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Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Ripping, tearing,
Pulling my flesh away.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
To a host of which
They are unwelcome.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Lying, defying,
Numbing the realities.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Whispering nothings to which
There are no meanings.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Confusing, undoing,
Ignoring all truths.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Crafting lies which
Are filled with sin.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Mending, fixing,
Stitching the wounds.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Making a home in which
They shouldn't be existing.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Just ten minutes after I'd revved the engine
I was only nine miles away from the love of my life
Day dreaming of when we’d met just eight short months ago
Soaring at seventy down that country road
Only six more miles until she’d be in my arms again
Five years ago thoughts of love would have seemed so far out of sight
Yet four times I've already proposed, “too soon,” she’d always say
Amazing how in three seconds your entire life can change
With just two tires there’s little room for error
When one blew out I hit the asphalt, hard
In a wreck like that there’s zero chance I’d survive
One hour later the ambulance arrived at last
EMTs pressed two paddles against my chest
Shocks were delivered three times
At the hospital doctors performed four operations
Five months I spent in a coma
Followed by six months of physical therapy relearning to walk
In time all seventeen broken bones had set and healed
It cost me eight grand to buy a new bike
Now nine years later I’m still riding, fearless, wife on the back
The tenth time I asked, she finally said yes
 Mar 2014 The voice
Tú te estiras
llevando la luz matinal
mi copa rebosa.


You stretch out slowly,
wearing the light of morning
my cup runs over
Composed first in Spanish.
 Jan 2014 The voice
Eyes with lust to gaze upon the world
Nebulas form around the black hole
Eyes of emerald and aqua blend
Venturing from here to there
Sea of color rest upon the purest white
Thy eyes, oh thy eyes
Glutinous, absorbing ounces of beauty
Tremendous details aligned
Never thankful enough for the memories
Thy face how my fingers trace where beauty lay
Lust too much to see the world
Allah replace your sight with mind
For now I see inside my soul
Because I was made blind
I am legally blind.
I began losing my vision when I was very young.
I discovered when i was 12 that I would be completely blind by the age of 40. Because of how my eyes developed there is no surgery (as of now) that can help my particular condition.
I have a fear of losing my vision.
But I embrace that I will see my soul and others for what they truly are.
I drove,
clutched and shifted gears.

He directed.
“Go straight there. Turn right here.”

I did what he told me—
only to find myself
stopped on a steep, side street,
in front of a line of cars
and too afraid to shift.
“I can’t do it,” I said.

He clenched, yelled.
I cowered,
gunned the engine,
let out the clutch.
But before I risked the stall,
I pressed in the clutch and the brake.

He shifted the car into neutral,
pulled the emergency brake.

While we switched places,
he apologized to the drivers behind us.
The pillow doesn't always have a cool side.
 Jan 2014 The voice
A crown made of pride
glittering in the sunlight
Atop the head of a king
making short strides
His eyes are dark cameras
A mouth full of daggers,
His arms are long chains
that make his subjects stagger.
A king! A king!
So majestic is he
He is righteous and justly!
Or so he thinks..
Ruling a broken kingdom
Subjects protest wise decisions
and are punished on false or
petty crimes
A king! A king!
always kind and intelligent
Forget that his actions are belligerent
I was not too surprised.
In fact, I had just been extracted from my princess’ womb
When she decided to move into her beautiful mind
Leaving me screaming, bleeding and naked
To the arms of a boy who hadn’t learned yet
The proper way to choose me.

The day you decided to be turned into my ghosts
I had realized for a long time that trust was my unicorn
So I knew exactly what to do to survive you
While inhabiting the same walls:
You were immaterial and you wouldn’t even notice.
 Jan 2014 The voice
The Broken
 Jan 2014 The voice
There is no worse pain than these tears trying to break through, forcing their escape. Feeling my life break into a thousand pieces, and not telling a soul. It’s absurd to feel this way, but I can’t stop. Dying on the inside, crying and hoping and wishing and knowing that none of my wishes will come true. He’s gone and he’s not coming back. I’m alone, all alone. He’s not there, holding me through the night, kissing my forehead, making me feel like I’m worth something. He’s gone. And I’m gone.  Nothing left but an old shell, fragile and ready to shatter at the slightest touch. But they’ll never know. To them, I’m whole. I’m free, happy, joyous. I’m ok. But I know better. I know what I really am. Weak, broken, alone. So horribly alone. With these tears forcing themselves out, burning my throat, burning my eyes, wracking my body and making me ache and making me wish it would all just go away and knowing that it won’t. It will be here every waking moment. In every tortured dream. It’s real. It’s my life. I can’t escape. I won’t escape. I need someone to take me and hold me and make me believe that it will all be okay. Because I know it won’t. I know I won’t. Pouring these jumbled words out. Not making any sense, but needing to get this out, needing to let it out, no matter how scrambled. Sobbing to sad songs and staring at a wall and wanting nothing more than for him to come back, but knowing he never will.

He held me and kissed my forehead and told me that he loved me. He said that I was his, and he was mine. Told me that he’d never hurt me. That he’d never let anyone ever hurt me again, the way they did in the past. I was a fool to believe him. But I never thought he’d be the one to hurt me more than anyone else. I guess that’s what we get for opening our hearts up, for letting people in. For breaking down the barriers, for giving our most fragile pieces to someone else, and trusting them enough not to break them. That’s what we get for believing that love can happen to all of us. Because maybe, for some of us, love just won’t happen. We’re too broken, too shattered, too scattered, too hopeless, too unbelievably ****** up. Maybe love just isn’t meant to heal us. Maybe we’re too broken to be healed. And love is meant to pass us by.
Knees paved like the tooth
of a dog. Mothers only trying
their best. I never knew what
that meant until my belly swelled
like radish gums with myself
holed inside. Right now I 
am just waiting for a neatly
wrinkled wave.
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