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Q Sep 2015
I wonder if you'll find these words
If you'll know they're about you.
I wonder if you'll read my verse
And comprehend my clues.

Would you crave to know me more
With every poem you devour here?
Would you plan to search and learn me
Over the course of many years?

I wonder if you'd be intrigued
By all I manage not to say.
I wonder if you'll confront me
With words that stuck with you all day.

Would you read the lines and then between them
Until you knew the workings of my mind?
Would you ask me to explain every stanza
Until we could no longer hold open our eyes?

I wonder if you'd be insatiable
If you'd need to know more, know everything.
I wonder if you'd hunt me down
And take the secrets I've written and dearly keep.

Would you read in awe and decide
To keep me closer than you let me before?
Would you understand my words
And wait eagerly for more?

I wonder if I'd come to mean something
Akin to what you mean to me.
I wonder what you'd do
If I gave you these poems to read.
Q Sep 2015
He intrigues me
In the way that makes me guilty.
In the way I thought
I knew I'd never feel again.

He is intelligent
In the way that's only meant
To be found in the pages
Of wishful fantasies.

He is an enigma
An ever-changing puzzle
A red herring of a clue
That somehow speaks the truth.

He is a prize
Someone to be dearly coveted
And dearly beloved
And jealously covered up.

He is a Muse. My Muse.
The guilt of finding one anew
Teethes at my heart and soul
And I trash what I write of him.

He is inspiration
He is wishful thinking, hopes, and dreams
He is that spark
That pushes me back to this art.

He is.
And He was.
I beg that He'll forgive me
For finding Him.
It's been some time.
Q Aug 2015
it's idolization
i'll try to stop it this time
because idolatry never worked out

it's idolization
i'm trying to stop it in time
as i'm praying on my knees whispering, "how"

this is worship
this isn't friendship
i've never done it right

reverently praying
trying to make man
more than mankind

this is an attraction
this is an addiction
i'm compelled to weep

i'm a reborn convert
fanatical in that
i want the world to see

i lift my idol up
for everyone to view
but i'm a jealous follower

i hide my idol under a cape
and pull it to my chest
so i am the only worshiper

this is idolization
i'll try to stop it this time
because friendship's all i wanted

this is idolization
can't find the way to end it
and these blessings leave me haunted
meet my bpd
Q Aug 2015
It didn't start out as a suicide attempt
But one cut after five too many
Death didn't look so scary.

It didn't start out as a suicide attempt
But twelve cuts in and the blood dripping down
Felt oddly akin to catharsis.

It didn't start out as a suicide attempt
But by the time help came-- far too early to be late--
Life's continuation seemed akin to regret.
Q Aug 2015
Do you think you're better off alone?
When the ceiling of a ***** room
Is the night sky and stars and
You're getting comfortable in late night gloom.


I'd hate to go home alone but I never left my bed.


What's worth the air in your lungs today?
Is it the people you forgot to keep in touch with
Or the helpless yearning for something
Or the life you remember you used to miss.


I smoke cigarettes for the warmth in my lungs
And the burn in my throat
Like one thousand bright suns.


You could've been vulnerable and explained that
You'd **** for an hour with warm arms around you
And a listening ear, and ****** movies on Netflix
And that cry you refused to allow yourself to do.


If any less of a **** was given about your problems
The whole world would be constipated


I could've pretended awkward hands in the dead of night
Meant true love, meant something, meant, at least, mutual 'like'.
But denials' for people who don't think so much
And thinkings' my best ally and my worst crutch.


You should take hold of your life today, get up, do something
But this bed is safe, this bed is familiar for the ambition-less
And you're the only one who shat there
So sleep in it.


The futures' only bright for optimists and I'd never be accused of that.


When I'm getting tired of wrapping a lack of feeling
Into precise stanzas, lines, and rhymes
Maybe I'll figure out what I've been rambling on about
Stand up, and live my life.


Eenie, meanie, miney, mo
What the **** is life good for
I'll trade you a penny, you give me a dime
And we're all still running on borrowed time.


You're too tired to sleep today; three more and you won't wake up.


This is the end, I've picked out a date
Got everything planned out, no one's awake, no one can stop me.
Wait. I chickened out, missed it again, failed like the failure I am.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


Isolation's only fun for the people with nothing better to do.


There's no good way to end something that began badly.
I should remember that
It's a good line
Almost proverbial.
Q Jul 2015
Ah, and this--
Where I have wanted to be.
  Jul 2015 Q
Austin Heath
Dying so slowly they think they're alive.

I can't imagine a word that
means anything close to what I'm

Utopia to some, post apocalypse to many.
I had to describe how someone can exist
and cherish a person,
but hope to annihilate their species.

"Imagine someone hands you a glass of water.
You imagine they mix tap water with something filtered,
still drinkable right?
Imagine they mixed in poison, or waste.
Would you still drink?"
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