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Colours melt against the dark
A sugar coated daydream that dissolved on your tounge
Quicker than childhood or candyfloss
The playtime you forgot because it rusted
Something so misunderstood you trust it
The memory just a crumb
The dust hoovered up in the second chaos is cataclysmic
In a nest of ribbons I smudge on a smile
It's been a while since we met like this

You may call me foolish
With my Mismatched fashion
A harlequin grin my sultry stains on powdered skin
whimsy limbs limp
Puppetired by passion

Prejudice to this in dark ideas
I become the mascot of your fears
I want to comfort but i make your skin crawl
Hyena laugh till our ears leak milk
And our noses fall off
Too fake and faded lost to years of colours you created
Colours that equate to the dark spark against your defence  
Showing their teeth luminate  
Building shrines that echo our nonsense
Burritoed inside silken sheets
Where giggles flavour each sleep

Don't go so Soon?

We're just testing you
Jesting you
Pulling your leg
Twisting balloons
No doom and gloom
When I'm in my truest form
I'm a different person to who I was before

Born to perform
Fed on charm and charisma
Comic relief,  I sigh to receive and relieve your laughter

So define me remind me
Why I can't always feel this free
Fear me spear me with normality
Try control me conform me
confront my weird and wacky


I'm only here to reverse your frown
So please don't be scared of this silly old clown
Here's to the four walls I have scribbled and scrawled till my thoughts run out
Here's to the hoarder masquerading as a collector saying that this is her vision!
Not that's she's comforted by cattywampus clutter and precarious precision
Not that her cat has to zigzag through tangles of tinsle and talisman treasures
Dripping nostalgic with nonsense
Dust fermenting on teapots galore
Mismatched and abstract not alphbatised
Tripping on the jigsaw of chaos-core my eyes explore more
There's swarms of colour where I feel safe
'Create don't consume'
I tell myself when the weight of bordem hits
So fill your room with the shades you desire
Let's creativity flow around you and swallow you whole
Spit you out possessed by mess and
Possessions moph into piles
Trophies of trash  magpied from moments I want to preserve ,So sticky with sentiment swerved from untangling hands
Collected like a rainbow I raised and made my sanctuary
Since the days when I was cherryade and bubblegum
Times I've been lost to the world ready to wriggle Into my corner of it
Safe and saved and not ready to grow up just yet
So I cling to the things that don't let me forget
A rewrite from my teenage years
  Sep 2024 Shevek Appleyard
A drunken god has
spoke you into existence
A stolen diary that told you,
it’s a sin to return this body
even if its weak bones
couldn’t carry the weight
of your heavy heart

I know I can speak myself out of it
With a blade in my hand
standing on the edge of the stage,
I’ll wait for the Almighty to sober up
and watch me steal his role

After twenty years of rehearsal
I’ll play god,
lights will go off,
and curtains will close

Your followers will clap in awe
at my convincing performance

As I bow before them
As I fall before you
This is merely satire.
Shevek Appleyard May 2024
A whisp that shifts our realm again
These mornings soft with spring
The air holds you warm and cool
A gentle fever
Binding us with potential
Fresh comfort, new beginnings feel potent I turn to pity my winter shell
Blinding me with anticipation
In each step in each breath
You can smell the change
Feel the shift
Just a taste, hexing the senses
I wouldn't exchange this day for anything
Not when I feel alive again

Strange to enjoy the ache of feet underneath me
On top of the world
I wish I had the words
All I have is gratitude
For a forgotten feeling
Shevek Appleyard Mar 2024
A whisp
An influx of magic
Delicate Eclipse
Delicious suspicious
The sky delivers
Satsuma shades
Epiphanies I'm in a haze
Symphonies that quickly fade
I want to dissolve in it
Till my body mimics
 The horizons gimics
Atomic with mandatory beauty
A sovereign sonnet
Who follow the feral ones
Come be tiny
In my woodlouse house
Hollow wigwam
Love and swamp spit
Sawdust sweat
a spooky
Daydream pit
I live in as a
Spluttering sprite
Harboured by delight
I've got ideas in my head of who I want to be
I never take the time to frequently be me
move through time like I cant ke3p up
Constantly nostalgic
For three months ago
SAD cripples me but the sun peeps its head and I long to hibernate still
Shevek Appleyard Feb 2024
Empty wine bottles
Makeup stained sheets
Give it a few weeks
Our periods sync
our hair clogs together
in the shower drain
We lose track of who's is whos
And share laughter clothes and virtue
DIY haircuts
Milk carton sniffing
Living with women

We scrape around
Recycling Tuesdays
Two pound for the bus to town
But I like to walk around
rents gone up
So has life
Cod and chips
Read my lips
Pre-drinks so we can afford
to go out on the ****
Self diagnosis
No sleep
Sore feet
Feed the cat
Call me back
Borrowed socks
All I've got
Something always missing
Living with women

expired ****
No looroll mid poo
Petty fights
Pilau rice
Love of my life
what's should we watch tonight?
Parking fines
2 sugars please
Mind at ease
But eek those shoes don't go with these
Panic attack
Midnight snack
Summers gone just like that

Long weekends
Best friends
Manic episode
Girl code
Sound proof
Bed head
Bad breath
Razor blades
Feng shui
Hungover for days
Like we're running out of ways
keeping entertained for free
Bordem beginning
Monotonous misery
Unnecessary jealously
But you bring out the best in me
Sloppy secrets
Morning mindgames patrol
Toilet bowl throw up goal
After hours
Talking till it's all said twice
247 advice
Ready salted luck you've been given
The days you thank ****
To know these women
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