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 May 2013 The voice
Elise Shore
Everlasting love
The perfect, unchanging love
From Jesus Christ alone
I think I’ve murdered you twice
Blamed you for all the wrong throughout my life
I’ve screamed at you
Heck, I’ve chucked a few things too
I’ve even spoke harshly behind ur back
Yet no matter what, ur presence never lacks

You’ve helped me through a lot bad
lifted me up when I’ve felt all but sad
You make me humble when times are good
And give me grace when I feel misunderstood.
For no one knows me as well as you
And now it’s time to pay my due

My destiny is now laid out before me
Your peace, your love, your kingdom, my goal
Help me to become who you want me to be
Heal my heart, and comfort my soul

So Heavenly father, please have mercy on my sins
Fill me with your spirit and make my heart whole
One life dies, with you, I'm ready, another begins...
 May 2013 The voice
dan hinton
 May 2013 The voice
dan hinton
Jesus, lord above
We got a bus full of Christ’un girls here
They got rose perfume and windswept hair
We got blonde bombshells with **** glasses.
Jesus, why do you tempt me so?
I bet they’re all off to pray.
All off to do some good in the name
Of our lord. Raising their button noses in reverence.
But I think God was having a ***** joke
When he made girls so good looking.
Pearl white teeth, plush and kissable cherry lips, Salvation T-shirts
With the Good Lord Jesus Saves belt buckles
Man, oh man, I go to church and light candles
Praying, lord please oh please
If these girls are going to Heaven
Save me a place in the Pearly Club.
So that we can dance the night away
Watching those saintly hips swing...
Watching her play with her pinna earring
Watching her ****** with her Ichthys ring
All those lovely girls,  up from the Bible Belt
Nibbling on their pink-chipped nail polish
Driving me crazy, torturing men forever.
Just my luck, I’ll bet I’ll be in Hell
While the party’s going on.
 May 2013 The voice
R E D Road
 May 2013 The voice
From a pavement bistro, enjoying an alcove espresso and jam scone
After fresh rains, scenic smiles yet the road is of red sand
Young children play ball in park adjacent, some teen skaters pass by
Skirt-tugger hangs on for dear life, while she perambulates the baby.

The little, old man places with care, two stones behind his back wheels
His car stuck on the muddy, wet road
A small, slow push by stranger passing; it rolls easily from soft, red ruts
A wave of thanks, a friendly smile and off he goes.

Anna steps in ruddy hope, septuagenarian in jaunty hat and Sunday best
Ready to meet the one of a lifetime, widow of a decade
Correspondence long-time with namaste-man, final reward
Ribcage busy, beat in mouth, eyes flit eagerly, hearty salutes.

But nobody knows that someone is being watched,
From across the distance of the park, a clutch of strangers
Their beady eyes, hooded expressions, they wait
Fate is sealed when car drives by; irrevocably red.

S T, 11 May 2013
So, sunshine fled this morn.

There are other people in this tale too, but I can't remember too much of them.

Work of fiction.
 May 2013 The voice
James I
 May 2013 The voice
I wanted to share your
Venom tonight.
Your hot,
Breath that
Tastes like whiskey and

I wanted to and
We almost did.
 May 2013 The voice
Raj Arumugam
it is astonishing
in spite of so much progress
in space exploration
the general population
(Yea, ye puny earthlings)
has so little grounding in space facts
(come on - face facts!)

which reminds me of the sun
which for years refused to get an education
because it claimed it’d already got
a million degrees;
but humbled by my admonition
the sun now goes to school
to get brighter;
and for reading it’s got plenty of comet books
and all day( there’s no night)
it learns all about its children:
it learns that a tick on the moon
is called a luna-tick;
that the moon is heaviest
when it’s full;
and all these planets exchange songs
they secretly call Nep-tunes;
and that Mars tries to get fresh
with Saturn by saying often:
“Give me a ring sometime!”

And more,
the sun learns about the light year
which is really a year with less calories;
that the cows have a distinguished
space history -
after all, the first animal in space
was the cow that jumped over the moon;
but really, its main aim
was to get all the way to the milky way

more of these facts? –
you lazy ostriches,
get off your heavy bottoms
and dig into a wormhole yourself
.. a collection of jokes from online, put into some order in spite of the chaos theory...
 May 2013 The voice
Robert Ueda
In want of a headspace
For to keep up with my thought pace
An infinite cerebral landscape
The consciousness reels and writhes through the labyrinth
Sixty five BPM’s crack the whip
Twist and turns
Indian carpets and Egyptian urns
Upon starry eyed fairytales they stand
Architecture of a madman
Brick and mortar
Psychedelic caulking
Screaming defiance against creation
Whispering fears of damnation
Wake up mate
It’s just your imagination
I know.
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