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 Dec 2024 Sarthak Gupta
Ashi Jain
When I was seven, I was afraid of the dark
My biggest enemies were the moon and stars
So, to sleep better at night
I had a night light

Now I’m fourteen and I can’t stand the light
Now that’s the enemy I got to fight
I am scared of the day
Because I can’t stand what people have to say

I love the night
Because then, I get a break from the fight
Don’t have to hide my tears
Don't have to face my fears

I now realize, in the dark
under the blanket of stars
You don't have to hide your scars
Because no one can see
just for a few hours, in the dark
I'm free
 Dec 2024 Sarthak Gupta
I want to scream
So loudly
That world will stop spinning for a second
And acknowledge that I'm angry

That the ground will collapse
Deep enough for me to fall into
And never come out

That time will stop
Maybe for an hour or two
Or maybe forever
(This note was written by your radiator's fears)
 Dec 2024 Sarthak Gupta
 Dec 2024 Sarthak Gupta
"You're so talented"
Until they find out it's because writing is the only way to keep me from losing sanity

"You're so mature"
Until they find out it's because i was forced to grow up way too fast

"You're so responsible"
Until they find out i ran away at 13

"You're such a good friend"
Until they find out i have a different personality for each one of them

"You're so helpful"
Until they find out that no matter what i do, i can't say no

"You're such a good Christian"
Until they find out i'm gay

"You're such a pretty girl"
Until they find out i'm not even a girl

"You're such a good brother"
Until they find out i almost killed mine

"You're so strong"
Until they find out i almost gave up
They love you until they find out something about you that they hate
 Nov 2024 Sarthak Gupta
 Nov 2024 Sarthak Gupta
I cry
For fake characters in movies

I dream
Things that could never come true

I lie
To myself

I walk
To places only on the map of my mind

I jump
Into an invisible hole

And I miss
Things and people, when they're alive
A helpful note
 Nov 2024 Sarthak Gupta
 Nov 2024 Sarthak Gupta
I'm in the dark
With no light
You actions left a mark
And now im stuck in the endless night

You mocked me
With your torch
I touched the flame
So now my skin is scorched

Youve left me with scars
Beneath the surface
Physical and mental
Geez. Thanks so much for your service.
 Nov 2024 Sarthak Gupta
beneath the moon’s soft silver glow,
the tides reveal what hearts don’t show.
a fleeting whisper, a fragile tide,
secrets kept where dreams collide.
the fragile beauty of fleeting moments
 Nov 2024 Sarthak Gupta
Sitting on my cozy chair
With my blanket
And on top it it
My cat

It's the first time
I've ever used the fireplace
Since we moved to this house
It's wonderful
I wish to have a fire every night

If only
My mind would be as calm as the fire
And as bright
A good note that solved all the problems of the world

— The End —