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73 · Jun 2021
Your generous offer
To go to a **** is too kind for me
Therefore I'm afraid I Will have to exploit other opportunities!
As a reward...
Oh, quite the attitude:
"Well, that is that!"

Who can bear heavens?
A bubble telling the stories of our hearts!
Speaking nothing of the shame
Of not playing it too well,
Where's my strength?
All that certainty
I built
Taking all that I could take
From a teacher or a friend,
Taking nothing from a poisonous egotistic problem.
I must have hurt you,
Oh, you poor thing,
I barely dared to live that something beautiful...
But when time comes time comes
And one may deserve what they want.

How? By killing another one,
Or making them turn into their greatest sickening worst.
72 · Apr 2021
Kids and ideals
She was just a kid looking for some fun
In her life, something good to be lived,
Something to believe in:
One Day she will get there... She'll reach her ideals.

But it wasn't for her, it was not for her...
It was not for me but for the family who had it all...
I probably had it all...

Why can't she have it and I Have it...
"Still a kid?
Good girl",
Just like a ***** knowing it all:
It could be that we both had our good lives imagined,
Wished for, worked for...
Idiotic kid.

Keep hoping for a miracle.
"You either dance the way I say or else..."
Shhh... It was supposed to be some kind of a secret!
"In which ******* world?"
We're here, confessing it all.

Listen to your good parents,
Take a good advice to take,
If the worldly means won't help you
You will find wisdom in the straight stand of a tree,
A whiff of inspiration will be given,
You're still find your way.

I should hope so...
- So, it was my choice to get this Hurt... Hmm... Go figure, it was nobody elses fault.
72 · May 2021
The Ers Group


Oh, my God! What a lovely short but rich poem!
72 · May 2021
Everything right?
I'm losing my good common sense every day,
It's perfect like this as I couldn't be okay,
Everything right, everything fine,
In my life ordered so well.
Don't you love when things fall into place
And everything is just okay?
72 · Jun 2021
Didn't you force me?
For what?
Oh! It is good to know.
Have a nice... some
72 · Jul 2021
I won and you're happy!
Oh, the wonderful world we live in.
It could have been ofu but I'm tired of confessing.
72 · May 2021
gods and ironies
                  sublime the fantasies
72 · Jun 2021
From the bottom of...
... my loveliness speaks:...
From the bottom of my lousiness
Where I've been invited to spend some time
... ...
72 · Jun 2021
Why would you want one frustrated?
Aren't you too kind and beautiful?
Why would you want someone unhappy?
Aren't you brilliant?
Why would you want someone myserable?
Isn't that jealousy telling a story too Old?
Why would you enjoy some one's wrong doing?
It must make a broken heart feel good.
For everything we love and save
We will get punished, in the end...
As if we didn't live it...
As if we didn't suffer enough...
As if, without suffering
There will be no end you can love.
*How many trophies do you need?
And what the kind?
71 · May 2021
Simple as... (Just)
As your ask for forgiveness
                Sounds like a menace:
                                          Keep dreaming.
71 · Jul 2021
If you wanted to lose me
there must have been something wrong,
There must have went something wrong, somewhere...

If you wanted to lose me like this, there must have been
Wrong and wrong doing.

Here's mine: Telling on you, hoping you'll mind your own preferences
And learn your hearts places.
I don't understand how all this can be helped.
I believe I should start beating myself to death
Until I WOKE UP as all this is me prolonging myself into a nothingness that has no value.
I either make something valuable of this or I am as good as dead.
71 · Jun 2021
Is it us
... Talking *******,
Saying nothing,
Speaking nonsense...
Or is it something else that makes things happen,
Helps people live or die...
Makes us forget or remember...
Gives us the tone for a new life

71 · Jun 2021
Si I may work
Or go and live in Hell...
71 · Jun 2021
I WAnt to
Be there
Where I belong
Where my heart belongs and craves for belonging.
There where I can be shaped
To the meet of my spiritual craving.
There, where the unbearable is sent or taken
To where it belongs.
There, where duty won't dishonour nor vex
no hurt...
When there's love to find and keep,
Keep it!
And when you know that you have to do something,
Do it.
If it brings Hell on earth the purpose must be greater than you think...

