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When I see you again I’ll be sure to make it worth your while
Show you what you missed, what you failed to see time after time
And then you’ll wish you could take it all back
To those nights I held you close,
but baby you made your choice.
When you see me again,
don't look my way,
dont bother to say,
all the things that slipped away.
And I’ll be seeing you again,
you’ll carry me with you,
But that’s not something I’m used to.
Please understand if someday you happen to see me, don't bother saying hello.
I want passion.
I want adventure.
I want a little danger.
I want out of the ordinary.
What do you want?
For every moment you let pass you by, a memory is lost.
For every tear you shed, a second of happiness is wasted.
For every song you sing to, there is a story of that one person who was never supposed to get away.
For every heartache you have, a fighter is born.
For every smile, a person is holding back a tear at the corner of their eye.
We all have parts of us that simply remain wounded, you see everyone in the world has a memory they regret, a love they forget, a scar they predict, a smile they fake. Its not a bad thing, it just means we all took a risk, no matter how high the bridge or how painful the fall, we all made the jump
It was a lifetime ago since we last spoke,
One month, twenty-three days, ten minutes, thirty-six seconds to be exact.
The silence you left between us filled the empty parts in my heart.
Waiting for the day, the time when you would possibly miss me too,
I needed you to stay.
It was a sunny afternoon, when I saw you hand in hand with someone new,
All I wanted was to tell you,
tell you how much you missed, to thank you,
thank you for the memories of a love that wont fall through.
And in that moment I  could've sworn we'd never be the same again,
It doesn't matter what you say or what you do, it'll always be her over you
No matter how hard you try to make him see she's not right for him, that other girl will always get to be his and you'll be the one he runs to for a shoulder to cry on but what if, what if it's not enough anymore?
As much as you sit around and wait, just hoping he’ll run through those doors with his arms wide open, we both know somethings are meant to be left unknown.
Even the greatest loves of all never got their forever.
Forgive and forget, that's what they say
but there's only so much you can forget
     And sometimes somethings are unforgivable.
You live in a world where it's easier to hate than love, where silence says more than you ever could.
You live in a world where being afraid of getting hurt ruins a perfectly good heart , where being alone seems to be just the way you like it.
You live in a world where the ones who don’t deserve it always win, where the ones who keep trying and trying always end up failing.
You live a world where people would rather walk away from a fight than stand tall and take on a battle for the one they love, where words only last as fast as you say them, where actions are over-rated.
You live in a world where nothing is never as it seems,
laughing seems to sound like crying,
Living only to end up dying.
And this is my beautiful life.
I wanted you to fight for me, i wanted you to say you’d rather be alone than be with anyone else. I wanted you to show me how much you loved me , even if I kept pushing you away I wanted you to say that you’d always stay. I wanted you to say that you’ll never let me go because to you I was someone worth fighting for. I wanted you to want to be the kind of man I deserved. You don’t get it, I still wanted you.
When you push someone so far away that they think you never loved them but truth be told, you did and it hurt. And he’ll never know.
Long story short, My head is in a stormy cloud
And I don’t know where to run to.
No, I don't belong to you
Where you stand there pouring your heart out,
The thought of already losing something that isn’t even mine to begin with runs through my mind.
No, I don't belong to you.
Thinking of 32 reasons,
32 reasons how this could go wrong,
32 reasons why our love won’t be strong,
32 reasons for you to walk away,
32 heart breaking reasons but all you need is one reason to stay
But no, you’re wrong, I don’t belong to you
You know how sometimes he makes you feel so special but you know you don’t belong to him, you know he’s bound to leave because it feels like, the world has given him every reason to and you just hope, you just pray he’ll find that one significant reason to stay but we both know, you don’t belong. I know I don't.
Broken promises,
resulted in horrific damages.
Empty conversations with unfamiliar faces,
If only they could see the changes.
Whispers echoing through memories of what we could've been haunt me,
because I never had the courage to make him see,
Make him believe,
Make him feel a love like ours.
