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113 · May 2021
The power of love
Stronger then the bond of love
Stronger then the bond of shared values
Is the bond of shared pain.
Forever connected are those
who shared a  tragedy.
And still it’s because of love that we survive!

Shell ✨🐚
Love the most important
112 · May 2021
Take me to a faraway place
With Wonders beyond imagination
Where you leave everything behind
Where echoes of the past have no place for revelation
Where there is nothing but love
Where there is you.

Shell ✨🐚
112 · Oct 2021
World of wonder
In the deepness of the blue
Where life began
Colorful  and diverse
A real fantasy world out there
Like a Walt  Disney cartoon
Diverse sea life
Necessity for Earth

Precious sea life
To be treasured to save our earth
Healthy oceans are necessary for a healthy Earth.
So let’s all take care.

Shell ✨🐚
Let’s take care and prevent pollution of our mighty oceans
And save all precious sea life
112 · Jul 2022
Reading, mind travel
And by reading she lived it all.
She was there, she was she.
And the whole world opened.
You are what you read
what you know
what you imagine.
Set free mind, body and soul.
Let behind the world you’re in.
Go to places in your mind, see!
And you’ve been there.

Shell ✨🐚
Importance of reading
112 · May 2022
Haiku ( the blues )
shadows velvet rug
soft bed of green giant trees
forest bluebells song

Shell ✨🐚
Bluebells under the trees
112 · Oct 2022
Romance in nature
Low hanging
Full crystal moon
Almost wet kiss on moving waters
Make stars close their eyes
Glow of blushing tide.

Shell ✨🐚
Special bond between moon and sea
112 · Apr 2021
Fresh start.
When a smile warms the heart
Sun shines everywhere
Clovers covering the ground
Time for a fresh start anywhere.
New season of the heart
Sorrows and turbulence will  stay but.....
looked at , in a different way.
Time to let go of the past
Think of things
Soothing for the heart
Let the love melt in within
You are on your way
To better things .
Always stay good at heart .

Every morning you get a new chance for a new beginning!!
112 · Jun 2021
Quote 52🌷
The mind is the place
where everything comes to life
when the world sleeps
Where you weep.

112 · Aug 23
I see you
You see me.
There will come a time
you’ll see
that  that’s enough.
To really see,
and to know,
that it will be
I’ll be thinking of
at my last hours….

Shell ✨🐚
When you know you know.
112 · Aug 2022
Great egret
Morning sunbeams on peaceful streams
Creating moving glittering waters,
changing dewdrop leaves in golden nuggets
Between shining gems the birds take off
Flying gracefully towards the sun
where breeding time awaits
With hoarse croak they leave.

Great egret,
symbol on more then one coin
For strength and longevity you stand.

Shell ✨🐚
112 · Jul 2021
Beautiful world 🌎
One thing is sure
If all the people of this world
would look the same
It wouldn’t be the beautiful
unique world it is .
Diversity means beauty.
Let’s embrace our differences
and be beautiful together!

111 · Apr 2022
You matter
Walking alone in the shadows of the dark
No one saw her
until she began to sing.
And the whole world fell silent
You can feel pure vibrations reaching your soul
Everyone has quality
Everyone counts.

No matter who you are
where you’re from
You matter.
Just because you exist.
Your have a voice
that matters
Matter matters.

111 · Feb 2021
Precious morning
New beginning of the day
Keep me happy and safe.
Let me have a song in my heart
all day!

Always be grateful
110 · Nov 2022
Nice to finally meet you.
I recognized you
the moment I saw you
You’ve been on my mind,
in my thoughts forever .
It’s the feeling I get
when looking in your eyes.

Shell ✨🐚
You know
110 · Nov 2022
Fragrance of Thanksgiving
Giving Thanks
For the harvest
Fruit and spices
Different pies
roasted turkey
with family, with friends
A Celebration
of God’s blessings.

