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  Oct 2020 Sehar Bajwa
Ashly Kocher
There’s a time to turn the page and start a new chapter and there’s a time to close the book and start a new story..
Sehar Bajwa Oct 2020
love is painful. love is endless waiting for someone to turn back when you too, are walking away. or trying, at least. but what is relief without knowing how pain chokes your breath?

love doesn't know what he wants.
love is confusion and a pendulum of emotions. Love doesn't want to hurt people, but when it comes to me, love forgets that my heart bleeds too.

is love unrequited? maybe. maybe I don't want to accept it. maybe love loves someone else's smile now. maybe love's heart doesn't drop when he sees me in class, maybe love ignores what his heart is whispering.

maybe love will see this and relive his scrapbook of us. maybe love will confront the right people. or maybe he will scroll past this.

unrequited love is painful, but being drawn in and left is **** near-apocalyptic. if nothing else, we made good breakup poetry.

maybe love lacks courage. maybe that's an easier excuse for me to accept. it is far easier to imagine a heart that cowers from the truth rather than one whose truth I don't recognise. is it time to walk away without looking back? I just want to lie to myself tonight. but then again, can you blame me?
Sehar Bajwa Oct 2020
you ask if i still love you
and i tell you
i never
  Oct 2020 Sehar Bajwa
in another life i once stared into those kind eyes.
in this life i stare into them endlessly.
it's been you since the beginning of time.
and it'll be you till the end of it as well.
I died at my death
And that was a shame
My sun went to nova
With no one to name

I died at my death
And that was a pain
My song undersung
And nothing to gain

I died at my death
You called out my name
Weeping and broken
But no one's to blame

I died at my death
I went to the grave
What I spent of my duty
My heart couldn't save

I died at my death
They put up a stone
My flesh fall to rot
Til there's nothing but bone
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