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Mar 2024 · 75
Howl (10 words)
Kyle Mar 2024
When the moon is full, I will have you raw
Predatory passion
Sep 2023 · 265
Glowing Silence
Kyle Sep 2023
Under the moonlight
Calm is the space between Now
And Eternity
You will find it in a quiet walk at a desolate yet beautiful locale.
Feb 2023 · 133
Once Bitten
Kyle Feb 2023
The last of heartbeats,
The vanishing of crescendos,
Fading maroon,
From thy cheekbone,
Prey become predator,
Wistful glides,
Moonlit cobblestone,
Innocent pouts,
Invited home
A short one after watching Let The Right One In.
Nov 2022 · 133
Kyle Nov 2022
So fair skinned a lass
That he couldn't look away
The Moonlight envied
Oct 2022 · 126
Kyle Oct 2022
Amidst the turmoil, silence speaks in ways words could not
(10 words)
Oct 2022 · 207
The Dragon At The Corner
Kyle Oct 2022
Ever watchful from every angle,
The decade wears not his oak-like scale,
A glimpse of his regal gait & you will see,
That which you seek becomes thee
An ode about a majestic Balinese carving that I own.
Apr 2022 · 168
Kyle Apr 2022
Last vampire defying the living,
Bite swift canine's a given,
Decapitating slayers like a guillotine,
Stacking bloodpacks fight's unending,
The after-image mirage in a vision,
Tearing the jugular respiratory failing,
Flaunting words wearing them like a pendant,
Death of my master means vengeance
A short rap verse inspired by a vampire themed mobile mmo rpg I came across.
Feb 2022 · 143
Cold Is War
Kyle Feb 2022
The March is short, The deafening roars prolong,
It numbs the heart, It's too late for remorse,
Which side are you on?
The reaper's instrument favors no one
Jul 2021 · 250
An Ode to Madness
Kyle Jul 2021
Let the whisper guide you
To salvation or insanity
Solace is a strange thing
It digs old bones to be replaced
Strange things await
Find old cracks in ancient ruins  
Just don't
Now we read...from the end to the beginning.
Jul 2021 · 219
As Good As Dead
Kyle Jul 2021
Can you imagine me?
As a thorn in your side
Where would the pleasure be
If it always felt right

You'll be as good as dead
If you let down your guard
Hide inside your head
Making it hard to resist

Bask me with your eyes
Clench me with your fist
Drench me in your lies
Making it hard to resist
A short one. About being taunted by a vampire. From the perspective of both prey and predator.
Apr 2021 · 138
Writer's Block
Kyle Apr 2021
Oh I know it all too well,
The desperate search for adequate telling
Of Scent, Taste, Colors, so refined
Imagery so sublime, worthy of a waltz with the pen
But do it quick
Do it now
Before all sense of my usefullnes flutters away again
Then I'd have to cut myself
To describe pain
Since that's all I have left
Apr 2021 · 134
Current Moment
Kyle Apr 2021
I was drawn to you
Heard you're worth a thousand volts
Till' love lost its spark
Oct 2020 · 121
Kyle Oct 2020
Gloomy it was, that midnight
His pale countenance, wicked smile
Inevitable sweep, Wolf to Sheep

But I ran on the stony pavement, barefoot
Bathed in my unshackled hair, misty breath

I feared for my decaying soul,
But his words complete me

'You will never be afraid again
Never alone, never old
Beauty untold'

A muteness unfold,
All the words that had meaning to me
Taken from my lips

I stopped,
Wings of shadow held my waist gently,
It felt like home,
How I missed the feeling,
As I stepped into the Unknown
Kindred and Sire.
Oct 2020 · 112
Kyle Oct 2020
Voices say I should
Twist bodies to its image
Paint the night with screams
Jack did not act alone

Halloween Haiku!
Aug 2020 · 184
Carmilla's Diary
Kyle Aug 2020
When my fangs are bored
I forge alliances and build armies
Then tick off other Aristocrats

A simple game really

The thing with war is
Being my captive is an honor
Why don't these men understand?