Sometimes we forget what it’s all about!
110 · Jul 2023
Poppy love
Three sunrises I’ll be here.
Ephemerals bright red.
Field of color, vibrant waving
Until sun sets,
watching poppies breeze dancing wild.
Letting go in soft nuances
inviting night to steal the show.

closing petals while you fly.
Remembering lost loved ones
Saying once again goodbye.
Forever peace, lay to rest
I’ll surround you my loved one
with field of only poppy love.

Shell ✨🐚
Fields of poppy flowers dancing in the wind during sunset,
Symbol of our lost soldiers.
110 · May 2022
Summer dawn [Haiku]
global warming sky
ember shades beneath low drapes
blood sun still asleep

Shell ✨🐚
Will it be a hotter Summer?
110 · Nov 2021
Thank you
Dear friend,
You walk with me and hold my hand
On days there is no sun
for me
No rainbow on grey sky
You listen to my agony
Even wipe my tears when I cry.

All you do to make me forget
To make me smile again
I know I always can count on
you when everyone else
has left.

You’re also the first to call
and ask me “friend how are you”
The last to leave my side
In the darkest of my days
You never walk away.

Dear friend you are very dear to me.
The best friend one can have.
You really are my mainstay.
A lightbeam in my dark.
I want to let you know
today and say
“ Thank you”.

Thank you my friend.
110 · Sep 2022
Wisdom through tears
Life with pain
Growing old
Tears fading
Wisdom scars remaining
like the
beauty of the rose
after rainfall.

Shell ✨🐚
110 · Mar 14
Bow of hope.
Be like a tree
Happy with sun and rain.
Sing different songs
with the wind.
Sometimes happy sometimes sad.
through all seasons.
Still blossoming every time.
Rainbow sky,
hope for sunny ways tomorrow.

Shell ✨🐚
Try to be positive.
110 · Oct 2022
Special time
It all starts with the beauty
of one Christmas bell,
family. and friends together
That special feeling, like a spell
Beginning of this wonderful symphony.
For others a special time in other ways
Missing of that special someone
Gone unexpectedly, left without a say
but a melody in the heart and tears in the eyes.
Many in solitude, no one left to share.
Sitting, waiting
Praying to let this season pass.
Let us be there for those who need us
To let the meaning of this symphony
be one of harmony  between us all.

Shell ✨🐚
Let  this season be one with true meaning.
110 · Apr 2021
Quote 15🌷
When the bud of the flower
first gets  sight
It sees this wonderful picture
of a deep blue sky .
Then it shows you its colors!

Shell ✨🐚
109 · May 2022
Quote 113🌷
A smile,
expression on the face.
First sign of kindness and goodness.
Both flowers of love.

Shell ✨🐚
While the last yellow leaves are leaving
Yellow lights stay on all day
To bring warmth and coziness
in long gray evenings with short darker days
Warming naked trees and inner selves.
Valuable togetherness

Shell  ✨🐚
It was an intense heatwave before.
The Earth warming, cooking, boiling.
Water cooks over.
Then it rained and rained, it didn’t  stop.
From heatwave to heavy rain to flood.
Flood created an ocean where millions of people lived.
Source of outbreaks,
disease, famine, homelessness
poverty of the poor.
What have these innocent people done?
But isn’t it we, the people who don’t care! To let it come this far knowing what causes extreme changes in weather everywhere?
Many lost their lives,many their homes.
Desperate people
Children with fear
Forever traumatized, not knowing what to do or where to go.
No home, no food , the lost of loved ones, all in one.
Can’t grasp fully the impact yet.
In shock, can’t feel a thing.
Yet many tears,
so much sadness in the air
Forever traumatized ….
Earth in need of change to survive.

There is unbearable heat.
Unstoppable fire
Flood creating oceans
Weather disasters everywhere
How can one not see.
If world leaders don’t change their priorities
whole planet Earth will be flooded when they decide to take care.
Today it’s Pakistan, next?

Shell ✨🐚
Disasters, global warming
109 · Jan 2021
Will you be running over fields
Towards the hills
Towards the top
To touch the sun
To kiss the moon
To lighten up
So you can guide me
through the darkness.

