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Q Apr 2013
Legs, arms, feet
Not quite in one piece
No on can believe what they see
Flying legs, and arms, and feet.

Who dun' it? Who dun' it?
Why'd they do it to them?
Someone confess it, admit it!
And we'll get revenge!

They'll hear it in their dreams
The booming of explosions
Tearing them apart at the seams.

Legs, arms, feet
Not quite in one piece
No on can believe what they see
Flying legs, and arms, and feet.
Q Apr 2013
I don't want to accept
That one day you won't be here
That I won't always see you
That you might not last the year

And I'll mourn you
I'll cry
I'll weep, I swear
But to me you'll never die

Whatever the case
I'll remember your face
I'll remember your words
I'll remember your place

I'll remember your smile
I'll remember your song
I'll remember the way we got along
I swear to God, I'll remember you when you're gone.
Dedicated to my friend Kira and her friend with cancer Jason.
Q Apr 2013
We won't talk much in the future
As we've got other places to be
I no longer crave you
You no longer need me
And deep down I'm disappointed
Because I thought we 'clicked'
In truth, you needed the comfort
And I needed the risk
And so we won't talk much in the future
As time passes we've less to say
And soon there'll be no words at all
At least, I don't think so, anyway

And to you, unlike the one above
We'll talk to each other for a long time
But we'll never mention 'love'
And we'll both regret it someday
I need you most times
And you need me the same
We 'clicked' so fast it could be a crime
And we're both stopping what could be great
I'll move away someday
And our chance will be lost
Three months can't be all we've got
At least, I don't think so, anyway

For you, whom acts just like me
My doppelgänger in the best of ways
I wish we could know each other better
I wish we had more days
We both crave greatness
But to rely on each other won't do
We must make our own success
And then we'll relearn the us we knew
I believe we'll still talk after some years
I don't think our friendship will decay
I know moving won't change much
At least, I don't think so, anyway

And for you who shares my brain
Who holds my soul, my smiles, my thoughts
I don't believe what we have
Will ever begin to rot
No matter where I go
No matter where you are
I love you with every atom I contain
W hen I'm lost you are the North Star
So don't shed a single tear
Keep me near your heart
What we have is permanent
'Till the end and since the start
This is for four of my friends for when I move.
Q Apr 2013
He looked at me
Shook his head
I'd tried so long
Worked so hard
And reaped nothing
He turned form me
He walked away
So sadly
I put down my pride
And held to his legs
He shook me off
And patted my head
Resigned to the fact
I could not fetch
Q Apr 2013
I'll walk down the road of eternity
My partner hand-in-hand beside me
I'll ask of his name
And he replies "Death" to me
And we continue our merry gait

As we walk slowly, I ask where he's from
He replies, "Where they all go when their time is done"
And though I know not who they are
To listen is fun
As we travel afar

Death looks at me
As he smiles quietly
He murmurs a inquiry
Asks if I had a reply
As to why walked with me
Confused I replied
Something of friendship
Death chuckled and shoved me down
Fear bloomed in my belly
For Death's feet did not touch the ground

It was only then
I knew my friend
Was truly the master
Of when one's time ends

And in fear I stopped
And Death smiled at me
And before I could turn back
He closed the door to reality
This was written in 2010
Q Apr 2013
I'm a fair fighter
I fight to the death
I throw the carcasses
Down on my left
I always allow
My enemy to regroup
Then I defeat them
And collect my coup
They regroup slowly
I beat them fast
It's an epic battle
That never seems to last
More than a minute
For those who are tough
But there never a time
When they say enough's enough
So I ready myself
Flex my abs
Crook my finger
And pick the scab
I honestly can't explain the inspiration behind this rather gross poem
Q Apr 2013
You asked a question
And I gave a response
Not complicated at all
Yet you took so long

You came back again
Almost passed by
And asked me again
Just to "clarify"

I'm sick of waiting
I'm ready to leave
But you bring my reward
So I keep my peace

Until I realize
What's in front of me
I am more than furious
I ordered a number three.
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