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85 · Jun 2021
Night call
Will I get some sleep tonight
While there is such a
tempting night oudside.
Looking through my bedroom window
Inviting sky
moon  disguise and lots of stars
giving me this restless feeling
to flee into the night
meet  the love I never found
Hear the wind passing by
trees are gently moving
leaves rustle softly
while an owl is calling  
creating this soothing melody
Holding a long lost promise
A nightsong  calling out for me
to put at rest
all the restlessness in me
dejavu feelings as in my dreams
I dream forever.

Shell ✨🐚
84 · Aug 2021
Haiku- love ❤️
deeply  in the eyes
blind true love hidden away
lost sight long ago

Shell ✨🐚
84 · Apr 2021
A sunrise,
so divine!
One of Gods great creations
Another painting
In the sky
God the holy painter .

Shell ✨🐚
84 · Sep 2021
True love ❤️
Till death do us part
Sixty years have past
She  has
breast cancer and dementia
He still takes care of her
so much tender love

As a health care worker I’m confronted with this. It touched me.
83 · Apr 2022
Quote 105🌷
Be proud of who you are
Know your worth
Wear you culture like your skin

Shell ✨🐚
83 · Apr 5
Flaming dusk
Today when day was almost done
I tried to capture a sensational blood sun
guiding me home.
Tangelo peel colored sky
calling twilight’s name
in soft whispers,
gliding on the wind.
Time of silence was setting in
when birds flying to their nests to rest.
Blind bats going wild,
feeling night fall,
while the sun was going under.

Shell ✨🐚
I always enjoy nature. It inspires me to write something down. The feeling it gives to me.
83 · Dec 2021
Classic Christmas card
Falling cotton dots from above
Kissing land
Blanket of clouds on earth
Making a white brand new world
Time stands still or so it seems
Proud trees, holding their breath waiting ,
no movement
Frozen leaves
When evening falls
All lights are on
Beautiful Christmas decorations, shining, sparkling
Wonder of colors
Creating this one of a kind holiday view
A classic Christmas card in the making.

Shell ✨🐚
Christmas card
83 · May 2022
Story of many
I lie on my side
Back to you, tears in my eyes
I try to hide the pain in my heart
Close my eyes and the tears roll on my cheeks
Find a way to my pillow
Started to pray
Give me the strength to sleep
go through the night
Tomorrow we will see
It will be another day
A new start?
Or a new fight?

Shell ✨🐚
Many couples experience this
Don’t go to bed angry
Always  try to make up
before saying goodnight.
83 · Sep 2021
Silver spoon
Behind closed doors we all are
Through the cracks of darkness
See the  light beams
coming through
Choose light
In your lifetime
Find your own silver spoon.

Shell ✨🐚
82 · Jul 2021
Haiku- sunrise 🌅
yellow orange blush
beautiful soft eastern glow
welcome new chances

82 · Sep 2022
Silence before the storm
Six o’clock morning
Half ripen peaches sky
Sign to expect a hot day
Hope there will be a cool breeze.
No movement.
Ominous silence.
Restless birds
Will there be storm?

Shell ✨🐚
Nature God given. Human stands helpless against the power of nature.
82 · Mar 2022
Stream of life
Early morning mist of air
All colors of life still asleep
Hidden  behinds morning’s promise .
Streams of life waters
still and grey,  
peaceful and quiet,  
finding it’s way.
Unseen streaming
as movements so slow
Time never stands still
towards the unknown
Curtain of dew
as is the veil of our life.
Two lovebirds glide gracefully
In peace without a sound .
A picture of life
as morning takes off
with two peaceful beings still deeply in love.
Sharing, caring , protecting each other
Starting the day early
in thick morning fog.

Shell ✨🐚
A metaphor to life.
82 · Aug 2021
The Amazon
Streaming waters of Amazon
Life veins of mighty Paradise
Untouched rainforest
With only mother trees
Where air is clean to breathe
No pollution
only sounds of animals
singing in harmony.
Pure Nature.
Like holy ground
Not meant to be touched
just to be and let it be.

