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1.4k · Feb 2011
In thy love, I falter
Joshua Carney Feb 2011
Emeralds nestled softly, blinking
Penetrate my soul
Cupped in passion; contemplating
Shatter what was whole
Threads of silk in amber, falling
Crash upon her skin
Waves of beauty, never ending
Find the shore again
Roses of her kiss unveiling
Orchids of her smile
Wrapped within her soft embrace
This man becomes a child
877 · Feb 2011
Boots in A Negative
Joshua Carney Feb 2011
Cold and windy, the night sky bleeds
Lamplight reflects warm on scabbing concrete
Cigarette feels small in clammy hands
As I stand in the midst of the end
I notice only what I cannot ignore
I ignore that which is blinding
And in the end, find nothing
Newspaper reads of war, and famine
These things do not concern me
My famine is ending
My war beginning
762 · Jan 2013
Joshua Carney Jan 2013
She knew the whole time
What I took for recognition
But was not
She did not recognize my smile
Not my familiar embrace
Nor temperance
She understood only their passing
In the shade of a cool, fall evening
Someone I mistook for friend
Returned my smile and left
Nothing less than her presence spoke
But it must have been a whisper
One that broke upon the dash
Through the window and beyond
Lost and gone
Scaterring forever in the distance of memory
729 · Jan 2013
Joshua Carney Jan 2013
Fear breathes like rabid dog
Hair stands at thought of approach
Modern oblivion reads like cult classic
Each word bolder than the last
We glance, but do not read
Skimming our way toward annihilation
Everyone has an answer
But no one understood the question
Must read further
Must continue to be ignored
Until my screams penetrate
Like so many teeth in your throat
Maybe then
As death takes us
We will finally embrace
The truth so plain
And laugh at the hell we willingly birth
715 · Jun 2016
Fear of Death
Joshua Carney Jun 2016
"May I ask you a question?" There was no reply
The hinges had squeaked as I pushed the door wide
And inside sat a woman, with rocking chair worn
Alone, so she seemed, once inside of her door
"The door was unlocked so I let myself in."
Again, no reply, though I did see her grin
"We've been waiting," she spoke as she started to rock,
"it's terribly rude to come in and not knock."
"Forgive me," I mocked, "but the storm forced my hand.
I've been traveling you see, in this oft awkward land.
The rain came on quickly, my horses need rest.
I spoke of a question, the question is this..."
But the old lady smiled as she held out her palm,
"Calm yourself child, you've been out for too long.
You would ask for a night in this house you have found?
Understandably so, for we're miles from town."
"Thank you," I smiled, "for the one night I ask.
I'll take leave in the morn and be off to my task."
"Your task," she said, frowning, "has only begun.
This is more than a house you have stumbled upon.
This is Hell, just for you! I can see you're confused.
But you needn't be scared, for you've nothing to lose.
See, you died in the storm though you think you did not.
And it's my purpose now to be sure that you rot."
As the old woman spoke, I felt sure of her words
As if what she said had been practiced, rehearsed
"How am I dead if we both see I'm here?"
Then she told me, "I'm dead, if that helps still your fear."
So I started to laugh (she was obviously crazed),
"There is no way in hell this is true, what you say!"
"But it is and I'll show you; your doubts will be curbed.
This IS your hell John, and it's one you deserve."
A change came upon her, though hard to describe
And instead of one being, I was looking at five
In each of their eyes were reflections the same
I was looking at dead men and I was to blame
I remembered no guilt, I had felt no remorse
When a bullet had silenced them each in due course
When I reached for my pistol but found I had none
I realized that each of them still had a gun
They loaded them slowly while chanting in time,
"You took each their life and you'll pay for your crime."
In my horror I ran though I found not the door
Five explosions rang out and I fell to the floor
As I drew my last breath, I could swear I felt rain
As if I were outside, in absence of pain
But I was and I had been; the rain in my boots
If not for the horses was certainly proof
In the distance a house where we might get some rest
Though it's miles from town and decrepit, at best
As I closed on the house where it seemed I had been
I ignored the nostalgia and let myself in.
Pumped this out in like a half hour, several years ago
686 · Aug 2016
Everyone We've Ever Dated
Joshua Carney Aug 2016
Laughing a lot in the days of yore
But that was before and now I'm bored
How am I sure? Is this a point of digression?
Are you messing with me?
Your inflection suggested questions
I'm locked in depression
Sullied with your indiscretion
You're neurotic, I got it
Don't bully me into confession
A quixotic deposit chock full of repression
I can posit the logic and guess at your own recession
You're psychotic, a sociopathic happenstance
At a passing glance despotic
A rodeo clown that can laugh and dance
You're toxic and top it all off, I hate your friends
You've a blatant trend to condescend
Transcend it then and try again
624 · Feb 2013
Joshua Carney Feb 2013
Poems should rhyme,
And, if they don't:
594 · Apr 2012
Never the like, again
Joshua Carney Apr 2012
The man began to rise, his jacket full of holes
Noting nothing, he misses his surroundings
The poor light, the smell, his own home
He falls back, too weak to support himself
Blinking should wash the past
It used to help
The alcohol seems more a baptism, these days
Than the tears before
Before the light winks out
And he closes his eyes
Something rattles, all too closely
528 · Nov 2013
The Coil
Joshua Carney Nov 2013
I cannot ask for this
This thing
This bliss
I do not
Deserve it
This is
Without a doubt
Bound to me
Free from sound
Of light and wound
Change in me
The mights to wills
And still
I find night
Against my breast
Expressed within
And beyond
Joshua Carney Feb 2013
My mind (like many) rambles on
And as such, thoughts abound
It quickens, loses, supplicates
That I might write them down
But they are lost (like many gone)
And this much earns renown
Where once they were, I now debate
They ever were around.
381 · Jun 2016
Joshua Carney Jun 2016
Sometimes I lay here
Eyes closed and thinking of you
The world falls away
I miss her more than she will ever know

— The End —