After satiating every inch of me
I ask them paint my throne in their blood
Yet they grovel by my feet begging for mercy

Playing hard to get I see
Poenari Castle -Winter, 1580
3 am
Still thirsty
Aug 2020 · 121
Crescendo (A Haiku)
Kyle Aug 2020
Madness descends slow
Even with your whispers gone
I can still hear you
The mania which haunts can be so strange of a bittersweet.
Jul 2020 · 84
Kingdom Within
Kyle Jul 2020
Watch how we paint ourselves,
For the acrylic can be the Ego,
A fog where the Game takes place,
The Game of Remembering & Forgetting,
Until one ceases to un-know,
You are, We are,

An immortal speck of the Divine
That yearns to return,
One lifetime at a time,
To the Source of All That Is
Emptiness is Form, Form is Emptiness.
Jul 2020 · 104
Stay Awake (10w)
Kyle Jul 2020
I won't if I can see you in my dreams
Mar 2020 · 120
Isolation (A Haiku)
Kyle Mar 2020
The Reaper's New Crown
Denies me your eager touch
Will thoughts be enough?
But really, all these covid-19 posts are starting to get cringy
Nov 2019 · 202
Koala (A Haiku)
Kyle Nov 2019
Flames licking my fur
Leaves sing to the fiery dance
Earth I shall return
Praying for Australia. Bless the brave souls who are saving these beautiful creatures
Nov 2019 · 201
Castle Levitanium (A Haiku)
Kyle Nov 2019
A fortress floats by
Brushing clouds and painting skies
Pass the drowsy eye
One of the most beautiful things I might've seen
Oct 2019 · 1.2k
The Pumpkin Folk
Kyle Oct 2019
A feverish dream under the phantom twilight,
The tiny hamlet rests on a colossal pumpkin,
The gargantuan bulbous emerges every Hallow’s Eve
Carrying with it an ominous kin,
The Pumpkin Folk are eccentric & gaunt,
From Dainty Betty to Growling Bob,
They speak very little, eyes bloodshot,
Bent on making menacing faces on Jack-O-Lanterns,
The air sweetens as they carve & peel,
Until an unfamiliar gallop draws near,
The headless rider with an ethereal glow knows no halt,
His battle charge mocks the very tempest Nature spawned,
Terror looms over the Pumpkin Folk but their Elder came forth,
‘Oh Great Fiend, what is it you seek?’

*******! Your pumpkin island looked smaller up North
Guess the perfect head will have to wait
Happy Halloween
Oct 2019 · 179
Lament of the Unseen
Kyle Oct 2019
Who deems themselves worthy to assume,
That we are not real, the Fae folk & Mer,
We simply hide in forests & moonlit cove,
Where there is beauty & greenery we take refuge,
We bless your garden for honey and milk,
Until the spell is broken & Nature undone,
Burning woodlands and bullets to the hunt,
Fairies fleeing in numbers beyond reckoning,
No longer left alone in songs & hymns,
Mountains & woodlands reshaped in twisted sport,
Blessed be those who believe in magic,
Bless them quick for time is short
Oct 2019 · 280
The Spirit's Haiku
Kyle Oct 2019
As October ends
  Differences mean little
    We ghouls need friends too
Jun 2019 · 173
The Girl & the Forest
Kyle Jun 2019
The forest's dying breath carried by the wind,
Reaching Melody's keen hearing and she sprang into action,
Melody is kind but thin, Everyone calls her Twig because,
No amount of bread ever seems to make her look less malnourished,
Melody ran in the cold, bitter winter's night desperate to answer a cry for aid from the woods beyond the village,
Barefooted and panting she arrived at the clearing, cloaked in her night gown under the moon's haunting glow, she finally spoke,
'What seems to be the matter, Old One? I have come as you command'
One by one, wolves circled the helpless child, maggots crawled out of the earth & the crows watched from their twisted perch,
Melody let out a feeble shriek and the frenzy begins,
Her flesh & bone gnawed clean, bits of her brain left for the insects to lay eggs, the toads in turn feasted on it, the crows claimed any pieces of meat scattered near & far,
The forest is now alive with howls from the pack, croaks from the pond & caws from the tree, the ground rumbled with glee,
Music has returned to the forest & Melody was the Key.
May 2019 · 365
Kyle May 2019
The battle-hardened maiden descends in her regal gait,
As clanks of clamouring steel subsides,
Crimson soaked marshes sprawling with death,
Twitching bodies ensuing after shattered heads,
Entrails entwined on broken blades,

