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74 · Nov 2021
Snapshots of luck
Eating together
Feeling happy just being
Telling someone why you
want them in your life
Saying Thanks!

Sitting close on a couch
talking and laughing
Drinking hot cocoa
Sipping wine...
While it’s cold outside.

Decorating the Christmas tree
with loved ones
while listening to classical songs
of this special time
Feeling thankful and blessed.

Lie at night on a warm blanket
In the coziness of the fire
In the embrace of the one
who is close to your heart.

Moments of happiness.
Snapshots of luck.

This  special time of the year
Many are sad, still... life goes on
Be thankful, be happy.
It’s been and still is a difficult time
for many especially now.
We all lost someone. Let’s be strong together.
74 · Aug 2022
Quote 121🌷
When neglecting Earth,
This world,
A child,
Nothing good will remain.

Shell ✨🐚
74 · Jul 2021
Little gestures
One simple flower, a kind word,
a melody
a song, a smile.
From someone for someone
A hello, a goodbye
Can make someone’s day.
Be that someone today.

One day you are the one giving ,
the other day the someone receiving.
74 · Apr 2021
It’s time
While she struggles to talk
while holding back  the tears
She bows her head
You can hardly hear.
Don’t  have the courage to interrupt
Afraid she’ll be silent again.
So you make an effort to follow
her story.
It’s time.
For her to tell
For me to listen.

Shell ✨🐚
Often it takes a lot of courage for women to tell their story, their pain.
Always listen without judging!
Always keep an open mind.
74 · Aug 2022
Two little spots
I have a little white pekingese
with just one black spot right on top.
One day I lost my spot
and when calling her...
There came another spot.
A little black pekingese
with just one white spot right on top.
Then I saw this handsome boy walking with my spot.
We both started laughing
a beginning of something new
Now when I call my dog I get to little spots.

Shell ✨🐚
Lovely pets
In the darkest of moments
The bud is silent
Still, searching  the light
It grows and blooms
You can too.

We all have hidden strengths inside of us.
Walking in this garden
And the  sun is shining bright putting sparkles on this color
Making it a yellow bright  
It’s been lonely since
you’ve been gone
Wish you were here beside me
to share this heavenly  sight.
I guess you are fine where you are now. Right beside the Light!
In the garden of God it must be colorful and quiet.

Today I’m happy for the first time since you’ve died,
I’m feeling happy and free with
much gratitude inside.
Thanking God for this beautiful day.!
It’s been long but I’m feeling happy with no sorrow.
I’ll pick some of this flower to
bring  a little sunshine back with me and to brighten my life.
It’s already May
and a long time  since you’ve been gone, but I am actually smiling today.

Love is everlasting.
Ancient history always here
It’s part of us , we carry it everywhere.
Melancholic melody of life
coming back to us time after time.
It’s in the song of breath
of all living things
and the silent memory of our lost loved ones
We never will forget.
As long as there is Mother Earth there will be flowers everywhere,
as there will be wars no matter what.
Because ..
we don’t listen, we don’t learn.

Flowers for young girls everywhere
Young girls for young men how they care
Young men for wars to fight for peace.
Because that’s what they have
to do .

Mothers lose sons
Women lose loved ones
Young ones lose fathers
Field without flowers
Only graveyards to see
Graveyards to reach peace.
And then everything went silent.
Left, a heart filled with pain
Eyes filled with tears.

Then, song on repeat
Field of flowers once again
Ancient history today next to where we stand
And the young girl runs once again
to pick some flowers
from a field with blooming colors

In every flower lies the spirit of all of holy ground.
Those who gave their lives come see them when you watch a field of flowers.

Shell ✨🐚
An ode to all soldiers who lost their lives serving
their country .
72 · Oct 2021
When the world seems dark
No light within,
locked up inside
You can’t talk,
that’s the time to begin .
Write down what you feel
what’s hidden inside
You will start to feel free,
Start to heal
By writing down
you release yourself
of what’s a burden inside
The first step
to be free.

