Sep 2013 thinklef
Lorraine day
As I travel down life's dusty road
Across its rocky path
My hope is that I've shown gods love
Only positive aftermath
To lead by his example
Is my object of desire
I hope his light that dwells within
Shines like a glowing fire
Such peace I hold within my heart
knowing when death comes my way
That he has given eternal life
So I fear not
My dying day
No greater gift could I receive
For this reason
I am bold
I will embrace the gateway to heaven
The treasured path that's lined with gold
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