She counts the spent bitterly with her cherry lips,
As her battalion sings in praise at the fallen dead,
Golden chariots and white steeds prepare the voyage,
Ferrying Vikings to Valhalla for an eternity of songs & mead
Apr 2019 · 210
Canopy (A Haiku)
Kyle Apr 2019
Getting high with you
Isolates us from the world
In a sea of stars
Jan 2019 · 311
A Message in the Bottle
Kyle Jan 2019
How I came to be is a mystery,
Yet I do recall faintly,
The gentle lift of a maiden’s sleeve,
Hopeful & certain as a budding lady can be,
I am sent sailing through the breeze,
Until the sea devours me,

Tossing & turning while I descend into the abyss,
My fragile state endured,
Propelled forward by marine helpers,
What colorful companions they make!
Each had a role to take,
In the ocean’s primordial play

Pausing every now & then,
In places one may never see,
Oh Atlantis, how lonely you must be,
Long before I was bound
Within your halls of ruin & beauty

Aid came from a knowing lorelei
Sending me on my way
Narrowly escaping the Leviathan’s maw
Finally reaching a misty shore (Was it Avalon? I cannot recall),
My bottle opened at last!
By a crownless king from an age long past

Here reads:
‘The Universe, is majestic in all its lustre & shadow
And so are you'
Oct 2018 · 394
Beyond The Pale
Kyle Oct 2018
From my flawless cheekbone to my unworked heel,
Covered and adorned with the finest detail,
Rubies, Silk, Velvet and Pendant,
Each with pasts long and forgotten,
Ah, but our differences does not yet end,
What smells like a metallic sting to you,
To me the sweetest scent,
And I do mean that red nectar flowing through your veins
Happy Halloween!
Oct 2018 · 180
Circadian Minx
Kyle Oct 2018
This night was cursed to be
I sail away again in dreams of us
While the Old Gods I plea
That they would take this memory away
Sparing me the nitty-gritty pieces of you that stuck in my mind like
How your electrifying touch
Burns me from within
Oct 2018 · 179
Embers (A Haiku)
Kyle Oct 2018
Been playing with fire
The things that your touch can do
Scalding bitter sweet
Kyle Aug 2018
Part with not only the penny, but all your sorrow
and be renewed with hope once more
Aug 2018 · 175
A Bunny's Halloween
Kyle Aug 2018
Scream our hearts out,
Fear the living without a doubt,
Keep skeletons in the closet,  
The imperfections we proudly accept,
Play the devil's advocate,
For the truth is not always cute and cuddly,
Spend every witching hour wisely,
Plunge your hands in the magician's hat,
You may find me by the ear's edge,

Now take me home and feed me all your carrots
Every day is a Halloween. Never stop believing, never stop being different.
Aug 2018 · 179
Kyle Aug 2018
How would the Light within you,
Display itself in a vivid many,
From a wave so serene,
To a chaotic torrent I too hope to see
May 2018 · 185
Ophelia's Mask
Kyle May 2018
I manifest for many faces,
At the back of your mind here I hide,
One for every sin & saint your heart chooses,
Let it feed on your soul to keep me alive,

Take me to your masquerade and by Tartarus I promise,
His heart & his lips are yours to keep
Bloodied by your blade, mercy extinguished
Inspired by Hamlet
Mar 2017 · 819
Nocte Caelum (A Haiku)
Kyle Mar 2017
Nyx as our witness

I counted stars that weren’t there

Just to lay longer
Night Sky

My first Haiku!
Mar 2017 · 446
Crimson Doe
Kyle Mar 2017
I’d like to get to know you again
From your blushed freckles down to your pale toe
Or just be lost in eternity with the sound of your
Chest bound metronome

