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89 · Dec 2019
Cult Stuff
Chris Dec 2019
What happened to you?
Why are you broken?
Would you like some help?
Should I leave you be?

Are you shattered too?
Have you awoken?
Tell me how you felt.
Tell me what you see.

I am your family
So you can trust me
There's no need to leave

I'm your biggest fan
I'm what you're to be
My heart's on my sleeve.

At last, you've joined
Another day spent.

Now you're one of us.
It's where you must've went.

But now, you are gone

And now I'm content.
Thought I'd try a poem where it shrinks and shrinks.
Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more.
88 · Sep 2018
No New
Chris Sep 2018
in a world with No new,
would there be a You?
could we have a True?
should We leave clues?
for those to Light the fuse,
we leave All to be imbued
with love, lies, And a noose.
just more random stuff on my mind. (inspiration comes from chris reed)
Chris Feb 2020
Cheating on you-
With myself.
Nothing to do.
Not with you.
Hey look! They're having a divorce!
88 · Feb 2019
Chris Feb 2019
You aren't unique
and neither am I
We're not something new
we're not something special
We're just more people
taking up more resources
I didn't feel like trying to get it to rhyme.
88 · Mar 2020
Don't Worry About It
Chris Mar 2020
I'm gonna **** myself
But it's for attention
So it doesn't count
So just let this slide.

When you hear the bang
Don't enter the room.

I want you to call the police.
Tell them you heard a loud bang in my room.

Don't worry about the future
I left a box of stuff.

In the box, there's a list.
It's for Matt. Don't look.
Unless you hate surprises.

I left enough gifts on there to last you 20 years.
Matt will buy them
Or he'll feel like ****.

For Ky, I left my computer.
Hers is better, but she said she wanted mine
When we were 12.

For Hope, I leave my grandma's blanket.
It's torn and filthy, but that adds to its history.

I don't want you to enter at all.
At least for a year.

When the time's up
You'll find something special.

When it comes time to clean
Have Matt and Brian do it.

For Jared, I leave my old games
He says they're collectors.

For Liam, I leave Fire Emblem.
Maybe this will get him to play it.

Sorry that it was always me and you.
And not someone more interesting.

Jenna will console you
at least at first.
So you'll have someone else to talk to.

I was never good at conversation
So sorry for wasting time

But maybe now,
I'll be good for conversation.
It was inspired by 'night mother play. I hope you enjoyed and maybe thought about how you would leave a letter.
87 · Apr 2020
When I Was 5
Chris Apr 2020
A scraped knee in summer
For the memories of last year
I remember falling down a hill at school and destroying my knee.
86 · Apr 2020
Chris Apr 2020
On a dreary night
Sat upon a stool
Weeping in my thoughts
I felt like a fool.

On a weary day
While standing in fear
I stole the wrong hand.
My end is coming near
84 · Feb 2020
Chris Feb 2020
A lonely day
One after love
One by itself

Not celebrated
Nor is it hated
Just average.
Oh hey! That's the day this poem was written! Whaddya know?
83 · Feb 2019
Watch out below
Chris Feb 2019
I look up and see a ****** of crows.
"******* I'm dead again"
It makes me wanna fake my own death.
But I'm stuck breaking the chain.
For if I don't, there will be blood.
13 voices keep screaming in my ears.
Telling me to start war and tear it down.
So I just ask "God save us all."
But even he can't stop the fall and the rise.
For we've been twisted by design.
Let me know if you get what I did with this poem.
83 · Jan 2019
My Crown
Chris Jan 2019
I watch it's tantalizing sway
occupying my thoughts all day
Making me think of what's to gain
for it takes is just a bit of pain

Take away my insulting load
replace it with a hurtful goad
Decipher this cryptic code
ending this long and winding road

Put it on and mask my frown
come and watch me drown
Fake my joy like a clown
put on my fiber crown

The sweet sound of the crack
sends shivers down my back
Blame me for what you lack
stuff me in your waste sack

Set me down and get me weighed
find where I'll finally be laid
Forever lost within the shade
no longer in need of aid.
82 · Jan 2019
Chris Jan 2019
So you want your kick?
Well it'll make you sick
But if I get my pick
I'll make sure it's quick.

Looks will instill the charm
I'll set off the alarm
Make it trickle down your arm.
You'll shiver in self-harm.

Your time with us will be short
But your sense will distort
You'll be used for our sport
Enjoying time in our resort.

But you'll never be free
We can't let you see
How you can feel such glee
When we'll never grant your plea.
81 · Feb 2019
Chris Feb 2019
You're trying to tell me I don't deserve it?
That I haven't earned it?
Do you think these scars on my back are fake?
Or this blood I've spilt isn't real?

What kind of person would do that to me?
Who am I talking to again?
Oh I'm sorry.
It's just me.
81 · Jul 2020
Paladin > Bard
Chris Jul 2020
Your ****** Powers
Are nothing in the face of
My double ax slap
81 · Apr 2020
The Story Of Me
Chris Apr 2020
What makes me so obsessive?
And so possessive
I don't mean to
Just want to know where you'll go
And what you'll do.
80 · Dec 2018
Happiness Machine
Chris Dec 2018
Steal these thoughts from me
Flaunt them for all to see
Thievery brought to a new degree
Destruction flung intentionally carefree

Pain for others to feel
Feign your part in the deal
Gain from what's not real
Chain em' and make em' kneel.

