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728 · Jul 2016
Keep Going
Pine Jul 2016
not every poem is thought out
sometimes it is the first
words to find my fingers

rarely it turns into anything worth sharing
other times it is just meant as practice

to those who feel like
they can't seem to write
anything worth while
you will

it's all just practice.
just something that entered my head while showering.
620 · Apr 2016
Pen Poised
Pine Apr 2016
She spent most of her days in bed
writing poems in her head
every once in a while
she would sit and jot
them down

no one ever
saw her write
she only did it
in the dead of night
when the world was
quiet and still
the only few sounds
came from the
wildlife around

she felt like them
wild and free
in the dead of night
she was herself
when the morning came
she went back to bed
writing poems in her head.
494 · Jul 2016
It Has Been Awhile
Pine Jul 2016
it's been awhile
since I heard these
keys sounding off

it's a gentle comfort
like the scent of a library
or the crashing of waves

it feels like
377 · Dec 2016
It Isn't Easy
Pine Dec 2016
The night resonates through his eyes
a rare sight to be seen
the ocean rises in his chest
exhales a cool winter breeze

his heart, if it is there
smaller than a pebble stuck
in the rivers current

I cannot help
but love him
375 · Jul 2016
Writing Poems in Her Head
Pine Jul 2016
She spent most of her days in bed
writing poems in her head
every once in a while
she would sit and jot
them down

no one ever
saw her write
she only did it
in the dead of night
when the world was
quiet and still
the only few sounds
came from the
wildlife around

she felt like them
wild and free
in the dead of night
she was herself
when the morning came
she went back to bed
writing poems in her head.
371 · Jun 2017
I'm Tired
Pine Jun 2017
Darkness is drowning me
Even in daylight
Even when I'm smiling

Darkness is swallowing me
As you sit next to me
Thinking I'm alright

I'm on an island of misery
The waters are poisonous
Yet I am thinking of
Taking a drink

I just want it to end  
I'm so very tired
Of feeling this way
367 · Jul 2016
Only the Beginning
Pine Jul 2016
Blue waterfall flows
into crystal waters
eyes twinkling in the sunlight
you start to say things
that make my heart flutter

dazzling ring placed upon
my delicate finger
red and white sparkling
in the sun

this is only the beginning
of greater things to come.
307 · Dec 2016
Just Fine
Pine Dec 2016
My eyes burn
My wings hurt
My heart has taken
A beating

I loved you so hard
I forgot myself
And fell to depths
Never ventured before

Stuck in the mud and dirt
I'll be just fine
I found myself while falling

My eyes will clear
My wings will heal
My heart will be soaring
305 · Dec 2016
Should've Written It Down
Pine Dec 2016
There was a poem in my head
Before I fell to bed
I should have written it down
For it completely escapes me now
It could have been gold
For what floated was bold
Another time perhaps
It will return to me
In my next winters dream
290 · Dec 2016
Pine Dec 2016
The lines on his face told stories
For others

A different tale for each weathered

Tales of sadness greater than most
Tales of true heart wrenching love
He had committed some truly awful things
And witnessed worse
He'd also seen great kindness
And passed it on to others

The life of one is not made up of a
Single moment or act
But in many small meaningful ones

The many hearts this one man touched
Will be seen in his passing
Only then do we appreciate what
We've had.
266 · Jul 2016
Another Grasp at Love
Pine Jul 2016
when she looked at him
it was if all the stars went
and the only light
emitted through him
231 · Jul 2016
Two Sides
Pine Jul 2016
she was smiles and sunlight,
somber and demons
she was laughter and melodies,
depression and tears

she never gave up the fight
between her two sides
you cannot live in the
without resting in the
227 · Jul 2016
The Sun is Out
Pine Jul 2016
she didn't realize how dark
her world had become
until one day
she went out
the birds were singing
and the sun was warm
and that rain cloud
that had been following
her around

the longer she stayed out
the better she began to feel
a little bird in her heart
began to chirp
and stretch its wings

by the time she got home
she herself was whistling
a tune that hadn't
touched her lips
in a long while
209 · Dec 2016
Pine Dec 2016
Silence hurts the most

passionate rage
I can handle
a heated argument
I can take

this emptiness
it drains me
makes my soul feel

as if I am
drowning in the
204 · Jun 2017
Barely Breathing
Pine Jun 2017
I just want it to end
I can barely breathe
In here

My soul is blackening
My lungs collapsing
For a final breath
I ache

Am I even worth
Saving at this rate?

I am criticized
My heart has
Shrunk in size

All I wanted
Was the love
I was promised
But that is too
Hard to provide
194 · May 2017
Silent Plea
Pine May 2017
I am drowning in this darkness
A sea of my own depression
I really need your help
But you're too far consumed
By your own image and electronics
To see me struggling to breathe

I was always there to grab your hand
When you fell into the deep end
You're supposed to be my friend
My shoulder to cry on
But when I need you
You're not there
You're hiding from me

I am only so strong
How long before I slip
Beneath the waves?
190 · Nov 2017
Melancholy Sea
Pine Nov 2017
Ah, well
We're all just swimming
In a sea of melancholy

Surfacing here or there
For a breath of fresh air
The moon pulls us
Back around
Into the evening chill
Where the night is still
And makes few sounds
In these moments it's
When we rise
Filling our lungs
Above the tide

The air is crisp and clean
We are free and unseen
To write to our hearts desire
The dawn peaks around the corner
And we dive back in until
The moon resides lonely in the dark
184 · May 2017
Frustrated With Myself
Pine May 2017
Sitting here staring blankly
Into my phone screen
Not knowing what to do
Why do I let you treat me this way
Why did I let you so far into my heart
Just to remind me why I had walls up

I have never let anyone
Make me feel this way
Make me cry this hard
This often

I'm so angry at myself
Because I continue
To love you anyways
181 · Nov 2017
The Bees
Pine Nov 2017
Have you ever heard
The sound of a bee
Buzzing along the flowers
To stop and listen to their tune for hours?
to not be afraid of a sting
But to listen to their tiny wings
Beating the odds as they sing
Their pollen song in the spring
Peace can be found
In the smallest of moments
If you stop and listen
To the bees
166 · Dec 2017
If I Could
Pine Dec 2017
If I could put tears into words would you understand me then?
would you understand my love
Would you understand the pain
Telling you my fears and concerns
When All I hear are vicious words in return

I'm just trying to convey my mind
To explain my heart
But you won't even let me start

I'm trying to say
I feel like I'm wasting away
My life is in limbo
And I need a guide
I'm reaching out to you
For some needed advice

For love is kind
And I need your love
To help me through
This difficult time

— The End —