I was walking down the street, when out the corner of my eye I seen this little bitty bag under a tree. Attached to this lil bag was a paper and a note that read "Roll it, **** it and let your mind run free." Well, I looked back at my life and noticed all the strife, then I said "Maybe this could better my ways." I thought "It's such a small amount, What could it possibly to do to myself?" I took 3 hits and this is what I said "Whoa, This **** could calm all the wicked." "Even better it grows on trees" "Well, I got to say, this is good **** and to think I got this whole joint for free." But, this can't go down, without a pay back, though I don't know who did this or why. So, I took the roach and added it to the note and wrote "This is for the next guy."