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 Aug 2014 Kody Ryan Hinkle
Maybe if I step on
enough flowers
or break
I just might forget
I'm made of broken parts
my fave piece </3
I wish you were,
still just a human
to me.
I don't wanna look at you
and see poetry
They witnessed her destruction,
then were left to wonder why.
She saw nothing but darkness,
though the stars shown in her eyes.
But maybe they'd forgotten,
when they failed to see the cracks.
That a star's light shines the brightest,
when it's starting to collapse.
if you love me
give me a blazer
when I shiver in winter.

if you love me
give me water
when I am thirsty in summer.

if you love me
give me your hand
when I cross the water.

if you love me
peep into my heart
when silence creeps  on my face.

if you love me
look at my eyes
when they speak nothing.

if you love me
love me much and I love you
for I love myself.
I lay down in a field of snow looking up
as the snowflakes fall. It's beauty insnares me,
mesmerized. The snowflakes fall gently to the ground,
a light breeze dances across my cold face.
I am trapped.

Trapped in its beauty, trapped within the cold.
frozen in time I hide under a thick blanket of snow.
forever trapped to gaze upon its greatness.
You stand there in the distance hiding behind the
large Oak trees. The wind blows ever so softly in the midnight air.
Your dark brown eyes stare at me from afar . I am mesmerized
by his beauty. But He is gone now leaving me with nothing
but a faint memory.
Trust is a weapon.
It is a knife,
or a bullet in a loaded gun.

Love is a risk.
It is putting that gun in someone's hand,
and standing in front of it.

Heartbreak is a wound.
It is letting down your guard,
and then watching as that person pulls the trigger.
You know that feeling
Where you’ve waited all day to talk to the one person
and you’ve been so excited
but you compress that emotion into a simple “hey”

But you discover neither of you have nothing to say
and the conversation slows to a hault
And you can literally feel your stomach drop
and your heart ache
and the tears creeping out

Yeah, that feeling *****.
Alone and unwanted is how I feel.
Writing these words is how I deal.
I guess it's better than any other way.
Like the one that takes me far away.
To the land of dark and nothing,
But it's better than here where my heart is crushing.
The future is scary but the now is worse.
I don't want to continue living out this curse.
Alone, alone, It's all I think.
It's here, It's there, It's when I blink.
I feel it in each and every bone.
Alone, alone, alone, alone.
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