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 Jan 2014 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
You were lost
In darkness and drugs
When we became friends
And you learned I don't judge
Now you call me your angel
A light in the dark
Because while we were friends
I rescued your heart

But that was just a coincidence

When you and I grew apart
Friend of fourteen years
We still were friends
But we knew not our fears
But when I got myself in trouble
With boys and love and kissing
You told me to slow down
Because there was a lot I was missing
Our friendship had dissolved
And almost gone away
And I was attempting to fill your space
But now you meet me halfway

But that was just a coincidence

I was sitting on my bed
Entranced in my book
When I picked up my phone
And gave it a look
So I texted you up
To make sure you were okay
But you said you were cutting
And wanted to die where you lay
I came over that night
To lay by your side
"Please don't be alone"
I wanted to cry

But that was just a coincidence

I don't believe in coincidences anymore
How do we know
we are in love?
I know, its when
we feel funny inside.
we might sweet or
keep saying nice things.
Where happy when we
talk with that person.
We might crack some
jokes with that person.
We even say, I
love you so much.
Some people are to
scared to hear this.
Their scared they might
be slaped or rejected.
But when love strikes
we do crazy thinks.  
Stay with the person
you love, its worthwhile.
 Sep 2013 Swan girl
Annabel Lee
I love him
I have loved him since the first time I saw him
And somehow knew him despite myself

His awkward silence and surprising satirical comments
His loping long legged gait
And the sadness so rooted in his bones
That I think I would like to just hold him


To sap it all away
Leaving only his gangly thin ***** limbs
That I could find a home in
His dark eyes too

With the intelligence within so evident
That sit under even darker eyebrows
To compliment his raven locks
Which I want to run a hand through

As he sighs into me
Comfort flowing through my finger tips
And through his skull
To seek out the sorrow that lurks

I want to pull him out of the life he is making too short
And into a word so full of color
Of sound
And of beauty

That he could never imagine life as it was before
Being called life again

I want to wash away his haunted gaze
That leaves my skin feeling so oppressive
I can’t even imagine being stuck in his mind

Tormented, by past and present
In a warring cocktail of bad memories
And self-imposed solitude

He is the lonely dark shadow to my side
That I long so desperately to pull into the light
Knowing too well I don’t have the brightness within to fill him

I am darker that he
I will be gone all too soon
In a flush of crimson

Not even getting to ask him
Please don’t blame yourself

And forgive me
 Sep 2013 Swan girl
 Sep 2013 Swan girl
How You left me open
How you don't say hello or hi anymore
How you act as if we were never together
How you don't think of me
How you said you won't forget about me
How you ignore me
How you try to erase me from your memories
How you don't speak much of me
I hate how I broke my heart by breaking your heart
I hate how you make me feel
I hate how I think about you
I hate how I want to forget about you so much but can't
I hate how you left me all alone
I hate how we aren't close anymore
I hate how you turned out to be
I hate how you walk past me as if you don't even know me
But deep down I'm crying and still I LOVE YOU.
 Jul 2013 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
You and me
Different as can be
We sit together here
Thinking of things
Like old, rusty swings
And memories
That shed happy tears
 Jul 2013 Swan girl
Elizabeth Ann
I tried to write
A poem
About you
But took
A bright red marker
And scribbled it
In loop-da-loops
And spattered
Blue paint around it
With sparkles
That you would
My artistic poetry
Just the
 Jun 2013 Swan girl
Oliver David
Love is a lot like mist.
It swirls and dances,
Wavers and blinds,
Until it finally dissipates
and fades away
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