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Sid Eli A Oct 2024
I wake up and there aren't tears
There aren't fears
My heart isn't pounding

I wake up and feel that I went through something but its a blur and suddenly I then remember
I fight those traumatic events and push it back in my head

You won't ruin my day, no one will
I am me and I am my own person and this feels so good

I can play whatever music I want
I keep speak to my online friends without insults
I can use the dryer and vacuum without your permission

I can finally smile and honestly that makes me cry
Tears of happiness that I got out of this
I didn't know if I would ever
I was so stuck on wanting you to love me

I realized now loving yourself doesn't mean just having self esteem, it means taking care of yourself and no longer allowing harmful people to return in your life

I go outside and feel the breeze, I look at the trees, I see all the people outside their porches enjoying the sun, I see the bird and squirrels and I tell myself, I am so lucky. I am so **** lucky to be alive.

I dont believe in a God but there is a purpose that I survive so much in my life. I was told that escaping this makes me the bravest person, and that it's admirable.

I then start to see myself in the mirror, my bruises fading. I see my reflection but I don't know what else there is.

For I am a creature of connecting to other humans, nature and art. My reflection is just me.

I sip this bottle of wine knowing I am safe, I am not masking any feelings and I am enjoying myself.

I am enjoying myself?! Wait what?!
Sid Eli A Oct 2024
Laying there with my bruises exposed
"I'm sorry sweetheart this must of been going on for a while, I am so so sorry" as he puts needles inside my mouth and stitches me up
The feeling of a doctor apologizing to me, for what I went through for 11 months feels so vacant in my heart.
How could I have been so stupid, this is humiliating, you're sorry and so am I.
I'm so sorry that this happened to me too, but I am also wishing wallowing and weeping over the mere fact that we called each other "twin" we were only a day a part. Your parents are visiting and we were suppose to go to Eugene and have fun. I was his "forever explosion" as he stated it. "Explosion" as in my behavior always filled with anxiety stress and fear symbolizing the downfall of what it is now.
Laying on a hospital bed not knowing where I am going next.
As I reflect on who I am...
I am a nurturer and I now realize I was enabling, my love was enabling his bad behavior? What? How could I possibly....yea its all my fault. You did this Sid. No one else. Its all on you. You are here for a reason "you are the one out of control".
Beep beep beep
Just checking your blood pressure
"Am I getting out of here soon?"
"We are waiting for the police" the nurse states "you cannot just go back there without them".
15 hours go by, no sign of any of his concern or "are you ok" I wonder what these hours felt for you.
"I filled all your belongings up with garbage bags you can see them outside when you're out of the hospital"
My soul is wrecked. I just kept trying and trying to avoid conflict.
Every waking day I woke up in fear with tears in my eyes wanting it all to be over with.
What life is that?
Tears rushing down my face, **** me off. Why should I be the one crying.
When they took you away I did not know how to feel, I told them I did not want to see.

Now I'm here and you are no where and my life is starting all over.
I am free of agony, I am free of those fears, I am free trying to resolve any conflict that may arise late at night while you are drunk. I no longer have to hear ***** fat **** ***** loser mentally ill crazy loser a no one, a *******, stupid, useless, just someone to use and not care or love for, how my dad is dead and how my mother is fat, how I have no real friends and the online community I have are pathetic.

I hate alcohol. I hate what it does to people. "Dont listen to what I say when I'm mad I say every possible thing to harm you".
But even without it, people
are just people
filled with their own trauma
filled with their own lies they tell themselves to get by
People like that, that hurt others over love
Never experience true love or happiness
They just live, emotionless, can to mouth, sports in the eyes, the click of the remote.
You say you are a poet, but your poetry *****.
Not to say mine doesn't.

Remember when I bought all of your books? Read them outloud to my friends. I was so proud I finally found someone who "cares" for me.

But once you tossed that Christmas ordainment out the window like it was nothing, made me realize one day that ordainment will be me.
Sid Eli A Oct 2021
It's been a while since I vented about my life. So here it goes. I have been severely depressed for years, and go through daily anxiety attacks that leave me sobbing and alone in my apartment. I can't think of anything that could make me happy right now and that is very scary. I ty to reach out to people but its so freaking hard to get the amount of support I need and it's exhausting. I try so hard to make myself better and I don't feel like I have any control over myself because of my emotions and how they are so severe and make me panic and cry my eyes out hoping it will somehow stop in my brain. Ive been close to those disturbing thoughts. It started with me realizing my bank account is close to 0, and I somehow thought having take out was okay almost every other day. I miss being able to talk to people in person but even then I had so much anxiety, too much that I couldn't even bare it. I was utterly destroyed that I couldn't enjoy all my time with my best friend. My life has gone so down hill since Ive been associating with people that hurt me, and I end up alone and finding myself in agonizing chronic pain and nothing could stop it. I miss my animal, I am so ******* sad he passed. I miss being able to hold him, and it comforted me. That also makes me feel awful because that sounds so selfish, but at the same time my animal loved me too and I miss his healing energy. I feel absolutely insane writing this, and I wish I knew what has gotten into me. It begins to worry me. My memory issues. Everything worries me. My chronic pain. My dental issues. Everything is stuck in my mind and I cant just get it out of my head. I hate it and it doesn't allow me to appreciate my life, and that makes me feel ungrateful. I do have my own space, I am away from negativity and I am working on myself but I can't help but cry and feel destroyed over my illnesses ruling my life, ruling my brain, ruling everything I do.
Sid Eli A Feb 2020
Hi baby girl. I figured I would type you up a letter instead. I just wanted to imagine that you're here and I am reading this to me while I cuddle up to you. My life has been extremely hectic filled with emotions. I want to thank you for being there in whatever way you could. You are so talented and beautiful. I really think its hot that you have all the skills and artistic value. I want to see you play live one day. I think you grew a lot with me at least knowing triggers. Even if things go crashing down I still want to hold your hand and be next to you. Its very difficult to have this seperation and it makes me sad most of the time. I tell my self it's going to happen. You so gorgeous babe, I'm proud to have you.
Sid Eli A Aug 2015
I see rivers
Washing away the left over dust
Ashes within the air
The world is on fire

