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Apr 2021 · 306
Riley Apr 2021
8:52 AM sitting at my local coffee shop. Looking out  into the overcast sky. Strong breeze knocks my napkin onto the ground, and I go to pick it up. Look up and down the street I see her, yellow dress white skirt the most vibrant person I've ever laid eyes on. She lights up the street, without doing anything out of the ordinary, just walking, but I find myself staring at her in awe of the beauty set before me. Beautiful amber eyes, long brown hair.  Shining ray of sunlight pierces the gray clouds of my boring life, swiftly illuminating me and wrapping my heart in the warmest comfiest blanket.  Still being crouched over caught in a situation I've never been in before I attempt to get up and return my napkin to the table. I won't probably ever see that girl again, but those few seconds of absolute radiance reminded me that there is a life worth living.
Dec 2018 · 74
Riley Dec 2018
If you disappeared, who would notice?
If you suddenly weren't, who would miss you?
Who would cry and pray for you to come back?
Who comes to mind when you read these lines?
Whoever does, I hope you let them know you love them.
Hold them close, cherish their presence.
Because when you lose someone, it's much better to look back at
And have good memories of them.
And when you disappear, whether it be wanted or not.
I hope your loved ones have amazing memories to cherish forever.
I love you all and I hope you enjoy December.
Nov 2018 · 106
5:26 pm
Riley Nov 2018
I started writing this "Poem" at 5:26 pm. I don't know what I should write about or why I should write it or what I intend to achieve out of it but I feel as if I should share it. I have had a rough week, I'm sure a lot of us have. I was walking back from the store and a I saw an elderly man on the sidewalk shooing away some birds and he didn't look to happy but then he fell down. Naturally I walked over to help him up and when I did, his expression changed from cold and mean to bright and happy. I felt something today in that moment that I've never experienced before. It was surreal like something out of a film or book, time literally felt like it  stopped And in the same time it continued almost like it didn't happen but I know it did. After that he said thank you and I said your welcome and started to walk away with this overwhelming feeling of just happiness. I felt something urging me to turn around some slight feeling, tingles on the back of my neck. So I did and the man was gone. I don't know what happened to me today. But I encourage everyone to please help out anyone you can whether it be as small as doing a slight favor for a friend or something that costs you something like giving a stranger 5 dollars for a bus ticket. The feeling you get out of helping someone can't be bought with money. Thank you
Oct 2018 · 213
Riley Oct 2018
I bring with me today, a saying from far away.
In a place where love triumphs over any and all evil.
This saying goes as follows.
"Forgiveness is a warm kindling, in this rainy cold night we call life. Each act of love being a campfire to warm us up. It is not where we are going that is important, but what happens on our way that is, for if we forget the in between, the ending has no meaning."
In this place oh so far away, people live by this statement.
You learn to love and live and give the gift of happiness to not only others but yourself, for if you make others happy but not yourself, then what is the point?
Everyone deserves happiness, no matter what mistakes we've made.
Thank you
Nov 2017 · 341
To my fellow texans.
Riley Nov 2017
What happened today was horrible
no words can express how bad
but we stand together because thats what we do
we push through this day becoming stronger than the last
all we can do is spread our love not our hate
because when we choose to spread hate instead of love
we have lost the fight that these kind of people want to start
when we hate we give them the power they so desperately desire
when we spread love we win
we stand together a united state and a united nation
one for the great or good of the people
so however you spread your love
whether it be donating or helping out clean up
or even writing like me
stay strong and know that we can get through this
i love you all
As a texan what happened today was heart breaking. I wrote this for anyone else affected.
Nov 2017 · 237
Good vibes
Riley Nov 2017
today i woke up
the sun was so bright
my heart instead of heavy
felt so light

i smiled for no reason
i felt warm in my core
which was a nice change
from it being so sore

even though today
i didn't do anything new
i owe my new found happiness
to you!
felt like writing something upbeat today because my first and most recent 3 writes were sad :D
Nov 2017 · 372
friday feels
Riley Nov 2017
I gave up everything
my happiness my pride
i ran out for you
i didn't hide

i would of died
to talk to you
and you don't respond?
now what do i do

the only friend i have is gone now
betrayal is the worst pain
and i'm left to think how?
what for you did this gain?

i hate you i hate me more
i trusted you why did i trust you?
my heart is sore
its so shattered nothing will help not even glue

i'm broken
i fell in love
and my love did the unspoken
i was on the edge, and all you did was shove
wrote in a time of anger and sadness, hope whoever reads it likes it though,
ps. just found out i could add notes
Nov 2017 · 148
Riley Nov 2017
I write in hopes to create
a world in which i can shape
to whatever my heart might desire
because in that world there isn't anything i can't acquire

That world is pure happiness, joy, and bliss
I think to myself "it cant get better than this"
but when the time comes and i put down the pen
i realize i'm alone in this scary world again

but i always say
in my darkest times
nothing helps more
than a couple of rhymes
Nov 2017 · 173
Best friend
Riley Nov 2017
they're out of control
my feelings for you
i just cant take it
there's nothing i can do

i suffer in silence
just to hide it
im in love with you
i cant deny it

i cant accept it either
because i know its wrong
im just trying and trying
to stall and prolong

the inevitable sadness
that comes with this
its gone to a cold pain
from a warm bliss

but in the end
i accept whats true
i only know love
because of you

my best friend
is what you are
even if things are
the way they are

and even though
i lied to you
please bare with me
through the black and blue

please forgive me
for how i feel
because when you do
i will begin to heal.

— The End —