I’ll have you know, my red absinthe
That this soberness is killing me
Each moment without a sip from you
Is havoc unleashed
Feb 2017 · 718
I, Castle
Kyle Feb 2017
I am a fortress of solitude, Lord of the misty peak,
I grant sweet breeze, visitors of my lofty perch,
Terror to prisoners of my hollow crypt,
My troubled throne remains still,
Sought by the noble and tyrant in a struggle that never seems to quell,
But I am yours to command as you see fit,

A keep, yours to keep
Kyle Oct 2016
The curse of Un-living unhinges even one as proud
Guilt alone could undo one’s wicked past
Titles I have sought by might & rumour
Tyrant, King, Reaper, Hound, Eater

Impaled foes fills my moat
Crescendos of screams, in symphony
With the hums of my throat

From the jugular
My canine harvests red elixir
Damning my thrall to reluctantly
Creep along my crimson mantle

All this time taking, I ache to give
Would this year be Turtă dulce
Or Clătitele cu gem?
Native delights that would surely
Bring out those little goblin’s grins
Turtă dulce- Gingerbread, Clătitele cu gem- Crepes with jam
Apr 2016 · 353
The Day
Kyle Apr 2016
The Day, When the only season we know is Summer
The Day, When the only animals we see live in shelters
The Day, When every gust of wind carries the ashes
The Day, When every terrain that was once green now a wasteland
The Day, When every step we take brings us closer to a heatstroke,
The Day, When every vision we have is being robbed by Smoke,
The Day, When Mother Earth stops pleading,

And the eviction notice becomes more than just a warning

Earthquake, Tsunami and Thunder Storms

What’s mine is now Yours, takes a bitter form

Every Day should be Earth Day

So that The Day never comes
Oct 2015 · 876
Boogey's Proposal
Kyle Oct 2015
I'll let you in on a secret of an ancient wicked
The price would only be your silence
And the space under your bed
The veil is near and I have no will left
The bones I have collected are yours if I am read
The Spiral is yours to command as you see fit
And the Hollow Labyrinth for your victims to go insane with
Take my place!
I long for the taste of candy and innocent pleas
For the millionth time,
**Set me free
An all evil dimensional drifter's unwavering attempt to go trick-or-treating
Jan 2015 · 541
Kain's Lament
Kyle Jan 2015
Should I descend from this clock tower
Or wait a little longer
As I listen to a million heartbeats
In this city that never sleeps
Gleaming brighter than the constellations above my head
Has my slumber really been so long
That lights could be lit absent of flame
Metallic chariots creep on black roads without beasts, tamed
Pushing my kind deeper into the dark membrane
Then again, who am I to complain
I am brought to a tomorrow that never ends
By seizing that which I can bleed for my strength

