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Stop trying to remember his scent, he smelled like summer and reminds you of the time he made you laugh so hard, you snorted out milk on that dead, hazy day.

2. Don't waste your day trying to decipher what colour his eyes were, it'll only remind you of the galaxies and constellations that you once saw in his eyes

3. Stop trying to retrace the shape of his mouth in the middle of the night, you'll choke on your tongue trying to taste the mint he devoured seconds before pulling you in for a kiss

4. Stop reliving the times you clasped hands together, the glass plate will fall off your trembling hands.

5. Burn this list, admit that the galaxies and constellations shining in his eyes were wilted, the one in yours are bursting with fire. Remember on the dead, hazy day his laugh sounded like nails running down a chalkboard. Remember when you kissed, the weeds growing from his mouth entangled the roses blooming in yours.

Realize that one day, another boy is going to come and plant daisies where he left behind thorns.
 Apr 2014 Samantha Faith
each word you delicately write
is taken from a page of my heart
I feel that you must know me
the pain I've felt from the start

it torments and pulls
yet you'll never know
you pen your lines so innocently
my emotions combined with your flow

your words of love bring tears
an unbearable ache inside
were you there with me
on those many nights that I cried

you wrapped me up in your stanzas
kissed my head with gentle thoughts
so I could lose myself in literature
with alternate breaths, we held a pause

my heartbeats matched your meter
only this form kept me alive
while I sleep, consumed in darkness
my story you continue to write
somehow, i can be okay with goodbye when,
with a sudden snap you removed these parasitic vines, from my spine
where they had grown, laced and intertwined into my nervous system
i was anxious, suffocated by anxiety until i came to the realization that i won't miss them
they were suffocating me and i thought i was fine, because they never came close to my throat
but, nobody has to wrap their cold hands around your trachea to make you choke
all it takes is a little pressure on a part of your soul that's already constricted,
all it takes is some back and forth and promises to make you, unmake you, make you addicted
its as simple as being chained by somebody's expectations for you to change
one more person making the same promises to stick around and then not staying
one more person saying that you're perfect the way you are when you meet them
but being shocked, appalled, disgusted when you slide back the paper thin walls
you put between yourself and the rest of humanity so that you can function
you do it with all those moments you subtly assure them that your brokkeness is fiction
and the second they notice theyre right back up and running
perpetuating the cycle of your need for invisibility,
maintaining the lifestyle of perfecting your camouflage
I know someone who hid in her closet when she was just a child
to hide the scars that the next door neighbor had bored into her psyche
from her mother an everyone else - to perpetuate their happiness at the cost of herself
I understand what it's like to have a savior complex, and be full of guilt
I understand what it's like to think you have to save everyone you love from your reflection
I understand the ache in your chest that comes from running too far, too fast, in all directions
just so you don't have to take the one path you think you can't handle
I understand what it's like to not be able.
a la chemicle, w ref to  la mariposa
I thought about breaking the close semblance to silence, but instead i chose to choke my words back and reinforce the lack of violence. This that seems so quiet, is so inside of me as rough as a riot. A riot put down, but not by my conscience. By the concepts of reason, and their obvious relevance
Love is a sunrise
Love is a rose
Love is the tingle
That starts in the toes

Love is an autumn leaf
That floats on the breeze
Love comes alive
When love flutters free

Love is a car
That is always in drive
Love is a city street
That is lit up at night

Love always has
The softest of hands
And always gives into
Loves high demand

Love is a whisper
That is spoken out loud
Loves when you kiss her
In a tumultuous crowd

Love is the brightness
On a sunny day
Love is a shower
In the middle of May

Love conquers all
When love is set free
Love is a handcuff
That binds you and me

Love is an ocean
You can lose yourself in
And once you've dove in
Don't want to come back again
 Mar 2014 Samantha Faith
My sadness provides me with comfort
Sick, isn't it?
It's just something that's always been there
That's comforting to me
And as much as I want to feel the sunshine on my cheeks
And have flowers bloom within my mind
Part of me is so scared to leave my sadness behind
I want you to be my last words.
A quiet whisper in my mind--
or your name slipping from my lips
for the last time--
I wonder.
And I hope that I can pull it off,
that I could remember in a moment like that.
If you're around, I want to see you
and tell you I love you before I go
(I always say I love you before I go).
If you're not around, I'll just
whisper your name
to the air beneath my nose
one last time.
And if I can't speak,
I'll conjure up your essence
inside me.
My last words,
My eternity.

 Mar 2014 Samantha Faith
9.12 pm
 Mar 2014 Samantha Faith
Your tear stained face is etched into my retinas
As if my heart yearns to make everything better
And to rock you to sleep

Or to brush away all of the bad things
And censor all of the bad news
Hypnotize all of the bad days in a long forgotten past

Hold you in my arms until everything was better
Sweep you away and make you happy again
Like you deserve

If only you would let me care
If only
If only
If is my favourite word
He only went to her when he needed her
just for help, nothing else.
And of course she came to his rescue
because she still cared, still wanted
him in her presence
and when he realized he treated her wrong
oh wait..
he never did.
 Mar 2014 Samantha Faith
he said i was beautiful
my scars make me beautiful
he said that we ended like a hurricane
that it was a storm and than calm
he says we ended beautifully

he killed me inside
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