Shell ✨🐚
We all need a friend in our life, one who does everything to make you feel good.
One we can count on all the time
109 · Aug 2022
Moon smile 😊
I was searching for the Moon above in coral blue sky
Suddenly I saw one big yellow eye
hanging low, watching me walk
A “ wow “ is all I could say.
I was surprised and happy to see
my Moon where I didn’t expect her to be.
Moon you are leaving to welcome the Sun
but already made my day so
thank you for making me smile.

Shell ✨🐚
Moon love
108 · Jun 2021
Quote 53🌷
You are powerful
You can change the world
just being kind.
Think about it.

108 · Aug 2022
Queen flower
Royal color so refine
Elegant you stand in early morning dew
Your soft scent reaches heaven’s gate
Blending in silence with the divine.
Tenderness in nature’s ways.

Shell ✨🐚
108 · Apr 2022
Going with a little canoe over the river to the unknown, big waves and some dolphins to see.
Enjoying the view had no clue where we would go.
Ended up where there were fishermen.
Fishing and searching for *****
Then we walked under beautiful big old trees, saw the destination right before me.
A museum under open sky with things from our natives, slavery and from
the war.
Saw wigwams covered in dry leaves and colored tents. Many cannons  and prisons as to expect in battle land.
It was a memory lane through history.
Very special and precious so much to learn and to see.
Still a romantic date it was, taking a stroll under old trees, on a sunny day with a breeze from the sea.
It was a date with historical value
The date now also history.

Shell ✨🐚
A day to remember
107 · Apr 2021
Morning break 🌅
Walking barefoot on wet grass
in morning dew.
While the sun breaks through
Soft beams are warming you.
Feel happy, feel free
These are the little things
giving meaning to your life.
Close your eyes enjoy.
A new day to be welcomed with gratitude and delight.

Shell ✨🐚
Be grateful every morning!!
107 · Apr 2021
So much so.......
Everytime you are broken
So much so that you must cry
Everytime you are broken
So much so  you fall apart
Fall apart
in so much pieces.
So much so you want to die
Everytime you are broken
So much so .......
It’s time to write
Write it down
its time for healing
So much so
to never again
fall apart.

The healing power of writing.
107 · Jan 2022
The orchid
What a beauty
showing off in nature
Life is full of this surprises
as is nature’s way.
Bloom and make my day
Like little colorful presents
Presented to us everyday
Let us look around
See what nature has to offer
A  variety of all flowers
A good reflection of all humans beautiful in their own special way.

Little great orchid
Proud you stand on sunny days
Bright colorful queen.

Shell ✨🐚
107 · Jun 12
Candle’s last flame.
You did good my friend.
Hold my hand.
horizon’s fields of flowers.
Hear your mother calling.
Come my child let’s play again.
Only happiness and laughter.
Spirits dance the dance of peace.
Ultimate freedom’s music.
Singing the song of harmony.
Welcoming you,
out of darkness
into the arms of light.

Shell ✨🐚
In memory of Errol Jessurun.
107 · May 2022
Rainbow candy
Yum, when I look above
I see cotton candy in the sky
With imagination I see
Ice cream castles and
soft gummy bears, oh my!
But when I see a rainbow I can taste the colors, sour to sweet
A real candy ribbon that’s what I see.
All kinds of fruit in a long bubble gum.
Yes I almost taste it and it makes me smile.

Shell ✨🐚
Candy rainbow 🌈
107 · Jan 2022
Tender is the soul.
Tender is the soul
hidden in it’s core
Tender is the soul
of those who
lived through pain
and used all tears
Who seem hard now.
Tender is the soul
while there is no softness
left  in the eyes
For he learned long ago
how to hide.
Still... tender is the soul.
All it takes is love and he will cry.

Shell ✨🐚
107 · Jul 2022
Meant to be
Nothing can hold back
pure waters breaking through the cracks of rocks
and flow the natural way to eternal waters.
Set free body and soul
Let the divine carry you.

