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Mar 2021 · 141
Dear self
Diana Rop Mar 2021
Dear self
Just look back,
I made  a room
I made time
I showed up.
I didnt say much but i peeped alot.
I made sure they had it.
An access to the little light, it was always there when they needed it.
But the half stepping ***** couldnt even take time to understand my darkness.
I ripped my heart out and served it on a silver platter.
And all they could say is' we didnt ask for it"

Dear self
See,  i overextended myself
But it wasnt enough
I dont mean to embarrass or shame you but see how it was all one sided.
I told you but with your head held high you said" Dont **** up a good thing by digging too much"
Now you cant  be there for yourself when you need it most.
You could have stayed strangers
You could have stayed indoors and cooks rice one by one.
But  now thats pointless...
Jan 2021 · 121
Diana Rop Jan 2021
Thats how i feel  without you
The echo of your words deeply buried
In this cold-hearted heart
Maybe if i visit your grave one more time,
I would feel something to mull over,
Anything to  regret,
Something to scourge
Something to flare up my conscience
  For i need to keep this sanity.
Nov 2019 · 153
Diana Rop Nov 2019
You ever felt worthless?
Like you got a  million thoughts and questions of why you even exist,
Cause you ain't got a purpose.
You know you need to regain your ground,
But you're feeling lifeless, you feel locked in a bubble.
Like if you die tonight, will i go to heaven?
Will my name mean anything?
You pray that its the right time and your family will be alright.
You ever just lie in bed and create a list,
Of all the regrets.
Of all the things and challenges you've met.
Of all the mistakes.
Of all the things you said and wished you could erase
And there is nothing you can do.
You ever felt alone even when surrounded by people that you know.  
You losing friends and everyone thinks you're a liar.
You sit by the phone as you watch them live there lives,
And wish you were happy.
You ever stayed at home; cause you not for public
cause you got the ability to ruin everything
And you always on the wrong.
You ever found yourself worrying  about the people you will fail, if you dont get it right?
Life is a greatest journey
Stay strong, it never gets easier,
Don't forget to smell an enjoy  all the flowers  alongside the road,
Maybe thats the point,
Messing up and learning from it.
I am confident that your life has a purpose
You're smart, you're a genius,
You got the potential of being  great..
You gotta know hope when you feel low.
Nov 2019 · 152
Diana Rop Nov 2019
Sorry for the smile am wearing now
I'm sorry for the way my life turned out.
And i guess there is nothing more to say
Other than a thank you note
So thanks for making me a fighter
You stole the love that I saved for myself
I found the light you shut inside
Those wounds you made are gone
They made me muuch stronger,
They made my skin a little bit thicker.
Thank you for making me much wiser.

I heard you're going around playing the victim,
But don't even begin feeling like i am the one to blame,
After all the stealing and cheating.
Dont even start that sht with me,
I got issues of my own, i aint no time for this drama.
I heard you're told your friends i am just not your type
If thats how you really feel, why did you call me last night?
Diana Rop Aug 2019
Beyond the barren place, beyond the ocean waves
I will not lose heart,
I'll be better than i am
I'll do it till the sun goes down.
And When  am about to give it up
I will lift my arms and start to sing into the night.
And When i go through the waters,
When i go through the rivers,
When i go through the hills and mountains,
When i go through the valleys,
i'll keep rising, i'll keep falling,
I'll keep  climbing , i'll keep soaring,
A thousand views, a thousand miles,
I'll make it through.
My praise will call the sun to rise,
Declare  the battle won, declare that it is done.
I have this confidence because,
I have seen the faithfullness of God.
I'll stand before the giant, declaring victory.
My God will make a way, so i am not afraid.
Aug 2019 · 136
I met a girl
Diana Rop Aug 2019
I met a girl,
In blue jeans and crazy shoes.
As the sayings goes" give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world".
She has an enchanting crooked smile, a bittersweet kind of smile.
A smile that hides all her scars..
A smile  of a victor.
But once it hit the night and she is all alone, she find a place to hide and soothe her wounds. She burns inside and sheds tears, just like a candle when it melts.
Tears comes from the deepest and darkest corners of the heart..
Trapped in her own thoughts and insecurities she wished she could rehearse a life,
She definately would have erased  those life patterns that  only makes sense to God.