This time last year everything was different,
And if they asked if we'd go our separate ways, id laugh
Cause our love was supposed to be infinite,delicate, intimate.
How could you play so innocent?
It's never enough,
Whether you lose a pound or gain a few, It'll always get back to you.
That girl in the mirror, she's not you
If only they could see it too.
You're always ether too big or too small in their eyes
But never just too you, its like you're constantly in disguise.
Trying to be that one girl, that one girl who could have it all
Too big or too small, that girl was comfortable in her own skin
But we both know thats not true.
**It's never enough,
Being just you.
Remember when you told me you loved me? When you’d call everyday? When love meant forever?
People keep telling me to stop this feeling cause it’s my love for you that’s a crime,
I don’t want this love to rhyme.
You see when you left there was this hole in my chest when you got on that plane and never looked back.
I was fine before you came around, and now I’m standing here on the edge of love .
I ran so far from all you never gave me but I keep tripping back to who you used to be, to who we used to be.
And everytime you walked by and watched me fall, I got right back up without your love
Now you're here telling me it's all my fault
Telling me it was a mistake
But your promises don’t mean a thing anymore
I never wanna see you
Never wanna feel you
No I don’t love you
I cant stand you
Tell me this isn’t a dream, just tell me it's real,
Cause hating you has been the hardest thing i've ever had to do.
But please don’t come back, i've come this far without you because unlike you I learned the hard way, I spent long lonely nights crying myself to sleep for the boy who never cared enough.
Baby what i'm saying is there’s no more you and I
Im done with this, feeling like an idiot
Your love, Im so over it.
You don’t care what I say, so I’ll just love you anyways
The end is so disgusting
It's such a tragedy
2010- First loves always find a way of crawling back into your heart.
I’ve been thinking of how we ended up here
this big mess we made of a love that was once so strong
How did we go wrong?

I’ve been wondering what made you go
what you made you change your colors
cant see the light through your dark shades of grey

I’ve been hoping you'd come around
run through those doors one more time with that oh so sweet yet violent look in ur eye

What now?
This is it, this is goodbye
This isn't our see you later.
This is our never ever after.
What now?
You'll smile and I'll wave
We'll walk pass each other as if we never cared
as if we never happened
We'll pretend it doesn't hurt and the cycle will go on and on
till someday one of us forgets the other
And just like that we become strangers all over again.
That’s what you do when they turn into strangers, it’s all you can do. Think, wonder, and hope cause honestly what else can you do?
In that moment for some vivid reason it felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, like nothing and no one on earth could possibly take the pain away and in that moment I was given no other choice but to get up, **** it up, keep my head up, and grow the hell up.
We’re in the stars in the sky,
in the alps way up high.
We’re in the streets of love,
in all of paris.
We’re in the city of angels,
and in a land where dreams are made of.
We’re in the colors of a rainbow,
shining brighter than ever.
We’re in the tears of a child,
wishing he’d only smile.
We’re in the roar of a tiger,
cause we’re a fighter.
We’re in the battlefield fought between countless countries,
in the enemies greed for more blood,
in the hearts of the families lost ones.  
Me and you,
We’re everywhere.
She’s as simple as it gets,
no need to stress.
she’s the kind of girl that never keeps you waiting,
always re-applying red lipstick,
she might as well be plastic.
She’s got something that i cant figure out,
she’s got you wrapped around her finger,
hypnotizing you with her deadly ways.
Baby, if she’s got you then I want whatever she’s got.
I want them tight ripped blue jeans ,
red lipstick on a saturday night,
I’ll be doing anything to make you see,
I want whatever she’s got.
As a child they keep reminding  you of all the things you shouldn't be doing,
Don’t touch wet paint, It’ll leave a stain
Don’t run around in the halls, You’ll end up falling
Don’t play with fire, You’re bound to get burnt
Don’t speak to strangers, They’ll end up hurting you
But what they fail to mention is that that stain you get, it’ll wear out eventually.