72 · Jun 2021
Quote 55🌷
A message in a bottle
Old school messenger
Hand written notes
Much more worth

Shell ✨🐚
72 · Jun 2021
Gracious and elegant
Like a swan
She is moving through life
Looking at no one
Waiting for her mate for life.

Shell ✨🐚
Somethings are meant to be.
71 · Apr 12
Quote 185🌷
In the end you can’t face God with mask on.

When the curtain falls, naked, as a newborn, you’ll face your Creator.
Waiting in early morning  hour
The sun is still asleep
The fog is very quiet holding its breath
afraid to move the trees.
Smooth waters are still,
not a wind is near.
Mystery of the new day hidden behind curtains of mist.
Where will life’s boat take you, over silent dream under the shadows of big old trees.

Shell ✨🐚
71 · Oct 2021
Early morning
Early morning sky
Pale blue
Soft pink
Like a blushing bride
Yellow sun
Island in calm sealike sky
Early morning
Pure delight.

Shell ✨🐚
70 · Jun 2021
Quote 59🌷
This  journey you begin
going through life
Is a day by day one.
Life never takes a pause
until the end.
Never go to bed angry.
Don’t leave with regret.
You never know when it ends.

70 · May 2021
Poppy flower 🌺
Red poppy flower
how special you are
Symbol of our dead soldiers
Heroes of the war
When I look at you
It makes me happy
You let my heart smile.
What a precious and
fitting symbol you are.
Your seeds can seemingly make the whole world high!

Shell ✨🐚
Symbol of respect for all the fallen soldiers.
70 · Jun 2021
Silent promise
Look beyond the falling raindrops
Beams of sunlight coming through.
Look between the dark clouds
A silver lining will get you through
Parts of a rainbow will soon appear.
Giving color to  grey sky
Such is love, such is life.

Shell ✨🐚
There is always hope for a better tomorrow. Always stay positive
70 · Jan 4
Working hands in prayer
Broken bones, painful joints.
Pin downed art to be admired
For centuries, everlasting.
Gratitude for sacrifice of a brother.
a way to honor he who set his hands in prayer.
Since the beginning of time hands were put together
while men pray with bowing head .
Till today it’s the same way humans humbly ask in prayer.
All over the world
for centuries,
for  faith ,
love and  peace.
For strength and guidance.
To never lose hope when in despair.
That we have enough kindness inside to help people in pain and those who suffer.
To be soft inside and always see the good in others and never to judge one another.
That we are forgiven for the things we did wrong
to find peace inside.
That there will be world peace someday.
With bowing head
we still humbly pray today.
It all began with gratitude for sacrifice made by a brother.
It al started with love.

Shell ✨🐚
This is inspired by the famous drawing of “Praying Hands” by Abert durer and the story behind it.
70 · Feb 2022
butterfly dream
The butterfly flutters its way
out of the dark.
Being a caterpillar outside
She  was still on the inside
In the making
Now free ,
Ready to show bright colors
and explore the world
Beautiful butterfly
You add color and motion to nature
bring smiles on the faces.

Shell ✨🐚
You can read  this as a metaphor.
We al must try ti be our brightest color.
Explore the world.
Also an appreciation to our beautiful God made nature where every little thing has so much value.
70 · Jul 2022
Snapshot of nature
A divine painting in Earths frame
Morning dew, no one knows what story lies behind today.
Mountains afar waiting for warmth of the day.
Trees in all kinds of green standing still waiting for a breeze to let the music in.
Rustling leaves whispering messages from deeds of mankind.
Happiness, sadness, good luck or bad .
For all of us the same.

Shell ✨🐚
70 · Jun 2021
Quote 49🌷
you have to dive deeper
to find love

69 · Aug 2022
I see you
Looking out my window
I know you’ll pass by
Hold your gaze,
when you’re caressing my eyes
To let you know I see you
I’ll smile.

Shell ✨🐚
All was dark
no lights.
Then she heard a song
A tear fell from deep within
She remembered him.

