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 Mar 2015 Swan girl
Tori Bender
2 AM
 Mar 2015 Swan girl
Tori Bender
I have to forget them
All the moments we shared
Laughing hysterically
This connection so rare

Sharing your life with me
A move daring and bold
Poured mine into your hands
Which I so longed to hold

I cannot remember
Ev'ry star we admired
Running through bitter wind
Kept warm by our fire

We said that one day, we'd
Return here together
You promised we'd stare up
At those stars forever

But what's hurting the most
Is your gaze and your smile
And the light in your eyes
I won't see for a while

I wish i could hold you
See you, touch you--kiss you
But all that I can do
For now
is miss you
At 2 am
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
Weak before,
I stood naked, shaking
Before you
But now I say NO

To your lies

To their eyes

To the people
Who say the bullet should fly

To hate

To my weight

To the anger
Which lies behind this gate

To the dread

I'm not mislead

To the voices
Inside of my head

Because I am tired
Of your ****
And being told
Just how to be
And so I shout NO
With my fist in the air
Because no longer,
I just don't care
Because I'm going to be me now
And I'll leave you all just standing
Alone with your
Thoughts in your
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
This girl was magic, something special,
My only love in the world
She danced with flowers and sang with  the wind
And traveled across lands like a bird

Her smile was moonlight cast across lakes
And her eyes shone like the seas
Her cheeks were velvet and softer than sand
And her skin was as pure as could be

Her voice as peaceful as the silence of night
And her spirit shone like the day
She braided starlight into her hair
And the strands by her ears would sway

But my love to be is my love no more
She is cast across the skies
I speak to her most every day
A never ending goodbye
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
There once was a girl
Who knew not a soul
Who lied or cursed
Or drunk or swore
She lived very happy
In her innocent life
Tucked in warm hands
That bore no knife
But as she grew
Marks up the wall
Her knowledge of the world
Was surprisingly small
She looked in wonder
At the people around
And wondered aloud
Why she was so safe and sound
Everyone seemed dangerous
With lies and a past
That swore to haunt them
'Till the days of their last
This little girl
So confused and blind
Opened her arms,
Her heart, her mind
But the world was cruel
It smirked with disgust
To teach her a lesson
This world, it must
Her arms became ******
Bruised with cuts
Her heart broke in two
Her mind left to rust
So this innocent girl
Who cared so much
Turned her back on the world
For she had cared too much
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
Follow me, small child,
To the ends of the Earth
Follow me, blind child,
I'll teach you of hurt

I'll show you the sick,
The broken devils of hate
I'll show you the drugged
For whom help came too late
I'll show you the people
Who have done many wrongs
And I'll show you these people
Have been lied to all along
The people with scars
And tongues of barbed wire
The people with bitter
And ****** hearts of liar
I'll show you the sad,
The angry, the lost
And I'll show how their place
That came with a cost

These people so sad
Once wore different shoes
Be warned, small child,
They once were you
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
You wanted me
But now you have her
I'm only concerned
Because you flirt
With every girl

I broke your heart
Three times before
But if you break hers
Or take her innocence
You'll be dead by four

So *******.
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
I wanted to write a poem for you
But all that I made was a doodley-doo
I wanted to make it so perfect for two
I suppose this rhyme will have to do
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
And then she realized
With a sudden burst of longing
That she only wanted to be
Somebody's girl
Listening to
"Come To Me"
-The Goo Goo Dolls
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
I once checked out
Of the loony bin
But now here I go
Checking back in
 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
There once was a prince
On a planet far away
A prince who liked to think
Of flying far away
He liked very much
To think of places so new
Of places with color
Like red, purple, or blue
Worlds with emotions
And rolling hills that sang
Stars who laughed
Or cried where they hang
Where ballerinas clapped
As the mundane people danced
Where enemies were friends
And lovers entranced
There only would be happy thoughts
And even Kings were never mad
Where at night there were celebrations
For the moon not being sad
And the prince just sat
On his planet alone
Thinking up worlds
He would never come to know
For the prince only sat
And he would only think
And never leave his planet
Except for when he blinked
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