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Mariya Jawed
13/F/Karachi, Pakistan    Writing is my pasion it was never my profession...-mariya jawed
Paul Warren
41/M/UK    I believe there is no right or wrong when it comes to writing, as long as it comes from the heart.
Ashly Kocher
38/F/Florida    I write when I'm inspired. I try my best and hope my poems touch someone's life. ❤ my writings are raw and usually unedited. ©All ...
F    I've been reciting poems since I was little, I guess it's time for me to create to.
Utopia    Zen
Missouri, USA    "If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer"
The Poet Tree
46/M/CA    Rolling with the sinners until lies become truth, Sinners remember, the devil was an angel too.

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