I see dandelions
Blowing up into the air
Endless wishing, wanting, yearning
Where will the remains end up?

I see eyes
That genuinely smile back at me
That clenches my heart and surrounds me with warmth
All at the same time
But where will this end up?

I see you
Holding me bare flesh and flesh
As you embrace me with your touch
But hold on...
Do you want to be with me?

I see myself
Holding my heart with my hand over my chest
Unable to realize what I have lost
Was it even there?

I see an endless dialogue
Filled with angst, resentment, despair
As you tell me...
"I've been thinking"
"No, I don't want to be with you"

I see gifts
Left in the graveyard of my small chaotic room
They were meant for something, someone, me
These gifts are memorials of the memory
Of you.

I feel you, beloved
You are still there within distances and the faint memory of your smell
I can't help to love you
But these memories are here to withstand
The jolting realization

"I don't want you. It ends here"
Sid Eli A Aug 2014
Second Person Narrative
© Cynthia Eli Theo

                                       Basement Studio

You always told me I would be a good girl; locks that shine golden red fall upon my pale dimpled cheeks. (Smile little girl, we are taking your picture). As soon as the set is over you plop down to the couch and say “Baby, why don’t you get me a cold beer” and you then start clicking away at the television trying to find the loudest, most obnoxious channel. Even though my legs are weak and my body is bruised you still make me a slave for you. You say, “Hey what’s taking you so long? I don’t pay you for nothing!” and laugh in a tone that makes me think of driving a sharp knife through your worthless body part, that you pride so much. Your eyes lock instantly to this one commercial of a guy feeding his panting dog, you chuckle lightly.
You told me I would love this experience, that it would be professional and beneficial for my career. Every night you roll into bed with a smirk of content and feel as though you are successful, you are powerful; you are the proudest photographer and most of all: you have a young girl at your side, every single day of your most pathetic life. Before you fall asleep you immediately think about the door. Is it locked from the inside? We don’t want your sweet little girl escaping to the harsh cold world. You think you are protecting me. You think that I deserve this.
This night is different from most nights. You sigh, and then begin to have a pain in your chest and your mind becomes full. Images of your life start flashing in your mind. You then start thinking in your head (something you don’t often do). You think of your mother, the one that kicked you out when you were only fifteen years old. You still have plans of going back there and giving her a piece of your mind (if you have one). You think of Tony, the slob who always has some random food on his shirt who owes you thousands for the stuff you have given him during the years. You think about tomorrow, the photos you want to take of me, and the poses you want to put me in. I’m your little doll, your little play thing, I’m the one who is going to make you big in the industry. Will this achievement, help your tragic pathetic life? We all have problems, but why put this out on me? Does my pain give you a rise? Does this make you feel accomplished? Of course my voice will never be heard, my mouth is only good to turn people one. I know that when I wear red lip stick (the signature of my character), you stop for a second and think of your baby sister, because when she was a little girl she use to wear your mothers shoes and put bright red lip stick on her lips and smudge it all over her teeth.
You miss her; you often worry about whether or not she’s okay. You remember the times you use to play with her in the back yard, ***** tires being swung, wet soggy grass between your toes, burnt red skin and warm kool-aid. Here you are being successful and she’s in the streets, probably selling her body for a profit. You then think, maybe you are wrong for keeping this innocent girl here, you suddenly become human with emotions. But then you go back to convincing yourself that it isn't that bad, I wanted it. I came to you anyway. You then softly fall asleep; your worries don’t bother you. Tomorrow your plans entail tying me up and allowing a little blood to show.
All Rights Reserved, not for public use.
Sid Eli A Apr 2014
© Sid Eli Theo
Please meet me now
I forever want to see your pretty face
Because beauty is within my eyes and I see you
as this pretty thing

Tell me more, I want to hear your voice
as you say out loud you aren't even
I ignore it and still look at you with gleaming eyes
I want a kiss

I put my arms around you
And ask what do you think I am thinking
As I hold on tight
And go in for the kiss

But you push away and say no.

No. Is my answer.
I am not a pretty little thing.
I am someone looking for something
to connect with this feeling
that life is ending soon
and we are all just souls
holding on to the edges of the melting ***
looking for sincerity.

Learn boundaries folks, no one wants a pushy creep.
Wishing this wasn't a true story.

All Rights Reserved. Not for public use.
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