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 May 2013 The voice
Who can write a poem
for each of your hairs,
as I can?
Sing a new song
each time you smile,
as I do?

What man wishes for you,
and only you,
each time a star falls?
Who can love you
to the point of suffering,
as I surely do?

I hope that there are many such men,
but I beg you
to just ignore them,
because they
are not me.
 May 2013 The voice
Rickie Louis
I could tell you of a story, of this flower that I saw.
Growing in a little crack, this flower had it all.
It's beauty got me thinking, how ****** we forget.
It isn't where we come from, it's that we never quit.
The struggles that this flower faced, no quiver nor a fall.
It rose above the chances,
through this crack that was so small.
The only will was life, and the chance that it may "be".
Exist in ways intended, and truly live as free.
This dandelions beauty, gives me the strength to know,
content with where I'm rooted, 
 and will to always grow.
 May 2013 The voice
Thomas Wolfe
Oh, will you ever return to me,
My wild first force, will you return
When the old madness comes to
Blacken in me and to burn
Slow in my brain like a slow fire
In a blackened brazier - dull
like a smear of blood,
Humid and hot evil, slow-sweltering
up in a flood!
Oh, will you not come back, my fierce song?
Jubilant and exultant, triumphing over
the huge wrong
of that slow fire of madness that feeds
on me - the slow mad blood
thick with its hate and evil, sweltering
up in its flood!
Oh! will you not purge it from me -
my wild lost flame?
Come and restore me, save me from the
intolerable shame
Of that huge eye that eats into my
Naked body constantly
And has no name,
Gazing upon me from the immense and
Cruel bareness of the sky
That leaves no mercy of concealment
That gives no promise of revealment
And that drives us on forever with its
lidless eye
Across a huge and houseless level of
a planetary vacancy
Oh, wild song and fury, fire and flame,
Lost magic of my youth return, defend
me from this shame!
And Oh! You golden vengeance of bright
Not cure but answer to earth's wrong
 May 2013 The voice
Robert Ueda
A sonnet to my sins
Hopeful hopelessness
Akin to Les Mis

Hypocrisy thy name is
Was I really a drunk?
A toss-away punk, caught up in the funk?

Barreling down the asphalt human landing strip
Looking back but seeing nothing behind
Self replicating machine elves on the mind

Give in
Drop out
Tune in
Hypocrisy thy name is
 May 2013 The voice
Robert Ueda
And waiting

Press play

After repeat

Tremors in the wavelength
Auras glisten and shine

There goes the time
****, there goes my mind

Six twenty three
Sun sets in suburbia

Mother Earth, what a radiant shade

My humble sinister streets
Breathing newfound life

I’ve been here a thousand times
Never have I seen this before

Walk with me Brother
Bring along your Lover
She’s no stranger to me

Strangers don’t exist
Psychedelic fantasy

Eyes shut to the physical
Eye opens at the pineal

Dance in the comfortable darkness
Sway to the new-age hippie acoustic

Two young tree nymphs
Bending and twisting
Loving and mixing

A soft-core *****
Close curtain
Open eyes

The stage but a well beaten trail
Fingers dancing in the dirt
Oh well
It’s getting around that time
               ­                You
        ­                                       Really
                   ­               Need
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