Only if love, but love got Hurt!
Too Hurt to care too much for your ship and sheepish friends...
"What about Gold?" She asked.
Let's help a world...
How to help when you are down
And what you call Angels are dead people who weren't around...
Dead people who weren't around but for your failures,
Your failures to start meaning something for that world you loved...
As there was love... And love got hurt
And forgot about how good it feels but remembered
The human needs
And the beauty that came out of those heavenly dos and dons and deeds.

What are you made of?
We're nothing but things made... Of something that can fly away
One day, deserting
This cursed flesh.
*give the crazy an occupation for their purposeful existence.
70 · Jul 2021
How many times
Do we have to suffer,
How many times to die for you?
How many times to ask for a forgiveness that can never come,
Maybe I never understood you
And your perfect games.

You're still trying to punish us
For what parents did or didn't do,
We are tired of this world not understanding,
It wasn't us to decide, it was you.
It wasn't you to decide for me, it was myself.
And if I'll have to **** for everything I love
You will have to see
The unforgivable.

Of something we didn't do.
How many times to tell you?
What you did you didn't do.
How many times to ask for forgiveness
For this thought coming from an Old fact.

Of we defecate on each other every day,
That we all know, but why not to ask for more.
Well, I am asking these grounds once more
To take each thing there where it belongs.
70 · Jun 2021
A building is crumbling
Every day
Every day a new one
Making a New living stand.
70 · Jun 2021
How I wish
To Leave you behind...
I'm sorry, but this is all a sin...
Everything we did...
Everything we do....
A bunch of Sinners asking for it.
Sin, if you want and leave us alone.
But what is sin for you?
I stopped caring.
I only care about the right thing to do.
For me, why not have a good life?
69 · Jun 2021
Where to go so
I am tired
Of everything
They want
But that is life
If they want to they may live.
I already know what a problem all this
69 · May 2021
Where to...
           To where my soul finds peace,
Finds Joy and laughter,
           Riches of the unspoken but heard of.

Right now:
                      To where my soul can be,
Can touch, can live
                      A little dream of incomplete tragedy...

          My soul there where it can find what it seeks,
What it needs for complete resolution.
69 · Jun 2021
Oh, my...
When will I
Get over myself?
*I was told on various occasions that one should love themselves which sounds so good yet, interestingly enough, raises some issues and complicates some things. Why wouldn't I just see things as they are and love what is to love, hate what is hateable?
69 · Jun 2021
So... How to
No! I didn't see your godly choice to poor me for any of your devils.
Miracles? We must betraying and you must live!
Oh! Lord! But I wasn't such a great hypocrite!!.!

So... How to learn to leave behind that which is the gutter
The gutter nobody wants to see,
Nobody wishes to deal with,
Nobody cared...
How to leave it behind,
As they all want their gutter,
They all need their gutters
To stay the same,
To go to decay,
Real jewels to stop shining,
To make them feel alive and important.
To make them superior and glorious,

No! I didn't see your godly choice to poor me for any of your devils.
Miracles? We must betraying and you must live!
Oh! Lord! But I wasn't such a great pest and a hypocrite!!.!
69 · Jun 2021
You don't want my life.
You want only what came out good of it!
You won't have my life!
You would have only what can come out good of it.
69 · Jun 2021
I just found myself a way
To get out of bed
And accomplish the dream
Of a miracle.
And so it seems that I found a way
To **** myself harder than I can take
For your world was too precious
And mine was just starting to be...

And now I hate myself
And wish we go on separate ways
You want ing nothing of me
And I wishing nothing of you
For the sake of a world we both love and hate
For the same reasons.
69 · May 2021
Raven Heart
You hurt me deeply, I confess
Uh, Uh! My mistake! 'Twas my mistake!
In this world not finding a place
Uh! Uh! My bad ugly mistake!