she had lain there, spent and numb,
The uncomfortable wet pillow, woke her,
She looked at her phone, and it was 3 am....
For lack of better thing to do, she sang  her favorite song "amazing grace"..the lyrics aligned with her thoughts.
She lift her arms in praise and reminded herself of his unnever ending grace and conditional love,
A love like no other...
With renewed strenght and hope, she waited for the sunrise..
Mar 2019 · 261
This feeling
Diana Rop Mar 2019
More than heat,
More than love,
Its flood that pours in and fills me up,
So much storm, waves and shudders,
His eyes,
Like a magnetic force it draws me
Awakening things inside me,
Things i didn't even know were there,
Everything is all jumpy and hot,
I just want to get in this car
Get on the highway and never stop.
Jan 2019 · 195
Let me down slowly
Diana Rop Jan 2019
Could you find a way to let me down slowly?
I'm slipping through the cracks of your embrace
I can't stop myself from falling
A little sympathy, i hope you can show me,
So please
If you're leaving,
Don't throw me out,
Don't cut me down
Let me down slowly.
Jan 2019 · 152
Diana Rop Jan 2019
Its the dawn of new realization
My heart says let me live it
Live it in this beautiful  moment
Oh, clouds wait a minute,
Let me live this ambience
Shower those droplets,
Blow thise winds,
Wonder if i will get this  opportunity again,
Let this heart live
Let it live this sight.
Jan 2019 · 427
The past
Diana Rop Jan 2019
The past i no longer hold
I see only a future, a bright future
But the present nudges,
And so i stay alert and listen to what it has offer,
Looking for what it presents
Yet i worry  about the past.
Diana Rop Jan 2019
For i am just a mix bag,
Of all the kinds of emotions, situations and circumstances
All the hurt, bitterness, regrets and hopelessness.
With this mess, i no longer hear my own voice
I will sweep out every cutter
Untill i discover the success  and prosperity that lies within
I'll dig out all the dirt,
I'll dig untill i see the roots
For I am done hacking the leaves.
Untill i find  my inner true voice,
I'll do whatever it takes.
I'll keep digging
Untill  my thoughts are refocused on what is positive   and true...
Jan 2019 · 156
Diana Rop Jan 2019
I allowed my fears to overwhelm me
Creating room in every corner.
With lots of enthusiasm i lay this ideas,
With patients, i watch them hatch
Like a tornado it scatters them
Screaming " who is the boss"
Like demons it dominates
A little deeper i sink in its throne
As ideas slowly fade away.
Leaving a memory of could've been.
I become shortsighted of my future.
Diana Rop Jan 2019
That three o’clock in the morning thing
That creeps up when nobody is there
And nothing to hold it off
It snaps at my throat
Makes me like a caged bird
Trapped in my own thoughts and fears
Seems like the world is shrinking around me
And if I don’t get out and away
It will catch up and crush me
And in that moment
I wish I could rehearse a life.
Jan 2019 · 1.2k
Endless possibilities
Diana Rop Jan 2019
Every dawn present new possibilities
A possibility that its going to be a good day,
That today is another step closer to my ambitions and dreams
Today i will make a difference in ones life
A possibility that i will light ones candle
A possibility that i will make one smile,
That something great will come up today.
And as i watch the sunset i thank God for the day.
Jan 2019 · 138
This moment
Diana Rop Jan 2019
Lets live in this moment,
Lets dance to the tune
And enjoy the moonlight
Keep those worries for tomorrow,
Lest you miss on this beautiful night.
Keep your eyes on the scenery,
The stars fighting with all their might
For their space in the sky
Lighting up our soul on their magnificient sight,
Twinkle twinkle little stars, make the sky so beautiful
And melt our hearts with  your beauty,
Making us wish that the night never ends
And Even if it does,  always smile on the imprinted scene
But Before this night ends
Lets live in this moment.
Jan 2019 · 173
Diana Rop Jan 2019
Its a dawn of new realization,
Time to change the gear,
The reign of fear and negativity is over,
Gone are the days of doubt,
Time to change the gear,
Bury those negativism,pessimism,
Steadily graduate  to optimism,
Ex out all the negatives,
Its then you'll realise that the sky is clear
Though the mind is clouded with doubt.
Whenever its gets blurred and hard to bear,
Just look at the sky and remember,
The sky is always beautiful.
Jan 2019 · 139
Tell me one more time
Diana Rop Jan 2019
Tell me one more time
That it'll be okay, even though its miles from being so
Tell me one more time
That the my darkest hour comes before dawn,
Tell me one more time
That you believe in me, no matter how crazy my ambitions are.
Even if its just a lie
Tell me one more time
That i can make it
Tell me one more time
That you'll always be there,
Tell me one more time
That for there to be sunrise there must be a sunset.

— The End —