Clear moments of our loved ones who are lost in their own.
68 · Dec 2021
Solitude in December
Cotton wool landscape,
silent music of the howling wind brings
Shivering cold melody from afar
Nights winter in the heart
Jasmine fragrance
bringing old memories back in time
Sitting alone at night wondering.
All peace and quiet,
time stands still
Midnight blue sky
Snowflakes falling, like little white diamond stars
The mind is wandering off.
To places deep within.
Beautiful Christmas tree
It’s warm and cozy in there.
Hear a familiar song
People sitting by the fire, talking and laughing.
Hidden red tears
Never reaching the eyes.
No Christmas tree more,
those times are gone.
Let this month pass quickly so life can go on
No need to remember moments that are long gone.

Many are alone in December.
For many a difficult time.
Especially the elderly who have no one
The homeless who once had it all
Let’s care.
68 · Jan 2022
Moon beams
Feelings of love
After our enchanted night
You watched me sleep with magic delight
For the moon never beams
without bringing me dreams
Stories untold, passion unfold
Make me daydream till
till we meet again .....
Then once again I’ll fall
under your spell
magical dreams
under your smile.
Warmth of your beams,
puts me to sleep
Into dreams garden I’ll go
Where my lover I meet
I’ll be there till golden dawn
Moon in early morning light
Promise you hold
to welcome the sun
Welcome the day
Say goodbye once again
to our enchanted night.

68 · Jan 25
Veiled dusk
When sleepy sun
is kissing blue of ceiling
peeled mango colors appear
creating soft light.
Twilight eyes turns dreamy .
Welcoming God’s dark blanket.
Birds hurry home.
Lovers favorite time.

Beauty of twilight. Always unique.
Observe and be part of it.
67 · Oct 2021
Love is red
Through red glasses I see
Day in twilight zone
Nightlife purple,
White rose disappears.
Red roses everywhere.

Shell ✨🐚
67 · Feb 2021
In the garden of neglect
There are no blossoms
nor are there any flowers.
Nothing but overgrown
Killing everything beautiful .

Worldwide many children are neglected. Where there is no love there will be hate.
67 · Jan 2022
Quote 84🌷
Reach for the hand reaching out to you.
Look in the eyes of those searching yours in pain.
Smile to someone who looks unhappy
just to brighten their day.
It will make your day.

67 · Jul 2022
Quote 118🌷
Blessed are those who look and really see
the wonder of nature,
feeling  gratitude for each given day.

Shell ✨🐚
66 · Aug 2022
Sign of hope 🌼
Colorless land
Deep under
fertile ground
Flower in the dark
Like a shining light
In search of light
A promise
Everything will be good tomorrow.

Shell ✨🐚
Never lose hope. Never
There’s always a sign of hope, look around in nature ,🌼
66 · Sep 28
Without words.
where there is room
for voiceless songs
silk breezes from the wind
Caressing eyes inviting you.
In silence.
Find solace deep within
when sadness makes you numb.

Shell ✨🐚
Many suffer in silence and you feel helpless.
Empathy .
Standing in the shadow of life.
I watch others flourish in warmth of light.
Happy to be part of this wonderful world.
Full of color and sound.
Giving me peace just being.
Enjoying all little things,
miraculous and beautiful.
I’m mourning but still
blooming from gratitude,
living inside of me.
For everything that is and was.

When being aware of all little blessings despite all the grief there is in this world, in our life,  you can flourish. Be thankful, always.
Don’t tiptoe walking through your journey
Don’t walk on eggshells all the time
It’s your life, be yourself.
You are enough....
Let no one take your thunder away
Let star showers make you sparkle
You are worthy
You are love, you are light
Walk on solid ground
leave a sparkle behind.
everywhere you go.

Shell ✨🐚
Believe in yourself and the world will too .
He left, his bride I was.
It’s silent…..everyday.
No Melody inside.
Trust died and there is only fear now.
No confidence anymore.