Shell ✨🐚
Quote:  If it’s meant to be it will find a way
106 · Aug 2023
Homeless child
On the music of the wind
She started dancing
Listening with closed eyes
Felt sunbeams on her skin
Yet another hard day to go through
on an empty stomach
in this no one’s land.
Bare ground is my bed
and everything for that matter.
I watch nature
Hope nature watches me.
God keep the wind soft
Let the sun keep shining
In this dark cold world of mine
So that I can keep on dancing
in my imagination.
Keep surviving.
One day at a time.

God, take care of all children..
Especially homeless ones.
106 · Dec 2022
God is inside each of us
Let His word breathe within.
To make all that is bad, go away
To set us free from evils game,
so we can always act with love.
Hold close to you , what He stands for.
Let His light in,
enlightening ….
Now we can walk the darkest of paths
without fear
When God is near.

Shell ✨🐚
105 · May 2022
Our song
As sun sets and moon rises
With you is where I want to be.
Let our song begin,
before night’s end.

Shell ✨🐚
105 · May 2022
Haiku ( adoration)
golden marigolds
spirits guide to life’s altar
life’s fragility

Shell ✨🐚
The sacred flower mala.
105 · Apr 2021
Baby bird 🐦
Oh fragile baby bird
With your shaggy feathers
Looks  like you are sad
Did you fall out from your nest
or did mama set you free?
you’re watching with fear so  blue
Seems you have no clue.
How to fly and to get by.

A lonely silent passerine.
Sitting , watching,waiting
Hoping that some day
She can fly too!

It’s a sad sight to see a baby bird fall out of the nest .
105 · Aug 2021
Love wins
Loneliness is sad
Togetherness is happiness
Love wins

Shell ✨🐚
With love in our hearts everything is possible
105 · Oct 2023
Sunflower’s head is down.
It’s raining today.
No sun to look at and glow.
Sunflower’s tears mixed with the rain.
Fell on the ground whispering a name.
Then out of nowhere a rainbow appeared.
Saw sadness on Earth
and called out a name.
Sun appeared like on command.
Sunflower lift up her head and started to shine.
Winked at the ribbon of colors up in the sky.

Yes after the rain ribbon of candy
delivered the Sun.
A promise of light after the dark.
Of better times when things are bad.
Just never forget to
call out His name.

Shell  ✨🐚
Always try to stay positive even when bad things happen. Believe.
104 · Sep 2022
Darkest hour
She felt lost
Sadness and despair
In the dark she saw
light spots she never noticed before
Showing her the way
At the bottom she saw handles she didn’t know were  there
To pull herself up
She was surrounded by love.

In your darkest hour
Faith will see you through.

Shell ✨🐚
104 · Mar 2022
Be simple
like the bird sitting quietly
in the tree
before nightfall.
Like the first peep
of flowers bloom
Bow your head in gratitude
Always say thank You.
Be soft at heart
Inner peace will come to you.
What one needs
Is simpleness
to let real beauty of life
come through.
Love each other,
hold hands in time of need.
It’s that simple.

Shell ✨🐚
When you’re confronted with human pain on a daily basis it puts things in perspective.
104 · Aug 2021
The book 📖
Let my words attract you
Distract you
Bring you under moon and open sky
With the purest love of all
Be mine for eternity
Read me through written time

Shell ✨🐚
Nothing more precious then reading a good book
Maybe writing one !
104 · Jul 2023
Birth of the Monarch 🦋
In the haze of dawn.
Silent forest, awakening.
Caterpillars hanging on
auburn autumn leaves 🍁
Butterflies calmly waiting
to fly out.

Shell ✨🐚
The Monarch, a butterfly mostly seen
in autumn. 🍂 🍂
103 · May 2021
Gratitude, peace of mind
Gracious moving swans
Knowing there is divine
Children playing
People praying.

Happiness means different things to different people. It’s all about priorities in life!!
103 · Mar 2022
Shy moon 🌝
The moon watched him every night.
He looked up and searched with his eyes.
Told her he was lonely.
If she had seen his love.
That’s when she knew
she was falling in love
Shy moon
hid behind the clouds.

Shell ✨🐚
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