Poison running through my veins, your blood.
Running through me, like water from rivers.
Given to me as a forced gift.
But I have no choice, the choice was yours.
A blessing? More like a curse.
My choices aren't my choices.
My eyes, aren't my eyes.
My face, a mere reflection of your own.
My friends are my family, not you.
But my life is my life, mot yours.
"She's what you have to look foward to" they say.
They fail to notice, that I am not you.
I am ME.
I do not act like you acted,
I act like ME.
Despite the similarities,
we are strangers.
But you've done one thing right.
You've given my friends, someone
who genuinely cares about them.
Just one more thing you failed to do.
I hope as a reader youenjoy this poem. It comes straight from the heart.