Smile a grin too wide for life
Insert too deep, the starving knife
The crowds wear masks of gleeful pain
Adorn your crown to embark your reign.

Leaving questions for my kind
Weaving together all his finds
Heaving the smiles of broken minds
Cleaving away the frail binds

Turn on this happiness machine
Dine on our delightful cuisine
Make me feel like Athene
Beyond what my smile'll see
Take a guess at what it means. This was inspired by the song "Happiness Machine" -
Chris Sep 2018
Each day, when you wake
Do you loosen your chains?
Do you run to the meadows
And Dance in the rain?
Or do you stay trapped,
in a cage, in restraints
One with the phone you're a slave to each day
This is again my amazing friends interpretation of it and we had a thoughtful discussion about it. I give him full props for this one.
78 · Mar 2020
Lead The Way
Chris Mar 2020
The three of us
Or was it four?
I can't recall why
Or when.
But that's the past,
And this is now.
So where do we go?
75 · Dec 2019
Musical Theory.
Chris Dec 2019
A song should start on the root.
In the middle should be a 5.
And end on a jump to 8.

But I choose 7.
I read a short poem and this popped into my mind.
Let me know what you think.
Chris Feb 2020
I am a Hero
I am a Noble
I am a Knight
I am a God
I am a Liar
My name
Is Ferdinand Von Aegir.
Get it? He says it a lot. I am so funny and original, please give me your money and time.
Chris Feb 2020
Flying a plane?
How dare he.

He's in my lane,
I dare say.

That's unacceptable.
I refuse to believe.

Please don't harm me.
Just let me be.
Let me know what you think about poems that have no real connection to anything.
73 · Mar 2020
Well shizz
Chris Mar 2020
I was writing a really good poem but then the tab got changed to another and I lost all my progress :/
72 · Jun 2020
Why Am I Like This?
Chris Jun 2020
I've become more caring
I've become more empathetic
I'm more in tune with my emotions
But I still can't cry
Why am I like this?
You're free to wear sunscreen. Science has proven it's good for you.
72 · May 2020
Chris May 2020
I have yet to experience one
To make something truly great.

Personal experience
Is irrelevant
If it ends in joy.
I was just listening to a song called "Tight Rope" by Brother Ali. It's one of the most influential songs for me. It's not really my kind of genre, but it's really good and I hope you give it a listen. It has one bit in particular that really sticks with me.
"Older you get you resent how sick it is
They're trying to cover their guilt with the gifts they give
Bounce from his house to her house
Too bad that marriage didn't work out
Now you don't have a your house"
Chris Jan 2020
Mass production
just turn the crank

Mass destruction
hide in the tank
I don't have the answer.
69 · Sep 2018
No New (Iteration 2)
Chris Sep 2018
In a world where the old is the same as the new,
Is there even a difference between me and you?
Could we tell the false apart from the true?
Should we leave messages riddled with clues?
This is the version a friend of mine made after i showed him "No New" and I think it's way better than the original. Feel free to enjoy it, I take no credit for it.
68 · May 2020
Name In Fine Print
Chris May 2020
Mass produce my thoughts
Sell them for cheap
In the bargain bin
Is where they'll sleep

5 dollars for an idea
Copy then remake
Piled upon itself
Integrity's at stake
Apparently I started working on this on April 16th. I didn't change it at all. It still doesn't feel complete, so I would greatly appreciate it if someone more talented could continue or finish it in the comments. Thank you very much and have a wonderful day.
Yours truly -Chris.
67 · Feb 2020
Chris Feb 2020
In sincerity
Or so I'm told
I'm dripping
In regrets
Yet to unfold.
A hollow work
Chris Feb 2020
Take me away
Far from here

Let me rest
On the clouds

I need an escape
From what I fear

Put me under
6 feet down

I'll go asunder,
My eternal slumber.
Just not wanting to be alive anymore. But what's going on with you?
Chris Jun 2020
I've been wanting to go swimming
But the water's always cold.

In summer
Or spring

70 degrees
Yet it's still ice

On my toes.
Thank you for reading.
Stay safe.
66 · Jan 2020
Chris Jan 2020
Think before you make up your mind
I don't seem to realize
I can't do this on my own
I'll need support

But if I fall
I'll miss you all.
Summer, Day Forty One.
65 · Jan 2020
Chris Jan 2020
Sorry for the mistake
Of being born

Dear father
A name
You don't

Take me away
Open up my pain
Press the wrinkles
Inhale my failure

Smoke in the sky
A sure warning

Here comes another
One more mistake
To join us.
Chris Feb 2020
Stuck in a pit
Or stuck in a rut?
Irrelevant, it's all the same.
18 · Sep 5
Chris Sep 5
Can you connect?
I can't.
These scribbles?
A mess.
Senseless scratches
On paper.
This was sitting in my drafts for 5 years and I think it's neat. Probably didn't like it when I was younger.

— The End —