You attacked I countered you
And put you down, almost killed you,
Uh! Uh! My bad, bad ugly mistake!
Please! Pardon me!
(but only if you can)

Now I' m a raven, I'm a crow, I'm the unwanted in your home!
Uh! Uh! My bad, finally true!
Please, pardon me!
I won't ***** you! I'm much better than you!

You Hurt me really bad
Out of confusion, out of your sad sad days...
Oh, oh! My bad!
Have all your days happy or sad,
I'm out of this!
69 · Jun 2021
You always
Told me what you wanted from me
69 · Jun 2021
As you fight
For what you want a crave and wrath
With your for-giving soul you offer
That which you wouldn't take.

Aren't we all the same...?

We aren't the same...
Couldn't you just (and justly)
Live well in your world
And I in mine?

Perhaps the garbage I had to take was just sickening...
69 · Jul 2021
After I
I Lied to you
And everything went just perfect from then on!
69 · May 2021
                     To Stay...
                                          To Leave...

As long as there's the force
There's nothing much to do.

                  To Remain...
                                         To Fight...

There's nothing much to do
As long as there's the force.

                 ... all right...
All the inventions of all times:
              Hubs to make a world evolve.
69 · May 2021
So a Mother filled a page
I am surrounded.

In my imagination
I am surrounded by your love,
In my imagination I'm only too deserving
To love and to be loved!
There is no better gift
On Earth or elsewhere...

In my imagination there's nothing to be blamed for,
In my imagination we didn't do anything that bad
Because I simply can't remember....
I can't remember... destroying your heart...
With an ugly truth I couldn't take,
You wouldn't listen
And that is good... You were only a child...
And I was only too weak a human;
I tripped and fell,
Told you only of the good lies out there,
The ones we all fight for:
Money, love and Fame!

Fantasy to blame here.
To be blamed the fantasy...

I let you see!
I let you know!
I let you enjoy...
We laughed together but we both know,
We wanted the best out of it,
This life!
It is as simple as that.

In my imagination I know only of love,
That love of pure and beauty that doesn't stink on the skin,
Does not come from the filth within
On which I keep adding more and more...
Each day more...

Filth that I spice and cook well,
Filth that I season and make smell and look good, taste good until...
Time runs it stale then adds what it takes to make it dry or putrid.

What air can inspire this life we have taken!
Every day
Trusting my inner swarming monsters to eat all filth,
Dead or alive.

In my imagination there can be only good,
There's only the accomplishment of our dreams that were always too pure
(pure filth is how I feel now. A cruel talk on purity, I know)
I'm sorry, my Child, I tried it all...

In my imagination there is no blame to feed
And if I am that blamable
I Will just proudly take the guilt!
In my imagination we didn't do that bad,
It could have been too wonderful
But I couldn't remember all that.
It is as simple as love, sweet love!
Salty and well spiced love
Burning just right.

As simple as that
My heart given to you
As I loved you for all the light you brought
Coming tears and laughter of joy
Or clouds cluttered with blight.

It is as simple as that!
In my imagination I escaped an ugly past
Coming with some magic within that couldn' t last,
My brain was stronger,
For this I won't regret
All the **** and rescue made.

In my imagination I managed to be
That good wife, that good Mother,
And Yes, the Lover your dad needed... I needed...
We were so young...
We sinned,
We lived in a perfect dream
(for each heart a loving dream)
For each heart a loving dream...
That's how we brought you in our lives...
We wanted to know true love
You... The miracle, the reason to keep being alive!

The treasure under our eyes.
The good witch tries.
                                                  The bad one does.
            Or îs it the other way around?
69 · May 2021
: I mean nothing, now
that you left with everything that...

