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 Apr 2016 TW
Matthew James
I... Um
I am...
(Mumbles) -Uncomfortable
Matt... I am Matt

So, I'm stood in front of you
And you're looking at me
And I'm talking to you
And you're listening to me
And your eyes are on me
And your minds are on me
Looking at me and listening to me and eyes on me and minds on me
And I'm thinking about what you think about me
And now I feel awkward
So I'm not coming forward
My movements seem backward
So, now you feel awkward
About drawing toward
Because I'm afraid I won't get the reward
Of your praise

So you're going to be polite!!!
Don't be polite!
I hate when you're polite, because I won't believe it!
It's not real praise so it doesn't MEAN ****
It's not much better than telling me I'm ****
But don't tell me I'm ****!
Please!! I can't take it!

So, now you're just getting bored and frustrated
Listening to me talking about feelings I've debated

I want to get off
I want to get out
I also want you to clap
And I want you to shout

So I'm tense and I'm nervous and we're all feeling scared
About if this rhymes good enough to convince me you cared

And then I fell over
 Apr 2016 TW
Ree Bunch
 Apr 2016 TW
Ree Bunch
How do we fix that which has been broken?
When important fragments are dastardly missing!
Shall we mend it with what we can salvage and live with imperfections?
Or smash it to smithereens and say the heck with it?
We all know marriages take work, but if valuable elements (honesty, trust, etc.) are missing, what do you do?

  (A question I hope I never have to contemplate on.)
 Apr 2016 TW
Kenny Whiting
Hear what I say, then ponder this,
   God made you just for me;
Created from a piece of bone
   And formed quite perfectly!

He took such pride in all he made
   placed everything just right;
My God Himself saw what He'd done,
   perfection in His sight!

He knew we need companionship,
   Each husband needs his wife;
Someone like you to walk with me
   with whom to share my life!

He started out with only sand,
   to form a mortal man;
Beginning of the human race,
   fulfilling perfect plan!

I'll bet He chuckled to Himself,
   He knew how proud I'd be;
How right He was and proud I AM,
   that you're right here with me!
 Apr 2016 TW
Maia Vasconez
I turn people into gods,
I'm upset when they have flaws.
 Apr 2016 TW
Why can’t I be me?
It’s a question I find myself asking a lot.
People often tell me to be myself,
But they hardly ever truly mean it.

They’ll tell me they won’t leave.
But the second they see the real me,
They don’t just leave,
They call me a freak
And tell me I’m not normal.

I try not to let it bother me,
‘Cause that’s who I am.
But it gets hard
When you know everyone thinks you’re a freak
Even if they won’t say it to your face.

People always tell me to be myself,
But I find it hard to.
Especially when I’m judged,
Once I show the real me.

I wish I could be me
Without the fear of being abandoned
Because people think I’m strange.
Why can’t I be me?
 Apr 2016 TW
 Apr 2016 TW
do you honestly think
forever exist?
it is the most beautifully created
illusion known to man kind.
crafted from lies
wonder, and hope
so do not promise me
what will never com
 Apr 2016 TW
I am sorry.
 Apr 2016 TW
I am sorry,
that im not the brightest
star in the universe.
or the most beautiful rose
in the garden.
I am sorry,
that my cheeks
are not as rosy, or that my
eyes don't shine as
brightly as theirs do.
But, I am not sorry
that it is you whom ive
fallen for.
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