Did I, did I
Did I just see that?
The face of a familiar sweetheart
That shattered a thousand years back
As I held her in my arms
The only heartbeat I didn't stop
But couldn't save
Putting my proud might and wisdom in its place
How? Why?
This ends tonight
In a few hours time
I will greet the sun
And if I am not ******
Then I will return with a pulse
And reunite with that heartbeat
As one
A hungry vampire awakes from a millennia of slumber only to find his dark past resurfacing. Also an odd take on reincarnation.
Oct 2014 · 716
My Witch
Kyle Oct 2014
There are those who think that I am strange
My aura gives off fuchsia and violet
With shades of grey
If I am a balloon it wanders aimlessly
From concrete jungles to enchanted forests
And into the hands of a lonely princess
The upset kicks in when they tell me to change
And that I couldn't but I want to blend in so dearly
So you would put a hex on my frown
Turning sour plums to bright sweet oranges
Whispering almost silently with a cute grin
And hypnotic gaze that
You wouldn't have me any other way
Crowning my forehead with a magic kiss
Fate wasn't the same ever since
Somewhat a true encounter
Oct 2014 · 525
Salem's Lot
Kyle Oct 2014
Pale mist cloaks the light in a phantasmal duet
Remnants of warmth abysmal but to the freezing ghoul
Sinister clouds devour the moon and then regurgitating the lascivious lunar
Bringing shadows to life as my only torment.. so far
As I escape the disapproval of corporeal life forms
‘******’, ‘Freak’, ‘Witch’ – no more
Following the voices in my head with each step
Turning left or right with the Will-O-Wisp as my guide
Jack the Ripper burying a harlot by the side
Finger pursed to his lips as I looked with the corner of my eye
Dr. Frankenstein digs a grave looking for body parts to revive
What monstrosities would transpire if they formed an unholy alliance
As I walked further, Elizabeth Bathory greeted me in her ****** tub
‘Care to join me?’
‘I don’t swing that way’ I said
Wait, this is getting weird
Before my doubts could take-over, a strange portal lies ahead
And a mysterious figure appears and said
‘Girl, you've been in here for the hundredth time, don’t you ever get bored?’
A goth teenager finds herself obsessed over a horror themed scare park.
Should have just looked for me =D
Kyle Oct 2014
Another year, another Samhain, otherwise known as Halloween
The veil will be thin
This evening is different
A mysterious scheme
Children everywhere, nasty or nice
May see the Bogeyman and the monster under their bed
In a different light
Some squeal in fear, others in delight
For the worst that could happen is
A tooth ache, a tummy upset and
A prank from Mum and Dad
But I
Never withered inside
Magic is more than just a promotional spice
Like the Midas touch, only with the mind
Fairies in nature glitter under the sunlight
Witches and sorcerers bring more than just blight
Like an old pagan practice
‘The Book of Shadows’
You record everything that matters to you
From rituals, ancient knowledge and incantations
Samhain is the day for reflection and gratitude
And perhaps to mend the bonds that was once broken
Between our world and the unknown
A rather weak attempt. But not many celebrations have such intricate depth to them.
Sep 2014 · 604
Motion Capture Girl
Kyle Sep 2014
It’s hard being patient with a book
While noticing your erratic movement
The way you skip
One feet at a time
On the nice warm mat
Swinging your arms while sending sparks
Like a fairy overdosed on pixie dust
Making auroras out of mundane space
‘Do, do, do, do de dum’
Singing isn't your thing but I
Couldn't get that off my head
And I also have to add
I noticed your pretty face
And cute round
Sep 2014 · 671
Dark Chocolate
Kyle Sep 2014
I had some chocolate. That tiny bit of magic.
Shan’t have too much or else the ecstasy is lost
Something like my first kiss. It wasn’t wet and long
But cherishable no doubt, that electric jolt
Comes with blushes and awkward pauses
Followed by my silly little question-- ‘Was it….good?’
**** it all.
Some past are better left forgotten
It will be my last chocolate for a while
Sep 2014 · 779
The (Not So) Grim Reaper
Kyle Sep 2014
The price of life is balance
Tis’ not too much to pay
I am the Grim Reaper
A tax collector, so to say
Like petals on the flower
And the ugly toad under
I take.
To the state before Birth through Decay
When thou time is up, there is no delay
Let’s see who is next
Little Chloe, on the hospital bed
Diagnosed with a rare condition
Through the pale walls I enter, and Chloe was awake

‘Who are you, mister?’ said Chloe

‘How in the blazes do you see me! Pardon me, young lady, I am the doctor’

‘Oh hello! I’ve never seen one in black before. What are you holding?’ said the annoying child.

‘It is a scyt…pair of scissors’ I lied

‘Goodie, come make origami with me!’

‘Origami-shinigami, sheesh!’ I groaned

It is never easy to take the life of The Innocent
Surely one who could stare Death in the eye
Is more grim than I could ever be
Aug 2014 · 414
Heart Beats
Kyle Aug 2014
The sounds you make when the mind don’t matter
Stable and constant
Like calm horses in a stable
Albeit the raging storm
The sounds you make when you know he/she is the right partner
Then again
Love is formless but combustible
Glows the brightest
When Light kisses Darkness


It beats through the mental turmoil, conditioned in every household and every societal stronghold

It beats through the choking grip of every creed and every hypocrisy pertaining skin

The heart is blind
But sees everything
If it is given the chance to beat
For the right reason.
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