: I mean nothing, now that
I left you with everything that...
69 · Jun 2021
Your glowing in the dark
Product for you to keep.
I was looking for a thing and found something else.
Life offers alternative we sometimes can't appreciate on the spot.
68 · Jul 2021
you fooled me
You told me that I should be forgiving,
That I should never seek for revenge,
That I should forget,
Just like an animal...
I rebelled!
Just like an animal I felt
Trapped and fooled;
Don't tell me you don't,
Don't tell me you don't know,
What have I become?
Oh, I don't know.
Still looking for a way to improve the impossible...
And possible everything is, impossible to forget.
68 · Apr 2021
Told'n Showed
So, this is how I am supposed to feel,
I was quite normal in my opinion,
Feeling quite less than always needed,
Beads and feeds crawling down my cheeks
Along with serene tears filled with significance.

Well, this is how I'm supposed to feel,
You were perfect and I was there
To annoy, to enjoy...
It was a crave of the heart that knows your normal well
But never dared to feel like you...
Never felt as a necessary call.
Oh, well...that day came when I was shown wrong.
Well, well...

Well! This is how I'm supposed to feel.
68 · May 2021
... GI.ON...
I don't know what all this means...
Me looking for you,
Youooking for me
Continue reading....
... GIve a title and go ON...
If I trust you
Then you trust me
And you trust nobody
But I end up trusting everybody
Because of your lack of trust
In me who trusted you


If I say I trust you
Then you say I don't...
And I don't say I didn't
But you proved me wrong
So I can be right for a change...
But the change lies in the will
And my will said I didn't...
No, I don't, I just don't...
I can finally trust you.
68 · May 2021
I may...
Disappear with you when work's well done and left for their homes,
To enjoy, to live, to die for.
I may disappear and never bother for their rights or wrongs.
68 · Jun 2021
How much we can suffer for our souls!
It's a soul take, soul give...
Maybe God can bless...
And maybe what we do is what will matter in the end.
As if your thirst for cruelty
Weren't enough,
Others had to test their muscles too.
Leave some marks of reality that's only too meaningful.
Feeding my own thirst to become cruel.

As if your thirst for knowledge wasn't enough...
Well, it wasn't enough.
It is never enough,
We're set on discovering,
Feeding my thirst to become cruel
With your own cruelty.
You hate a child, you hate a Mother,
You hate your life.
Find your reason for all that:
It wasn't too evil, just right.
Whose right to fight? Everyones, perhaps I didn't know.
But let's make a miracle,
From your end you may be mocked,
As we all mocked... We all laughed
At the great.

And we all learned, and we all did...
And there is a screen for your thirst of blood and cruelty,
If you want some more tragedy.

Was it your choice? Was it implied?
Was it by force?
Was it a chance? Was it a life
You set yourself to lose?.
67 · Jun 2021
I like being the fire
Burning all your lies
Well told
For the sake of my brain!
You regret being born
                                                which means
                                                with regrets
Made a great mistake.
The Great mistake is unforgettable.
                                 The colossal unrepairable.
                  "Miracles, miracles!"
    Can we step in?  Ask for our miracles?
                             To hap
67 · May 2021
Of Word...
Aren't you a man of your Word?
So was she, you both promised and delivered.
67 · May 2021
When Hurt an Apology
The apology got hurt, somehow
It may be the miracle of a life
Put through too many lies
As one must know...
Tests of life can make one stronger.
If you meant something good in the past
Now you can't mean the same anymore.
Down with the one gifted,
Down with the light,
Down with all love
Do you remember?

Yes. You may. You may waste your time.
You may waste your entire time with your apologies.
You may waste your whole life with your apologies
And I may never be you, I may be myself,
The one you will always hate
Because you don't know but this better.

Yes you may. You may waste all your times
With your filthy, stupid apologies,
You may waste your lives with your filthy apologies
I don't care, I never will,
Those feelings are long dead and burried
Feeding creatures I refuse to know.

Yes. You may waste all your times with all your stupid or smart apologies.
Everything you say or do for me
Sounds like those stupid apologies!
You live them all through.
Does it matter what we did not?
And why?
67 · Jun 2021
You hate
The young because you're Old and ugly
And the young hate you for reasons the same.
I am ugly.
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