Respect our Amazon
81 · Sep 2022
Pieces of God
Every minute of the day miracles do happen.
Many aren’t even aware of this.
You yourself can be a miracle to someone else every given day in life.
Just by being there.
listening or helping.
Or just encouraging that it will be alright.
Life is more then just existing for your own.
Miracles come from our own minds
God is inside each of us
When praying we call upon God
When praying with all the faith that’s inside us
we put our minds behind it.
By doing so the healing of ourselves starts and we can help others.
Miracles are in the little things. You have to be open for it to see it.
If someone is down and hurt you have the power to change that.
Just by being there you can make a difference and change someone’s view. Seems nothing but it’s huge.
Miracles don’t have to be big to be a miracle.
Holding someone’s hand and a smile seems nothing, but
a miracle it is
because it’s a connection from deep inside to reach someone deep inside.

Shell ✨🐚
God is inside each of us.
81 · Jan 6
Red Cardinals
Velvet red wings in sleeping cold
Waiting to sing.
Harmony in lover’s warmth.
Spirits for those who see.
Lucky view.

Shell ✨🐚
Two Cardinals sitting on branches in the cold.
Singing together.
81 · Jul 2021
Quote 60🌷
Being forever in the light
can make you lose your way
Being thrown in the dark
makes it easier to find your
way to light again.

81 · Jun 2023
Hold my hand and save me
Holding my hand in the darkness
of this world
Making my world lighter
Giving kindness to me
my life becomes brighter

Let me hold your hand too
Dry your tears
Show you bloom of life
Give you warmth with a smile
Accept you for who you are
Don’t give up I’m right here

Blinded eyes,
Blackness around
Hold my hand, let me lead you
To life with light
So you can see I see you
Life has colors too
You are save with me.

Shell ✨🐚
Care and take care.❤️
81 · Jun 2021
Looking through the window
Like looking at paintings
Different views every time
So magnificent
A masterpiece
the holy painter of all time.

Looking through the window
different phases of my life
before my eyes
like a movie
Like a train passing by
Windows,  the frame
of all the seasons  of my life.

Shell ✨🐚
Like the different seasons our life too have different phases
81 · Mar 31
Quote 184🌷
Peace will enter when love prevails.
Inner peace will enter when you  listen
to your own voice
while staying close to your Creator.

Shell ✨🐚
Sleeping under the starry night
Under moons shining light
Under midnight blue sparkling ceiling
Dreaming of my forever angel
Let me sleep till golden dawn
Let me fly high on tender wings
To eternity of space of lovers
Where love is calling
Only happiness no sorrows
Magic  night full of stars
Shower me with your diamond jewels
Bless me with the light of love
Which is written in the stars.

Shell ✨🐚
81 · Jun 2022
Summer days
Fire ball blinding my eyes
in early morning sky
Cold lemonade on this hot day.
Many  fragrances filling the air
Ice cream cones melting under the sun.
Hot nights,
friends gathering around bonfire on the beach
having spicy barbecue.
Passionate love.

Shell ✨🐚
Long hot summer days
81 · Jul 2022
When the day disappears silhouettes appear.
Lamp of sun lingers, fluorescent ball sinks.
Slowly burning out with fading pastel colors.
Birds like dark drawings on canvas
Serene image before my eyes.
I stand still and watch in wonder this amazing wonder.

Shell ✨🐚
Every time mesmerizing sunset
80 · Dec 2021
The flower 🥀
The flower,  waiting for the wind
To move with grace
Waiting for the sun
to open fully, to bloom at last.
Waiting for the bees
to be kissed so deeply
To be carried away.
To far away places, to bring happiness
somewhere, somehow in someway
Waiting for human eyes to caress her beauty
before she’ll be gone from here forever.

Shell ✨🐚
Beauty of flowers, all flowers.
80 · Jun 2023
What really matters.
Beautiful fallen cherry blossom
waiting under the tree.
Waiting for a cool breeze
to be taken away,
Taken away to unexpected places.
Unexpected places like the sea.
To see the horizon,
being part of eternity.
On land, with the wind and by the sea.
And all the blossoms went to see.
Bringing this mellow fragrance with them
for everyone to follow.
At the shore you’ll find
a carpet of white pink wilted blossoms.
Scent is still there,
calling you to be…..
Happy and content
even when wilted and being carried
to eternity.
As long as you are burden free.

