I am surrounded.
In my imagination
I am surrounded by your love,
In my imagination I'm only too deserving
To love and to be loved!
There is no better gift
On Earth or elsewhere...
In my imagination there's nothing to be blamed for,
In my imagination we didn't do anything that bad
Because I simply can't remember....
I can't remember... destroying your heart...
With an ugly truth I couldn't take,
You wouldn't listen
And that is good... You were only a child...
And I was only too weak a human;
I tripped and fell,
Told you only of the good lies out there,
The ones we all fight for:
Money, love and Fame!
Fantasy to blame here.
To be blamed the fantasy...
I let you see!
I let you know!
I let you enjoy...
We laughed together but we both know,
We wanted the best out of it,
This life!
It is as simple as that.
In my imagination I know only of love,
That love of pure and beauty that doesn't stink on the skin,
Does not come from the filth within
On which I keep adding more and more...
Each day more...
Filth that I spice and cook well,
Filth that I season and make smell and look good, taste good until...
Time runs it stale then adds what it takes to make it dry or putrid.
What air can inspire this life we have taken!
Every day
Trusting my inner swarming monsters to eat all filth,
Dead or alive.
In my imagination there can be only good,
There's only the accomplishment of our dreams that were always too pure
(pure filth is how I feel now. A cruel talk on purity, I know)
I'm sorry, my Child, I tried it all...
In my imagination there is no blame to feed
And if I am that blamable
I Will just proudly take the guilt!
In my imagination we didn't do that bad,
It could have been too wonderful
But I couldn't remember all that.
It is as simple as love, sweet love!
Salty and well spiced love
Burning just right.
As simple as that
My heart given to you
As I loved you for all the light you brought
Coming tears and laughter of joy
Or clouds cluttered with blight.
It is as simple as that!
In my imagination I escaped an ugly past
Coming with some magic within that couldn' t last,
My brain was stronger,
For this I won't regret
All the **** and rescue made.
In my imagination I managed to be
That good wife, that good Mother,
And Yes, the Lover your dad needed... I needed...
We were so young...
We sinned,
We lived in a perfect dream
(for each heart a loving dream)
For each heart a loving dream...
That's how we brought you in our lives...
We wanted to know true love
You... The miracle, the reason to keep being alive!
The treasure under our eyes.
The good witch tries.
The bad one does.
Or îs it the other way around?