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MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
They called him,
the King of hearts, Jack Rabbit
Seneca of a legion
The angel of mercy with wings propelling love letters from its bow
sharp like the Red Jacket in my chest
The ace in my heart and I
died many times before
casted aside
I'm the message in a bottle
to be found ashore...
a lost psalm

And although the tare of my brittle hope to believe
that an angel of mercy could enlighten me of this scar,
I'll be shooting aerrows to knees collecting feathers in my palms
Killing soft melodies
Good or bad deeds
Perceptions of a woman
are no excuses.
No mercy for a man.
The movie that became everything in my life. And took control over the depths within my sceibes. The classic.. The Crow.
496 · Feb 2018
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
Passing stone walls after work
as I walk slowly past them
I get to my destination
but my destiny keeps leaving me
hurt and lost to find virtue again

I put time in days
and my days in time suspension
where void lives in caves
caved in the soul of my feet
so I turn the corner leading to home

I fallow the staircase
up to my dislocated space
where the air lives like a stanger
and my laundry is my floor matt
... the walls cave in
No matter where I go
I still end up in that bed
where I made to lay in it
sulk till my sheets blanket stars
and the moon's glow is no more

I heard them stories of lonlyness
I seen chin's touching chest
and eyes never seeing skies
where ever home may be
their beds solid as concrete

Butterflies are out my window
full of color and dance
but I won't let them in
I had many in my stomach
to replace what could have been

I lay still like... stupid
livid in this small junction
between me and the night
pulling and pushing the venom
making me sick in my demise

wrapped in a calamity
blanketed in cimmerian shade,
I am swimming in moonshine
choking on narcotics
I can't stay in this bed anymore
every piece of me dies.**
When in sumber, be sure your body and mind are light.
465 · Feb 2018
Mr. Soul Man
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
He was like
the most alluring
& complicated ,
street talking,
sweet rugged man
I had ever seen. A
drifting mess,
and tangled curles.
And all I wanted in life
in that very moment
was to catch his eye
and dance the wolf
I was.. and undo his shirt.
For a love that no other man is to me. Thank you, for my apple bitten at ease❤
445 · Feb 2018
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
I am caught • madder than a hatter • I ain't shocked • my eye gleam shattered • what a waste • a bitter taste • only spuded poison from my face • the rabbits howl • in the sleeve of my vein tunnels • my blood is jelly • confettie are the teeth I jagged thier silly's • mad in my heart and chest are teething • I am caught • madder than a hatter • all the crows flock • revenge is never better. © The Madd Hatteress
We are all mad somehow.. in some time.. in some ways.. in many deranged situations. I am no exception.
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
on my second pack of iggy's,
smoked by the minutes counting
you're not here by my side
to hold me and watch stars
fall out of place like
the places where our mind dwells
and my breath in what was fresh
for the kiss of your lips
and put a hold on to the smoke
in my head of you
our first night apart
things are something of some
painfuly hard to mend

no, I AM pacing
my neck weary and weak
too much for this head of mine
to hold up all that clutters
streaming down my chest
like liquid fire from explosion
tensions play poker with my heart
and you're still not here
to help me live up to my feet
you go one way and I
I stay behind taking in the stabs

amzing how I'm whipping throught this
pieces I chicken write-...vandalise

my pen and I drop another line, yet on these fresh sheets
.. no, tonight we had no choice
since the choice was already made
no, It's not a break up
just one of those nights I let you
spend away from me and
I am just being so dam n selfish
just wanting you eaveryday
how do you see me now
taking a bat destroying what is
in my way thinking I care
.... ****!
like I do
go ahead act like it don't **** me
it's just anxioty,
attacks come around friendly
without handshakes that insults me
and my feet crash on glass
and yet, I feel nothing

... but you

mornings **** like manson
like the devil himself
it consums me in this home
where I make animals
look like nothing wild
and the neighbors can hear me
crazy they would claim me
and you're not here to hear me

another smoke to pop in my mouth
and this house is smelling like
a drug house I had created tonight
when you come back home today
whatever time that may be
I'll be screaming and crying
like a crazy *** *****
in an un-womanly like tantrum
Like as if I hadn't hurt losing
another friend the other day
and on top of that you leave me
in times like these
this is the first you've done
so wrong to me
yet to me in my mind I may be
losing it completely
expressions say so much
on your face where I feel like
slapping you hard like I
want you to really hurt!

even poetry stares me down this
early morning my, good one
a wife I will be, intentionaly insecure
I want this to go away
far away where I can cast myself
away with the extreme pain
that I'm causing myself
cause you ain't here
and that's all that's playing in my head
that's all that matters to me now
that you ain't in this fducking house
where I THINK you MAY belong

another smoke and many more to come
and this home is begining to close in on me
and this is just another
a.m. challenge for my depprssion
anti-deppressants don't do one ****
and I swim in my head where thoughts
**** me while you're gone.

gone feels like forever
up here is like the twilight zone
and you are the episode
where conflics travle fast.

God! I ******* love you!
this cage is now my dungeon
and now it's 3:39a.m

I'm pretending this is okay

(ghasping myself to sleep)
Not Worth The Silly Pain:
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
If I could find the Proverbs
arranging them accordingly
Inside these lucid creases
I would die happy, just to
concieve metrical composition

... for all time

I'd scribble heartbreaks and
rescue missions of my soul
to clarify empathy of baptism
that my love is more than love

If I had a key with a heart
bleeding at the crown
I would unlock the poison
So much I allowed myself
in suffering
I am languishing
rib cages, shutting in
all my reasoning to breathe...

were to be found another day

I'd scribe in scrolls
of my 15 yrs of sorrows
hoping your eyes can see
I am just as damaged as
a vehical wreck
Yet a mother of 1
who was lost on a sad


3yrs ago when I first decided
to bare my deepest and thickest
outpour of my poetry,
I wrote about you

Mathias Ti'avasu'e

..I became the whipping
motherless girl beneath Zues..

Conveyed the impression
at first glance
Writing my storms delicately
as when mommy first held you
helped me describe
my inner workings
so that you might understand

… exactly the mother I could have been

I love you in all of your grace,
your purity,
and your precious life.
And when that time comes
that I may write of you
I could find the words I need
to create heavenly for you
and conquer

... and if this makes perfect poetry,
then why does it still hurt so bad?
© The Madd Hatteress
For my Mathis.. mommy loves and misses you.
380 · Feb 2018
GRAMMER: (writing/poetry)
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
It is possible
for grammar to-
be a mistake ... sometimes

words are

NEVER  perfect

I type,



true words,
run like a stream


from my brain


this brain
my brain

had been
under construction
for all
my entire being

were born in here
in my brain

from my....


no conclusion


I was counting
scrambling numbers
poor additions
about life

adding, nothing

NOT YET.... no method
with a bit

of seizure

relying on them
to save me

deppening on them
to revive a tune

to make these mistakes
look pretty???

There are
many languages devided

= many errors in
                     perfect grammar


the ones with gutts
rasing amo  
firing reprisal

unique insignifacance
intellect that does not belong
to the world

it is possible
for mistakes
to be a grammar

not understanding
why I have to prove

there is no such existance
in humen kind.
© The Madd Hatteress
Nobody, and nothing is perfect.

— The End —