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TheBlackBird Apr 2013
Grown from a sapling into an
   Awkward young thing
  Nibbling on fingertips, clumsy
  And tripping over shoelaces tied
  Not so carefully

   I tried to write you a poem
  Rolled the words over my tongue,
Put them inside packages tied
With little blue bows but
They never made it onto paper

So I stare at blank pages
Digging for inspiration underneath
The onion layers of this lifetime
Searching for something
Lost along the way

Slipped from my pocket and
Fell to the ground with
No sound at all as the
Floor of the forest folded my secrets
Underneath her leaves
TheBlackBird Mar 2013
I can see you there

standing in your studio relishing

in the faces of your followers

creaming their jeans over your creations

lightbulbs hanging from the cealing by telephone cords

and photographs of babies dressed as dictators

trying to prove that innocence still exists

when we both know that this world

was robbed of its innocence a million years ago

you might fool some people but I can see right through you

professional hipster, wearing tie dye underneath your skin

and an overpriced suit on the outside

painting your lips with designer brand

translucent rasberry lipstick

and kissing your acquaintances

a kiss for each cheek

I want to know how you can fake it so well

hiding behind your little purple door

counting money while I’m busy counting lies

was it easy to push your dreams so far away

so deep in the back of your mind that they may as well be in your shoes

did you ever think you’d be here

that you’d sell your soul to the devil

because I’m afraid that you might be my future

and I would rather stand at the end of the dock with Mr.Gatsby

gazing at the green light across the river

holding on to hope forever
TheBlackBird Mar 2013
She came in like a lion. Long wild hair everywhere, loud and outlandish. She was outspoken and shameless, so settled in her own skin.  You couldn’t not see her, not hear her, not want a part of her to be inside of you. Vibrant and never ending. There were memories jam packed behind her eyes, things you knew that she was dying to forget. But she was stronger for them, better for them. She grew from every tragedy. If you were lucky she might whisper them to you alone in the safety of darkness, but in the light of day she would never show weakness. No, she was all over the room, opinions, and laughter, hand motions and impressions, spinning like the Tasmanian Devil of Human Emotion. Everywhere, and spreading like wildfire. There was no stopping her, no controlling the wildcat inside of her. She came in like a lion. She roared and everyone listened.
TheBlackBird Mar 2013
Waves crashing against rocks
making rough surfaces smooth
the way they were in the beginning
how they were always meant to be

Hazy sun is blinding
scorching rock faces
making steam rise and
mirages dance in front of me

But I can't find the water
to trickle down my throat and save me
to wake me up and satisfy
my relentless thirst

Can you hear the seagulls crying
Slow down, slow down
I am sinking into the sand
but you can't hear me
TheBlackBird Mar 2013
Stomach's twisting like wet towels
rung out into the city's bowels
truths and lies that make no sense
actions that have no consequence
spraying liquid on the ground
running down and right around
into the sewers below your feet
the deepest depths, beneath the streets
in the darkness where she lies
waiting for her sweet demise
choking out for some escape
crying out for that single taste
of the all the rain that goes to waste
watch her the dreams, elude her grasp
reaching, clawing, running back
grabbing at the same mistakes
because there is no place that’s safe
and there's always too much at stake
but you go back there late at night
watch him as he wields his knife
you crave the heartbreak, eat your pain
like an addict, moth to flame
TheBlackBird Mar 2013
Reliving my memories
buried under blankets of time
passing like sand through my fingers
I would give anything

Nails bitten until they're bleeding
I don't do this, I can't do this
look into the mirror
and face the awful truths

So pick me up and spin me around
I'm just a little girl again
My hopes and dreams are on my sleeve
And you are my greatest hero

Whisper the words out loud
that are screaming in my mind
I'm choking on this
Trying to heal the broken ones
over and over
because I can't reach you

And somehow the road curved
led me astray and into the forest
I'm Gretel but Hansel's nowhere
and the crows stole my way home

And they just keep saying “let it be”
but how can  I ever be okay again
when the truth is
that I can't fix you

Every time you lie
you steal another tiny piece of me
how much can you lose
before you're nothing?

So pick me up and spin me around again
Because I am your little girl
Bitter and jaded from memories faded
And you are my greatest failure
Written 12/02/12

— The End —