Shell ✨🐚
At the end don’t carry any burdens with you.
Be free and fly .
80 · Jun 2021
Quote 51🌷
Tears like a veil before the eyes
Can’t see clear
Sadness in the mind
Like a veil of rain.
Blocking your view.
Life stands still.

Shell ✨🐚
80 · Feb 2021
There is always a cry
from somewhere a far!!
Or somewhere nearby!!
Someone in need
falling apart
It’s for you to recognize
their pain
And try  to help
without any gain.

People must help each other without wanting anything back.
79 · Aug 2021
Haiku- Anticipation
In meadows grass green
lay me down at twilight time
between wildflowers

Shell ✨🐚
79 · Jun 2021
Fairy from heaven
Before my eyes I see
All the darkness in the world
Growing slowly in the minds
Replacing all the love and goodness taking over all the light.
People filled with hatred
No love nor happiness to find
No peace either and no peace of mind
Wish for a guardian angel
Someone landing in my world
Bringing light into the darkness
Saving life, man and earth
Come to me beautiful creature
With featherlight wings you fly
With enough light inside you
To lighten up the skies
Making everything green greener, putting
sparkles in the sky
You hold all the light within you
To brighten up this life
Fairy from heaven
Colorful just like a butterfly
Wings just like an angel
Impress me with your magic
Save this world and our lives.

Shell ✨🐚
Be a fairy from heaven to another.
Spread nothing but love.
79 · Aug 2021
Firefly fever
In darkness you glow
On tall grass you grow
Chemical reactions inside
Lightening up the nights
When  out are all lights
Like little lamp beetles you are
Flying stars under the sky.
Beautiful picture at night.
Firefly fever.

Fireflies are like flying stars under the sky.
Summer breeze.
Different greens come along.
Sun and shadow go hand in hand.
Silver touch of waters
Nature’s path,
silent harmony.
Peace and happiness follow.

Walking in the sun
Summer’s golden touch
wild flowers bright,
colorful canvas under cloudless sky.
hot air everywhere.
Time to fall in love.

Shell ✨🐚
79 · Jul 2021
Many need a listening ear
Someone who will be there
So many people lost their way
Totally thrown off their old ways.
Can’t find their rhythm they have no control
Who is there to hug you
or just someone to hold
So many unspoken words
So many feelings hidden away
Buried inside to painful to say
Left alone all by their selfs
Days go by without speaking or tell
Unspoken words locked up inside
Lockdown means to be locked in your mind.
All you can  do is close your eyes
Pray for strength and guidance during this time.
All we can do is look out for one another,
Just show you are there
show that  you care.

Shell ✨🐚
Let’s be there for each other. Many are very lonely and depressed.
Care, smile, say hello , how are you. Can mean the world.
78 · May 2021
Haiku- lovers gate 🌌
Before dawn we meet
on angels wings we fly high
Through gates of heaven

Shell ✨🐚
78 · Jul 25
Mona Lisa triste
Truth and sadness are always silent.

Mona Lisa , Mona Lisa
Men must have just told you
How beautiful you are.
What all seem to have missed
is the sadness behind the smile.
When you look
throughly and  sincerely
you can see the pain within the eyes.

We all have a little bit of Mona Lisa inside.

Shell ✨🐚
Sadness is part of living. How often we smile while being intensely sad.
78 · Dec 2021
In life
Lucky is he who has
a place to sleep
Enough to eat, water to drink
Water to bathe.
Luckier is he who has
the blessing of health,
friends and family
Most lucky is he who has
himself and faith within.

77 · Nov 2021
This year giving thanks ,
has another meaning for many.
It’s harder .
Many are sad  for many reasons
We all lost a certain loved one,  
or our home, our money even our country or all of the above.
The world in pandemic ways
climate disasters .
We  are still here.
People , saved, luck or survival instinct
Let’s try to be positive
even in the darkest of time.
It’s hard, yes...
Everything is possible
Make a cave your home.
Bird and fish will come along
When you’re alone all by yourself
so many feelings inside
Seeing like a train passing by
Feelings of sadness, but...
memories of good things are also there.
There are still little things
giving meaning to life, maybe not today but tomorrow.
A new day should still be welcomed with gratitude
despite the pain inside.
Blessings from the light of day.
Twilight eye with staring eye
Nights cold and long.
Hurt and sad
but we still say thanks  for what we ourselves can’t control completely.
Life and Mother Nature.
All that is part of me, all that’s inside of me.
We pray and say thanks.

