18/F An 18 year old wanna be poet wishes to have her words heard and felt .Poetry gives her a sense of individuality and purpose that she hopes to give you too ;). (she loves cats) 104 followers / 2.2k words
I write for no noble cause, I spill all I never was, Selfishly I prey on hate, And engulf it without debate, My heart beats and death it cheats, Oblivious to my minds defeat.
He who's empty has no fear: there's nothing to be taken away he holds nothing dear-
life is illusive like will-o'-the-wisp to have dreams is to be deceived-
he who's empty doesn't seek to compete win or achieve in being nothing he doesn't lose anything- unseen, unknown and unnoticed he retains his life's intrinsic
Time is a starving god And each year she becomes more savage Her gluttonous face stuffing My years drip from her cheeks As if my slow aging is payment for my existence I give a year to live the next Turning life onto a sacrificial death To appease an ever unsatisfied deity A mindless consumer of the harshest variety