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 Jan 2020 Stratus
Windy Times
 Jan 2020 Stratus
The wind moves like a whip,
As if making way for a storm.
The field, a dull golden amber,
Leans to one side in the fiery weather.

The wind pulls me away from myself,
Freezing my saddened body,
But releasing my tortured soul,
Pulling to the healing grounds
That I consider this field to be.
The field is really nice.
 Jan 2020 Stratus
 Jan 2020 Stratus
I’m such a coward
I run and hide from opportunity.
My regrettable cowardice
runs through my blood fluidly,
Causing my own grief.

Maybe if I was brave,
Life would’ve been better.
But I am a coward,
And I could never be proud
Of where it put me now.
Ugh. I’m a ******* coward. I hate how it just builds on my social anxiety and introversion, making everything social for me much harder.
 Jan 2020 Stratus
As I sit ever so still,
I seem perfectly calm.
But on my visceral inside
Erupts a magnitude 9.
Ugh, I hate butterflies when they roam my stomach.
 Jan 2020 Stratus
 Jan 2020 Stratus
Eyes as dark as midnight
Skin as Bright as moonlight
Maybe this isn't enough
To describe him
I need to point to the astonishing smile of his
The magnificent voice he has
 Jan 2020 Stratus
 Jan 2020 Stratus
It appears to me that you're mentally ill
Here is some water to wash down that pill
Myself and my colleagues have all clearly stated
You need to be institutionalized and heavily medicated
January 15 2020
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