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CJ M Jan 2016
Love is like a drug that I can never over-dose on
But for some reason I keep getting the worst batch
  Jan 2016 CJ M
You couldn't conceive
How careless you come off
When I'm crying for attention
But you can't reciprocate.....
CJ M Jan 2016
Tiny tastes of skin produce many a flavor of salt
But of all the things I taste
Your skin tastes most delicious
And I am obsessed with that flavor
CJ M Jan 2016
There are so many ways I want you, so many ways I lust you
Yet there are so many reasons of why it is I can not claim to love you.
My eager reluctance keeps me from claiming love.

White rose petals litter the floor around me
Moving so slowly like ripples in the ocean
A body lay in the middle of the tide
Thick and dark like chocolate against the white petals
Open for a love I desire to give.
I lie down and grip at the hips, tugging it towards me,
Quickly adjusting my form to fit
And we lock eyes.
Thus is the feeling of love I had been wishing
Thus is the feeling I lust when we’re kissing.

But when our lips lock, our loves don’t, I feel we are two souls forced into an intertwine.
I lust you, oh how I lust you, but that lust is perpetually sans its love.

Conscience-confusing creature of contemplation, your body is driving me mad.
Lover without love, you are my sweetheart, but you remind me of love we never had.
CJ M Jan 2016
my wishes of clarity aren’t answered in time, I am in a state of longing.
I am a drizzle.
My mind is full of fantasies. My heart full of accidental burdens.
I am now the rain.
It won’t clear, I still feel that longing, It begins loathing in my heart.
My rain pours and I turn into a storm.

A being formed on the verge of insanity and off the coast of tornadic, and a mind on the verge of chaotic.
I calm.
Leaves falling to the ground as my unforgiving rains relent.
But it is merely momentary. For the thoughts always return.
The rains pour as my mind clouds, the winds rise as my heart sinks. My eyes water as the thoughts circle around and around in my consciousness.
I am a hurricane
Let me whine on my via dolorosa.
CJ M Jan 2016
I consider myself to be an indefinite factor in life
So I plan to stay
But I want to borrow your heart for the rest of time.
I hope that that's okay.
CJ M Jan 2016
I can keep it real when I need to.
So she always knows the deal.
I never complain of my body, but should work on my *** appeal.

I’m glad she was patient with me, but the quickie stated impatience.
Hands full of body and nose full of fragrance.

She was my reluctant first

I was too anxious to just enjoy and now it’s got me marked.
Now we speak and she jokes, but somehow I don’t feel dark.
They say that nothing is common knowledge, but I feel I can learn all.
Given another chance, I’ll give my best at what I find as an actual fall.

But until then, I still think of those few moments
Immersed in love and something wetter
I think about what I did and what I can do
And all the ways that next time I’ll show her better.
Uh, remember, this is coming from a teenage boy, soooooooooooooooooooo....... XD Don't tell me that anyone had a perfect first time, but this is directly from the heart.....  I think. Don't judge me LOL
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