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vinny Jun 2015
Six months ago
      Your soul filled mine
      I could listen to notes
      Without any sign
      Of the death warrant I wrote

Six months later
       Anger fills my veins
       Tears fill my eyes
       I am no longer sane
       I am my own demise

Six months later
       My heart contains pain
       My hand contains a knife
       My attempts were in vain
       My love ended in strife

Six months later
       These pictures bring back memoirs
       These memories bring up thoughts
       These thoughts bring up scars
       These scars; who i sought.

Six months ago*
         Trouble was not the intent
         Tears were not my goal
         Loyalty is what I meant

But six months later                              
          I am no longer whole
June 28th, 2015, six months later.
  Jun 2015 vinny
i have given in
to the soft crackle of old vinyls
harmonizing with the
rain tapping on my window;
it is a song unlike any other,
the lyrics engrained into my mind
and the rhythm in time with my heartbeat,
slow and steady

i am bathed in the glow
of scented candles and
strings of lights
strung up between windows and doors and open drawers;
wrapped in vanilla and white light,
enveloped in warmth
and drenched in dimly lit happiness

i am alone but never lonely;
on nights like these i lay awake
in sync with the crackle of vinyl
the soft patter of rainfall
the flickering of tiny flames
and the peace i have found
in simplicity.

  Jun 2015 vinny
seven billion people
in this world.

         it can be chaotic
yet tranquil               
              all at once
                  and it can sometimes feel           
   as if     
it's all a frenzied blur.            

what happens when you find              
                            the one in seven billion 
       who's able to make it all                

                                       stop in its tracks?

                                                        ­      t.m.
you're one of a kind in the most literal sense (and also in the best way)
vinny Jun 2015
Yet again* i find myself sighing
It's all the energy i have here
Because inside i'm dying
But this time, you're not near

Yet again, i find myself crying
it's the buildup of constant anger
you've unleashed from my lying
now the pain must simply linger

Yet again,your ignorance stabs me
your shoves can ****
your hazel eyes cannot see
i'm dying not by my will

Yet again my insides rot
i wish you could see what you do
i hope you miss me a lot
it'll never compare to how i miss you
  Jun 2015 vinny
i saw a picture of you with her today
many who saw seemed to ignore
the fact that i was, in fact, yours
at such a recent time
people complimented the two of you,
what a wonderful pair;
it took everything in me not to
pitch my phone to the concrete.

i told you i had nothing left to say
but now as i catch glimpses of
your smile directed at someone else
and overhear broken pieces of
lighthearted conversations that
sound like ones we used to share,
my mind swells with thoughts
that won't slip past my teeth.

i keep telling myself i'll be okay*
without the expectation that
you would so easily find someone new
to confide in, to trust like i trusted you;
now, as i watch you stop mid-stride
to talk to her,
now that i can see you looking
at someone the same way
you looked at me when you told me
i meant everything and more to you,
i stop believing the mantras
i've been repeating.

losing sleep over someone who doesn't deserve it
vinny May 2015
Your smile* is medication to me
Your story is inspiration to me
Your body is an addiction to me
Your words are hallucinations to me

Your love was what saved me
Your eyes were what enslaved me
Your mind was what craved me
Your tears were what caved me

Your looks are what will conceal me
Your hatred is what will chill me
Your anger is what will fill me
Your departure is what will **** **me
I like this a lot. hoping you see these regrets
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