That fall you had, you’ll learn to get back up.
Those burnt wounds, they’ll make you stronger, help you stand a little taller.
And the strangers we’re kept away from, those aren’t the ones we should be afraid of,
The people who hurt us the most are the ones closest to us.
Don't do this, Don't do that, Don't walk like that, Don't forget, Don't fail, Don't sing in public, Don't be loud, Don't dress like that, Don't be different, Don't stand out.  Whatever you do, just don't.
Listening to your song on the radio now about how you lost your girl,
Apologizing, begging for a second chance.
Swearing you'll do all the things you never could when you were my man.
He's been holding my hand the way you never did,
Cause you could never understand the love we had.
Baby can't you see all the flowers he bought me,
those white roses you failed to pick up time after time.
All the love he's been giving me because you were too busy taking me for granted.
Don't you bother calling cause my new man,
he'll be taking me to every party,
Remember how I loved to dance.
Your song on the radio about how you failed to be mine,
Now your baby's dancing
But she’s dancing with another man.
Inspired by the song When I was your man-Bruno Mars, Its kind of like a reply to the song. Listen to the song while reading it (:
Everyone's asking if I've made it, you know to the place I've desperately waited for so long
but I can't seem to let go of the idea of saying yes,
I made it,
I became the person I was supposed to be,
I got the chance to live, love, and laugh,
I got the chance to be extraordinary because they believed in the girl who reached for the farthest stars.
Truth be told they didn't, I'm not who I want to be,
I'm stuck on the ground when all I want to do is fly and no I didn't make it.
Everyone keeps asking but I, well I just nod and smile cause how's a girl like me going to explain all the could've beens and should've beens to a bunch of unfamiliar faces.
You know you got it real bad when you start saying " I got used to it"
I sat there with all the other passengers and I wondered if they had a story too.
I sat there by your side, as I held your hand the thought of never holding them again kept running through my mind, so I memorized every line, every curve just in case someday down the road I'll need them again.
As the lady in the background started announcing your flight number,
my heart stopped,
my eyes started tearing,
and my hand just couldn't let go.
This may have been the last memory we have together but I never got to say, remember don't forget what you've learned, don't forget to smile for the girl you've always known and mostly don't forget to always look back. Not every girl gets to say she watched the only person in the world she needs the most walk away, not every girl gets to say she sat in the middle of the airport with all the other passengers with a broken heart cause her passenger decided to fly away.
I just sat there looking at the gate, waiting for you to run back, I've seen this scene in movies plenty of times, the guy he always finds his way back to the girl.
So I'm here 10 years later asking, still wondering why on earth didn't you come back for me?
Couldn't you of loved me enough? **I could've been the best thing that ever happened to you.
Dream until your dream comes true they say as they secretly take away what we ache for,
Standing here in front of what I could’ve been,
The empty words, empty stories of where I should've been haunt me because I desperately know what I’m missing.
The life I could be living
The love I could be feeling
The memories captured in photographs
The lessons learned through laughs
Dream until your dream comes true they said as they ripped it from the tip of our fingers,
Leaving us cold and alone with nothing but words left  unheard .
                                                                ­   I hope  you  feel  the  way  I  felt  
                            ­                                   about  you,  I  hope  you  love  the  way
                                                              I ­ loved  you,  I  hope    you  fall  the  way  
I fell  for  you,  I  hope  
  you  ache  the  way  I  ache  for  y­ou,  I  hope  you  cry  
                                        ­             the  way  I  cried  for  you,  
Someday, I  hope  you
                                                               remember  the  way  I  remember  
                               ­                                                         you.
What goes around comes around.
You think you know somebody,
You let them in, the good and the bad.
Thinking nothings going to send them away
Thinking forever is what we had
You think you know somebody
And just like fireworks, his true colors start to show
Proving how wrong you were all along
You think you know somebody
You thought wrong my friend

— The End —