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2.9k · Jan 2013
Forget me not.
The Wherewithal Jan 2013
You said I didn't make sense
but then you stopped to hear my words
not the noise I was making
you felt the way my words carried from my mouth
and it was then when you realized  I was right.
that I really did love too much
and it was also then
that my love made you.
it made you leave
1.2k · Sep 2014
Alive not Living
The Wherewithal Sep 2014
I shake but don't cry
I laugh but don't smile
I look but don't see

strange knowing I'm merely alive
seeing my life
apart from myself
I die when you say her name
I die all the time
1.1k · Jan 2013
Forced Ignorance
The Wherewithal Jan 2013
I live in a town where my english teacher thinks they
actually talked like that in Shakespeare's plays.
I live in a town where being Catholic is good because then
you don't wear condoms.
I live in a town filled with backwoods principles and
the blackest white people you'll ever meet.
It's a town where it's not okay to be gay,
and you're a minority if you're not homophobic.
I live in a town where the people in the nicest cars have the best,
easiest jobs;
but the weakest minds.
And when you step outside you're door here, you'll see the
tar filled lines is the street with 10 guys
leaning on shovels as the rookie does 11 fold work.

So if you ever are driving through the province where our good
Stephen Harper *****,
make sure you don't stop for coffee along the way.
Because Darling, this place is hell on earth.
992 · Jan 2013
Hapless star.
The Wherewithal Jan 2013
and sometimes I wonder;
maybe if i looked like her
he would love me

but them I remember the painful stab of his words
and keep them close to my heart, forever unchanging, to keep me from changing
because maybe he'll settle again.
maybe he'll come crawling back and enfold me in the dark recessed of his mind
with whispered i love you's
that you tuck away into the crevases of your open mouthed soul

but then,
I remember him saying *******.
that he meant it. that he really, really meant it.
and then him walking off
trailing behind him the wrappings of me
as if i was some excess piece of lust, he just brushed me off
and never
did he look back again
895 · Feb 2013
Kids (spoken word)
The Wherewithal Feb 2013
and so we live in a world where the fats kids get picked last, and trying to be cool becomes aligned with being a loser. and it will never be okay to not look like an angel. because today angels are models who feed us lies and convince little boys that the bodies of women are things. because today, you and me are different so we dont like each other, and no girl who is pretty on the inside is ever pretty on the outside because she is used for that ******* thing you call *** and she knows it.
and I get asked if i have cancer, or if im a ******* boy because I look like one. right?
because the world we live in today is full of glass ceilings all painted sky blue
and the girl who is weird and looks not like you is an outcast
and you feel good about yourself when you say nice things to her, because no one else does but you only say it to make yourself feel good. don't you.
and stores that serve women with wide hips and fat ***** are all plus. because the majority of us are force fed lies by these ******* men who believe that if we aren't fit to **** then we aren't fit to love ourselves.
and kids who cry at school
and the boys who love their bestfriends
and the moms and dads who dont know where their little kid went
they all are lost
and they all are lost because we led then astray then ran away from them with snickers of peer pressure filled laughter.
and you will look back on that day with remorse but remember it was okay because it was funny.
but it will never be funny to be mean, and it will never be funny to pick on those who admire you
and I would never admire you
because you pick on those who do.
832 · Jan 2013
The Wherewithal Jan 2013
Doubt is like a drug.
An infestation of the mind
It will eat away at you until all you are
is a whimpering ball of madness

once it's implanted,
you will never return to the
white linen innocence your ignorance gave you
but instead you'll stand
waiting for the worst to come crashing down around you

the conversations will offer no resolutions,
no lingering sense of hope
only more doubt.

it can wait
lay stagnant in your dark places
until you reach back too far
and it will return with a force unknown.

This is when you became.
when that madness was no longer just a part of you;
but it became you with a helpless body clinging to it.
737 · Feb 2013
If it was harder.
The Wherewithal Feb 2013
One day, I'll look up
and remember how easy it was to love you.
I'll feel your knees behind mine
the caress of a split lip across my wet cheek
I'll know the smell of you in the morning
and the soft places you shared with me.
So until then, I hope I don't forget
all of these things that I hate so much
because if it wasn't so **** easy,
maybe it would of been easier for me to leave.
592 · Feb 2015
The Wherewithal Feb 2015
don't remember who you are
it will shower you with the vastness
the blank spaces of your body will not be filled with them
you cannot show them who you are
you are no one
do not remember who you are
581 · Apr 2013
The Wherewithal Apr 2013
My untold fortunes are already
discovered inside the mind of
his blue eyes
but the grass inside them turns
green with anger and I
flee with laughter as he chases me
and when he gets me maybe I'll know why I ran
because when he gets me Ill know how slow it was
to run from yourself in someone else's head

— The End —