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As peacefully dying as the setting sun,
was our time together.

We did not long
to be apart or together,
but we drifted
kissed a farewell across
the ocean between.

It is on this day
that I
find ocean: guilty
It is not on looking back
but on looking forward that I say
dear lover that I never knew
I regret now loving you.

What does it say of the empty album
What does it say of seeds never planted
What does it whisper of happiness untold?
for fantasy cannot break the sorrow
of this moment.

It is the heavy pining that I gnaw at
like some lonely ******.
It's no **** that I build,
but a raft,
for I refuse to be an island.
Better to drift with the school,
learn common sense,
and remember not to throw away
new shoes.
But I remember...
running barefoot led me to

In the quiet night,
borne on evening wind,
her dress flutters, speaking beauty.
In the stillness of my curiosity,
I pace over to her,
I whisper,
"She was no illusion. Liberty."

"What was she?" she breathes

With outstretched palm,
"Take my hand and we'll find her..."

She smiles,
she shakes her head,
"That's not how it works..."

My brow furrows,
doubt weighs on my hanging lip.

She dashes off, running wild and

I give chase, laughing with glee,
for liberty does not run without me.
I came up with that line toward the beginning, "Dear lover I never knew, I regret now loving you," while washing dishes (not the first time that happened, LOL!) and, as usual, I had to write a little story around it.

I think this time though, I leave it up to you as to what the meaning is. It's too fresh for me to speak about what it means to me, because, I think, this poem came from a place I haven't paid much attention to recently.

Anyway, enjoy!

 Mar 2017 Kyle
Angel David
I tried so hard.
I tried my best.
I gave you my all,
And now there's nothing left.

Maybe you held as tight to me just as I had to you.
Maybe you love me as much as I do.
Maybe I trust too much
But Maybe I don’t trust enough.

Sometimes no matter what two people share, sometimes it’s just not enough.
I may have been happy with you, but I don’t think that I was ever meant to be with you forever.
I did need you and all we went through.
On whatever plane or universe it exists, you are a soulmate of mine

I am thankful that you finally let me go
Thank you for being honest and being strong enough to let go
Thank you for never looking back or having regrets.
And most importantly, thank you for loving me enough to let me go.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
K Mae
 Mar 2017 Kyle
K Mae
crested crag-spines rising
bones fierce of ancient dragons
calling out to Naga

Bloom  feminine essence, Flow !
Feed my ancient undulations

wearied now to hills
sighing down with last exhaled
memory of color
washed, washed,
baked by endless sun
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Anderson M
The length and breadth of her smile
Is a fascination for any creature of consciousness
Though am certain walking a mile
In her shoes is discomfiting and needs finesse
Of which she has in unlimited supply.
Light seems to bounce off her visage
To the world around her and there’s nothing wily
About her picture-perfect demeanor, it’s a privilege
To bask in her spellbinding presence.
The sound of her laughter’s a musical celebration
An orchestra of its own kind with a trance
Inducing effect, clearly an incredulity of staggering proportion
Her soul’s very much in crystal clarity detail a feather
A lifebuoy especially when am at the end of my tether.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
everlasting cherry
outside of myself
by the tongue
into his mouth

and now
I don't know how
to get out

or if
I want to
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Lora Lee
and to you
I make myself
           a gift
to be held in palm
s l o w l y,
apparition of
yet firm,
with backbone
       and as you trace
your fingers
upon the small
      of it,
running them
         of spine
watching my skin
          slip from
rough ache han
smooth quake
know that
crisp wrappings
of papery
beats the ultimate
of ceremonial offerings:
the present of
       my presence,
shimmering like
blood on lava
ready for you
to dip your
      heart into
         lips parting
as my breath fills your
     spirit's cavern
slick dip
        of opening
as you draw
    shadows from
my deepest
Cimmerian caves
  ******* them through  
in siphon's pull
to the side of light
around you and
deep inside
you split
  oh so gently
and fully
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