Abandoned…. I was standing there in distress.
I could hear my heartbeat, the sighing when the wind was still.
Sunbeams were cold on my naked skin.
I felt like an empty canoe on open waters.
Waiting ….
Suddenly without destination.
Weeping is all I could do,
bridal tears falling.
Cry me deep waters and I want to drown.
Reflection of pain like branches heavy  with dejection.
Hanging low, longings of what once was.
Now lost.
Weeping willow along the lake.
You see me.

Shell ✨🐚
Many are lost when a loved one leaves.
63 · Sep 2021
The buzzing bee 🐝
The bud was asleep
for such a long time
Waited so long for the season
to shine
Then comes the time she is trilled to be

Can’t wait to become a flower
To show off her beauty
For the whole world to see.
Specially to be kissed by the bees

No one knew she waited so long
For this special buzzing bee
to come along
She opened all petals
Beautiful colors to see
Lovely fragrance ascending
To attract her bee

The beautiful flower was kissed by her sweet love
the buzzing bee.

Shell ✨🐚
63 · Jul 2021
Haiku ✨✨
in the dark you walk
searching long lost destiny
moonlit pathways lead

62 · Apr 2021
Quote 28🌷
While technology is making robots more advanced every day
we ourselves behave more  and more that way.

60 · Sep 1
Honey moon 🌖
The moon is dripping all her honey
while newlyweds enjoy sweet nights together.
New beginnings taste  like liquid gold.
May the moon always be.

Shell ✨🐚
Blessings to all newly weds.
59 · Dec 2020
Everything grey
Still you must find a way
To count the blessings day
by day.
No green leaves to be seen?
All color gone?
different shades of gold.
Caressing the eyes
Soothing the soul
Shell ✨🐚
58 · Dec 2021
Moments a day
Of sorrows, receiving bad news.
Of pain, losing someone.
Thousands of feelings
A moment a day
Of happiness, a baby is born
Moments of joy
you find your loved one.
Many people
Who want to die,
life too unbearable,
don’t want to try.
Who want to live,
life is a blessing, want to give.
So many things happening
In a moment a day.
Moments of beauty of sorrow
and pain
Of gratitude and grace
Moments of love still remain

Each and every day
Let’s cherish each other
Every moment of the day
Life can be over in a
Any day.

56 · Mar 2021
In the moment.
Sitting by the window
Staring at the sea
Can’t help myself
so much feelings inside of me
Thinking of old times
How everything went by
Time is a factor not waiting
for no one to come by
Sitting at my window
Looking at the sea
Seeing like a train passing
pictures of you and me
Feelings of sadness, happiness , gratitude
Overwhelming me

Sometimes in life you are overwhelmed by emotions!! Thinking of things that gone by!
55 · Nov 2021
Unity, only through love
Sailing  towards
the never reaching horizon
Flying to
the devine sunset
Reaching for the untouchable moon at night
Looking at the stars making wishes
Searching for a rainbow
in the dark
Praying to the higher One.
Living life in all it ups and downs
Always looking always searching
Let’s hold hands
All human kinds
Be one
We all are walking towards
the same horizon.
Citizens of the same world we all are.
Eventually we all die.

Shell ✨🐚
Let’s be good to one another and make the world a wonderful place for all of us.
44 · Sep 24
Autumn vibe
Hear the
calming stream of falls falling.
Streaming of breathing lake,
through land of colored leaves.
Feel the cool breeze caress you while
morning light is still asleep.

Terracotta colours shine
in flickering shades of lights
on orange pumpkins everywhere.
Scent of candles still around
Trying to hold on to passed night.
Earthy fragrances everywhere
yes  Autumn's time is here.

Birds already calling day
while sun is still in hiding.
Chirping to young ones waiting,
letting know they’re
on their way.

Sounds of autumn early morning
Promise of a silver song.
Let’s embrace this season’s charm,
time to say Thanks once again.
Having roasted turkey, cinnamon pie and sweet potatoes.
Togetherness and laughter.
Sharing  joy between loved ones
Christmas time is near.

Shell ✨🐚
Don’t forget the ongoing wars. Let’s pray for all the innocent ones. Yet another year without Christmas for so many.

— The End —