Thanksgiving, for many a sad day this year. Let’s share..
Life fragile, delicate
Like the wings of a butterfly

77 · Jul 2022
Gem of cosmos
Shimmering waters with silky shore
Goddess draped by
golden skin of Mother Earth
Sparkling stars everywhere
Glow on planet’s face
The real gem in dark cosmos.
Our Planet Earth.

Shell ✨🐚
Cherish your planet, Cherish Earth 🌍
77 · Jul 2021
Come out from your hiding place
I know it feels safe to stay
This world can be cold
Sometimes gives you nothing to hold.
Still come out and be yourself
You are worthed just by being
Show them that they don’t break you down
It can be dark out there.
Bring the light that’s inside you
Be the one to shed it.
Embrace those who treat you wrong.
It will set you free and make a better you.

77 · Jul 2021
Child’s imagination
Innocent beautiful child
Seeing the world with only
love and happiness inside
A princess herself with
a silver crown
in little red rain boots.

76 · Apr 2021
Quote 18🌷
Be that person who always smiles back at you in the mirror!

76 · May 2021
Protect our child 👶
A child should be happy , loved and free.
To become a trusting stable adult as the world likes to see.
Being *****, abused or neglected  creates an adult filled with hate,
will make history repeating itself over and over again!
Protect our child!

The simple truth!
76 · Jul 2021
Picture framed 🖼
How long will it be
Us in the pandemic frame
Like a picture on the wall
In need of a new frame.

Will we ever go back.
76 · Jul 2021
Quote 62🌷
Love me for who I am
the shape I am in
or leave.

76 · May 2021
Quote 35🌷
When dying
while losing consciousness
the conscience is the only thing left
So live well.
Do good and expect nothing in return.

76 · Apr 2022
Falling stars
She looked up
Wishing for a falling star
To make a wish, a dream come true
The stars stared back
Taken by the sparkles that
outshined them
One by one they started falling.

Shell ✨🐚
76 · Oct 2021
Plead from Mars.
Out from the ashes of Mars
We arise at midnight hour
Red Phoenix
Lost in this black universe
Long to be with you again, Earth.
where my journey in life,
through space began.
Help me shining moon from Mars, are you Phobos?
Shed your light on Earth
Look if She’s still there.
The one waiting for me to return.
There was a time
I longed to be here
to explore the Cosmos.
To know if life was here.
So much money lost exploring
While not taking care
of the one planet humans share.
So many beautiful living things there.
Now dying because we couldn’t see clear.
Hope we’re not to late to save what’s left.
Now all I want
is to go back.
Where my roots are , where I came from.
Nothing here to change my mind
Only red dust to see
no living things, no lushes green  or moving blue.
Seems everything is lifeless here
How I miss my planet Earth.

Shell ✨🐚
75 · Jul 2021
Promised land
Missing you
Can’t concentrate
Dreaming away
Thirsty dry land
Sparkling  rain we wait
Green land promise

Shell ✨🐚
Due to the pandemic situation many are separated from their loved ones.
Let’s hope for better times to come soon.
75 · Jul 2021
Quote 65🌷
When the world turns dark
Find the light within you.

To survive you must search within.
75 · Jul 2022
Lost man
When you are all alone
Everybody left
Last man standing
Lost, sad…
My friend
Let me hold your hand
and walk with you.
Till the end of being.

Shell ✨🐚
We all get lost from time to time.
75 · Feb 23
Bow of hope.
Be like a tree
Happy with sun and rain.
Sing different songs
together with the wind.
Sometimes happy sometimes sad.
Changing leaves
still beautiful
through all seasons.
Still blossoming every time.
Knowing that to grow tall
sun and rain is needed.
Always look up after a rainy day
and discover a  colored ribbon in the sky.
It’s the hope for sunny ways tomorrow.

Shell ✨🐚
There is always hope no matter how dark the darkness.
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